IF ISIS manages to attack inside America will

Again. try to understand the concept of what you are talking about, read both sides of the debate and see which side is the obstructionists.
Nice try.

No, not an excuse, Obviously you have no idea what mediation is about.

When you have one faction , the right, the first day after the election, they have a meeting and make the statement of making his presidency one term. That is their only goal. Nothing else, a big portion of the blame of the country being divided lies on their shoulders too.
sorry thats an excuse.....someone who knows how to communicate with people who dont see things like he does would have had many moderate Repubs and the RINOS giving him the benefit of the doubt....like Clinton and Reagan did.....i was giving him that until i seen that this guy aint no leader.....i supported him as long as i could ....but hey the guy aint a good President....thats 2 in a row now.....if we get another,i pity this Country....
Obviously you have no idea what mediation is about.

yea its intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it.....something Obama aint very good at here at home....you just wont say it.....so i will say it for you....the guy is not much of a leader.....and this Country needs one badly and we havent had one since last Century.....and there doesnt seem to be any on the horizon...
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001

Bush's stupidity is just stunning.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
It's not growing in Fergie is it?
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.
By borrowing trillions from china
Only because we call it workplace violence now.
Premiums increasing...availability decreasing
Dos lesbanos.
Your delusions are noted, but the recession ended years ago. We have since added about 10 million jobs in the private sector since then.
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
It's not growing in Fergie is it?
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.
By borrowing trillions from china
Only because we call it workplace violence now.
Premiums increasing...availability decreasing
Dos lesbanos.
Your delusions are noted, but the recession ended years ago. We have since added about 10 million jobs in the private sector since then.

lets see, added 10 million, lost 12 million and most of the added are part time------------WOW, all hail obozo!
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.

Funny, in another thread you left wing numb nuts are blaming Bush for 9/11, but if we are hit on obama's watch it won't be his fault--------------------------WTF is wrong with you people? Is the dem party the only thing that matters in your pathetic little lives?
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.

Funny, in another thread you left wing numb nuts are blaming Bush for 9/11, but if we are hit on obama's watch it won't be his fault--------------------------WTF is wrong with you people? Is the dem party the only thing that matters in your pathetic little lives?
Shut up, moron. I never blamed Bush or one single person for 9/11. I do believe that his admin missed an opportunity to possibly prevent the attacks by not taking more seriously reports that AQ was planning on using airplanes to attack the US. And they definitely bungled the US response by getting bogged down and distracted by the war in Iraq.

You guys are almost gleefully hoping for an attack just so you can blame Obama. Talk about blind partisanship. It's quite disgusting actually.
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.

Funny, in another thread you left wing numb nuts are blaming Bush for 9/11, but if we are hit on obama's watch it won't be his fault--------------------------WTF is wrong with you people? Is the dem party the only thing that matters in your pathetic little lives?
Shut up, moron. I never blamed Bush or one single person for 9/11. I do believe that his admin missed an opportunity to possibly prevent the attacks by not taking more seriously reports that AQ was planning on using airplanes to attack the US. And they definitely bungled the US response by getting bogged down and distracted by the war in Iraq.

You guys are almost gleefully hoping for an attack just so you can blame Obama. Talk about blind partisanship. It's quite disgusting actually.

You may not have blamed Bush, but all of you libtardian friends have---over and over and over.

I think most intelligent people think the Iraq war was a stupid waste, but remember, both parties authorized and funded it. The quotes from prominent dems supporting that fiasco have been posted many times.

No one wants the US to suffer another terrorists attack. You are an asshole for suggesting that.

But the facts are that obama's policies have strengthened the radical muslims like ISIS, making an attack more likely.

The question is what is obama's real agenda. Why does he cancel the national day of prayer and participate in a muslim prayer gathering? Whose side is he really on?
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.

Funny, in another thread you left wing numb nuts are blaming Bush for 9/11, but if we are hit on obama's watch it won't be his fault--------------------------WTF is wrong with you people? Is the dem party the only thing that matters in your pathetic little lives?
Shut up, moron. I never blamed Bush or one single person for 9/11. I do believe that his admin missed an opportunity to possibly prevent the attacks by not taking more seriously reports that AQ was planning on using airplanes to attack the US. And they definitely bungled the US response by getting bogged down and distracted by the war in Iraq.

You guys are almost gleefully hoping for an attack just so you can blame Obama. Talk about blind partisanship. It's quite disgusting actually.
And now we have black clad thugs getting off a boat and running into California towns....
So, this is just an outlet for fright-wingers to blame Obama for an ISIS homeland attack that hasn't happened, and to ridicule him for not responding appropriately (to an imagined attack).

No surprises considering the op's penchant for hyperbolic, ignorant nonsense.

Funny, in another thread you left wing numb nuts are blaming Bush for 9/11, but if we are hit on obama's watch it won't be his fault--------------------------WTF is wrong with you people? Is the dem party the only thing that matters in your pathetic little lives?
Shut up, moron. I never blamed Bush or one single person for 9/11. I do believe that his admin missed an opportunity to possibly prevent the attacks by not taking more seriously reports that AQ was planning on using airplanes to attack the US. And they definitely bungled the US response by getting bogged down and distracted by the war in Iraq.

You guys are almost gleefully hoping for an attack just so you can blame Obama. Talk about blind partisanship. It's quite disgusting actually.
And now we have black clad thugs getting off a boat and running into California towns....

they are probably on a vendetta to get all the gay "married" couples----------------better watch out Seawytch. :biggrin:
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Oh, the irony ...

"And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, there's one terrible pilot." - Bush, 12.4.2001
What an idiotic comparison.
Everyone pretty much found out about 9/11 from the news at the moment it happened.
But Obama claims to find out about stuff months and months after it happens when he should have known about it way beforehand. It's like no one bothers to tell him anything, or that he's not the head of a very large government with tremendous resources. Or most likely, he just plain doesnt give a shit enough to find out
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Yeah, he only blamed his intelligence agencies for 9.11 AND for idiotically invading a country over WMDs they didn't have. :eusa_doh:
I dont recall Bush blaming anyone. The opposite actually.
And again you claim the war was because of WMDs, which has been debunked over and over for the last decade. Shows what an idiot you are.
Why worry about borders?

Maybe put a few minutes into worrying about the ISIS "soldiers" already in The White House.
I would not put it beyond our current "leader" to welcome a large scale attack so he can declare martial law.

obama wouldn't welcome an attack just so he could declare martial law. He would welcome an attack that killed large numbers of white people.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
Worst economic growth post recession in history
Highest level of government dependency ever
Highest level of government debt ever
First downgrade of US debt ever.
MOre uninsured people in health care
Lowest workforce participation rate since the 1970s.

Yeah, we want more of this!
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.

That is a pure flat out ignorance based lie. As dumb as you are on national nuke em all dead security, you are even worse on economic matters.
Pick your poison, numb nuts...

From the very first link your search provided ...

The U.S. Recovered From The Recession Faster Than Every Country But Germany

The average moron's first pick, naturally.

Liberals stand around like a bunch of 7th graders mocking Bush because he happened to be reading "My Pet Goat" to 6 year olds. They further smear him because " he did not react" upon hearing we had been hit. To me, this is one of the greatest instances in presidential leadership ever. If Bush had panicked, jumped up and run out, what impact would that have on the children? He calmly and slowly concluded his visit and not send everyone into a panic. The piece of shit Left would be smearing Bush if he had halted immediately and upset the children and school.

Liberals stand around like a bunch of 7th graders mocking Bush because he happened to be reading "My Pet Goat" to 6 year olds. They further smear him because " he did not react" upon hearing we had been hit. To me, this is one of the greatest instances in presidential leadership ever. If Bush had panicked, jumped up and run out, what impact would that have on the children? He calmly and slowly concluded his visit and not send everyone into a panic. The piece of shit Left would be smearing Bush if he had halted immediately and upset the children and school.

What would have been accomploshed by him rushing out? What was he personally going to do? There is a chain of command and people on the scene and all the facts were not known at that point.
Bush was a leader. He did unpopular things knowing they would be unpopular because he thought they were the right thing to do. History has vindicated him largely, except among the left,which will never vindicate him since they still blame him for beating Gore in 2000.
Please tell us ANYTHING Obama has failed at that in any way compares to the string of catastrophes that Boooosh produced that led us here, hater dupes. We're out of Iraq, Maliki the Booosh moron/a-hole is out, and this ISIS may make Iraq a real united country finally.
he has failed to bring this country together.....its gotten more split since he has been in....and right now this country needs a leader.....sorry Frankie.....the guy you defend,no matter what.....aint much of a leader...
On the day of his inauguration, Republicans established a plan to block everything Obama would propose.

How does one "unite" with folks like that?
even when he is not around those people he doesnt do much uniting.....and a hell of a lot of moderate Republicans were not part of the far right bullshit but yet he hasnt got enough leadership in him to try and win them over.....i worked with Democrats who were starting to question the guy and his ability to lead....i get it...some of you guys like the guy....but geezus....the guy is not flawless....he isnt perfect.....he wasnt ready for this job but your fucking party pushed him even though they knew he wasnt ready....so now we got what we got....
What we got is a growing economy, no more recessions despite the many predictions of a double-dip, a record high stock market, no 9.11 attacks inside America, national healthcare, and two Liberal Supreme Court justices. Hell, I'd vote for him again if he could run in 2016 and he wasn't my first choice in 2008.
It's not growing in Fergie is it?
We never got out of the recession...which "ended" in 2009.
By borrowing trillions from china
Only because we call it workplace violence now.
Premiums increasing...availability decreasing
Dos lesbanos.
Your delusions are noted, but the recession ended years ago. We have since added about 10 million jobs in the private sector since then.

lets see, added 10 million, lost 12 million and most of the added are part time------------WOW, all hail obozo!
Where would you be without hallucinations? In reality, the 10 million increase in jobs is a net gain And over the last 53 consecutive months of growth, only about 400K of those 10 million jobs were part time.

Feel free to ride out the rest of your acid trip now.
Bush learned about 9/11 how?

His aides. He never claimed ignorance due to his personelle like Obama has.

Obama claims he only finds out shit watching television.
Yeah, he only blamed his intelligence agencies for 9.11 AND for idiotically invading a country over WMDs they didn't have. :eusa_doh:
I dont recall Bush blaming anyone. The opposite actually.
And again you claim the war was because of WMDs, which has been debunked over and over for the last decade. Shows what an idiot you are.
Your recollection is sorely lacking...

"They looked at our response after the hostage crisis in Iran, the bombings of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, the first World Trade Center attack, the killing of American soldiers in Somalia, the destruction of two U.S. embassies in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. They concluded that free societies lacked the courage and character to defend themselves against a determined enemy."

As far as your rightardedness over why we invaded Iraq, despite the reasons cited, WMD were the main reason. Without relying on WMD as a reason to invade, there would not have been a war with Iraq, despite any other reasons.

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