If Mitt Romney was President Bin laden would be alive and GM would be dead


VIP Member
Dec 5, 2008
The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

"Thank you, thank you. What's new in Afghanistan these days? Have you grunts finally got off your asses and caught Bin Laden? Only kidding, boys! Of course I understand that everything here is going just splendidly. Plenty of "remarkable accomplishments" in an operation that's always been fantastically managed at the very highest levels. Which is why, whenever I happen to find myself flying between Iran and Pakistan in a jet running on fumes, there's no place I'd rather do a quickie gas-up than here at safe, quiet Bagram Air Field."

This is a brilliant contribution to the board. Way to keep it moving.
The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

Link on Bin Laden? Gm is prosperous? Like moving out of country? Or still owing billions and billions of dollars? They still owe you too jackass
All the chest thumping about killing Bin Laden has resulted in a resurgence of Al Qaeda.

AQ is getting stronger by the day. Affiliates took out the Benghazi compound and murdered 4 Americans including a well respected and dearly loved Ambassador.

Now the Syrian rebels (who Obama has backed) have pledged allegiance to Al Nusra who are affiliated with AQ.

Keep bragging, keep chest thumping and witness Al Qaeda becoming a major force again. Way to go libs!
Oh and to the OP, you are still in Afghanistan. And Obama's death count on US Armed forces is higher in 4 years than in all of Bush's tenure.

Oh yeah, Obama's a champ.

The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

Prove it.
The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

If cow shit was butter you wouldn't have to churn.
The illegal Kenyan occupier is our north American sultan implementing sharia globally and here for his commie masters to destroy freedom and constitution of the country. Time to take it back from the scumbags and liberals that sheep up his Ahole
All the chest thumping about killing Bin Laden has resulted in a resurgence of Al Qaeda.

AQ is getting stronger by the day. Affiliates took out the Benghazi compound and murdered 4 Americans including a well respected and dearly loved Ambassador.

Now the Syrian rebels (who Obama has backed) have pledged allegiance to Al Nusra who are affiliated with AQ.

Keep bragging, keep chest thumping and witness Al Qaeda becoming a major force again. Way to go libs!
The US supports Al Qaida in the Middle East.
The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

I love how people post opinion as a fact given the commander in chief has information the rest of us don't you have no idea what decision Romney would have made if he had access to that information the GM part is only obvious to those who want to see it one way Romney was never for letting GM die as the left likes to put but for having them go through the normal chapter 13 bankruptcy process instead of the bailout. That is a disagreement on how GM should have been saved not a call to let it die.
You don't know if Mitt may have gone into Pakistan as well. Certainly, you don't broadcast that as your intention publicly, if you're sane.

As far as GM... IMO they would have been better off had they just gone through BK in the beginning, and re-written contracts, perhaps dumping the UAW. They DID go BK eventually anyway, after billions of taxpayers dollars were wasted on them

All King Barry did was screw the bond holders and hand a large percentage of GM to his buddies in the UAW.
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The problem with the title is that it would be true, as he was against violating the sovereignty of pakistan (an ally where Bin Laden was hiding). Bin Laden would still be there while the US could be fighting another 100 years in Afghanistan and never be the wiser

That GM would be dead seems pretty obvious

As Bengazi showed us, Al Qaeda is alive and well and GM is being subsidized by the US Taxpayer. From a National Defense and Economic strength perspective, not exactly something to hang your hat on. If bin Laden's death = Al Qaeda death and GM Bail out = GM self sufficiency, then I will join the President and Vice President in their mantra celebrations....clearly, that is not the case and we have a long way to go.

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