If money equals speech, doesn't it bother you some people have more...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!
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...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

You should move to Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela . They are all workers paradises!!

THE most natural privilege of man, next to the right of acting for himself, is that of combining his exertions with those of his fellow creatures and of acting in common with them. The right of association therefore appears to me almost as inalienable in its nature as the right of personal liberty. No legislator can attack it without impairing the foundations of society.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 12
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!

So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?
...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

they'd also be passing another alien and sedition acts to get rid of the subversive liberals and gun grabbers trying to constantly change the constitution and take away our rights.

But tell me this. if the democrats supported the OWS movement and their message, why have the rich gotten richer, the poor are still poor and the gap between them has grown?
...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

What poor person can afford those expensive political ads?

Why is it not OK for corporations and labor unions to spend as much as they want to convince people to vote for or against a candidate?
If the people educated themselves on the issues like our Founders had said voters should be, it would not matter how much they spent on ads.
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...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

You should move to Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela . They are all workers paradises!!


Its always comical that these communist jewels always refer themselves as the peoples republics. Never mind the gulags, concentration camps, work camps, and constant brainwashing.
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!

So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?

When you see an anti-Hillary Clinton movie, is that speech or is that money? Because that is what Citizens United was about. It was disingenuous liberals who came up with the bullshit "money is speech" meme.
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All speakers, including individuals and the media, use money amassed from the economic marketplace to fund their speech, and the First Amendment protects the resulting speech.

In January 2008, appellant Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation, released a documentary (hereinafter Hillary) critical of then-Senator Hillary Clinton, a candidate for her party's Presidential nomination.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

The makers of Hillary wanted to run ads on cable TV for their movie. Opponents argued the ads were an "electioneering communication" and therefore in violation of McCain-Feingold since that law forbade corporations from using their general funds to make expenditures for electioneering communication.
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...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

You should move to Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela. They are all workers paradises!!


China, too — coming soon to a theatre near you.
If you see an ad accusing a politician of throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic, is that speech or money?

It is speech.
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!

So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?

When you see an anti-Hillary Clinton movie, is that speech or is that money? Because that is what Citizens United was about. It was disingenuous liberals who came up with the bullshit "money is speech" meme.

One issue is redefining the first amendment. That is what Citizens United did.

The second issue is how ridiculous it is for billionaires to have a monopoly on free speech. Campaign finance laws prevented that. We can quivel about what is constitutional all day long, the fact is that ruling is abhorrent.
So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?

When you see an anti-Hillary Clinton movie, is that speech or is that money? Because that is what Citizens United was about. It was disingenuous liberals who came up with the bullshit "money is speech" meme.

One issue is redefining the first amendment. That is what Citizens United did.

The second issue is how ridiculous it is for billionaires to have a monopoly on free speech. Campaign finance laws prevented that. We can quivel about what is constitutional all day long, the fact is that ruling is abhorrent.

It did no such thing.
So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?

When you see an anti-Hillary Clinton movie, is that speech or is that money? Because that is what Citizens United was about. It was disingenuous liberals who came up with the bullshit "money is speech" meme.

One issue is redefining the first amendment. That is what Citizens United did.

Nope. It unleashed the First Amendment from the unconstitutional restraints placed on it by McCain-Feingold.

When you see an anti-Hillary Clinton movie, is that speech or is that money?

The second issue is how ridiculous it is for billionaires to have a monopoly on free speech. Campaign finance laws prevented that. We can quivel about what is constitutional all day long, the fact is that ruling is abhorrent.

Who says billionaires have a monopoly on free speech? Who is filling your silly head with that idea? Is a billionaire making you write these posts of yours?

Campaign finance reforms have achieved DICK. All of the "reforms" of the past half century have had ZERO impact on the re-election rate of incumbents.
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You want real campaign finance reform? It's actually quite simple.

I was going to say it is easy. It isn't.

But it is simple.

Stop giving our federal government so much power. Dilute it. Take it back.

Money follows power. Take away power, and the money stops chasing it. For example, take away a Congressman's ability to put tax breaks for his friends in the tax code, and you take away the reason for his friends to give him campaign cash for doing so.

See how simple that is?

When you centralize power, you make it so much easier to capture and control.

The dipshits on the left wing keep handing over more and more of our personal sovereignty to the federal government, and then they cry like bitches when money buys the levers of that power they surrendered.

Amazing. Simply amazing.
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...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

Men have equal rights. That doesn't mean they have equal abilities.

Your belief that the Founders would support liberals schemes to bring on Utopia is hilarious. They certainly would support income redistribution or progressive taxation.

The First Amendment protects freedom of speech. It doesn't mandate equal speech. Liberals can't get over the fact that not everyone shares their fetish for equality.
...freedom of speech than you?

Are the poor second class citizens? I thought all men were created equal? Trust me, today's republicans, if the founding fathers were alive today, they would want absolutely nothing to do with you.

You should move to Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela . They are all workers paradises!!


Yes, and they all have equal ability to speak: none.
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!

So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?

What do you imagine it should say about currency?

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