if it's OK to celebrates "gay pride," why not "straight pride"?


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Sounds like a fun idea. I'll make my famous blackened chicken mac n' cheese.
Anthony Rebello tried to organize a Straight Pride Parade in Seattle, but if I recall correctly only one person showed up. lol
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?

Their agenda is to protect this monopoly by extending it into a monopoly over everything - power, knowledge, culture, religion -- by reengineering humanity to serve them. This is "the matrix." This is why Communist and LGBT values are foisted on children. Why universities have been neutered. Why corporations and banks promote migration and homosexuality. Why the foreign policy of the West is bent on destroying any resistance (Russia, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Korea.) Society is satanically possessed by these people who use Freemasonry and organized Jewry as their instruments. Why do so few "pundits" get this?

- See more at: henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order
RadicalRednecksaid fuck it and unmasst: 17077561 said:
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Go right ahead. Who is preventing you?

The left is stopping them. All across this nation the left have just said fuckit and unmasked themselves in all their lizardly glory.
All across America the left gathers in humming, threatening crowds to silence voices on the right. They don't care what the right has to say and by gawd if they don't care then nobody's gonna hear that hate speech' . If you continue to try we won't back off and we will escalate and we're damn proud f the damage we do in both human misery, property damage and untold damage to the first amendment
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?

It hasn't occurred to anybody because "straightness" isn't something that's been marginalized. Therefore there's nothing against which to push back.

And in other breaking news the sun rose in the east today. Analysts say it might be a pattern.
It is clearly the fault of the left that there is a lack on interest in Straight Pride Parades. :mad:
if it's OK for Gays to celebrates "gay pride," why not have a " straight pride"parade as well?
Or how about Gun pride? I am pushing for equal protections laws for concealed carry permits being recognized by all 50 states and the District of Corruption. If homosexual marriage licenses are recognized in all 50 states, so should the carry permits.

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