If I Were President


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
If I Were President

The platform I would run on and what I would seek to do.

1) Cut the U.S. federal budget deficit by 50% each year. (This assumes the annual U.S. deficit is running at about one trillion dollars a year when I take office). 1st Year -250 billion dollars in budget cuts, 250 billion dollars in new revenue Mainly through economic growth (see #6) 2nd Year-125 billion in budget cuts, 125 billion dollars in new revenue

Cut federal education spending, agricultural subsidies, targeted, not general infrastructure spending, all “corporate welfare”, lifetime limits on welfare benefits and federal unemployment benefits. Steadily raise eligibility ages for retirement programs. Freeze federal civil servant hiring.

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2) Cut the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. each year by 50% before I leave office. Enforce existing immigration laws. Build better border security. Help Mexican economy especially in the border regions. Work with employers in Labor intensive industries to introduce more mechanization.

3) Cut the number of elective abortions performed in the U.S. each year by 50% before I leave office. Give states incentives to lower number of abortions locally by whatever means they are able to implement. Streamline federal adoption regulations dramatically. Make adoption radically cheaper for prospective parents.

4) Grow the U.S. economy by 50% before I leave office. (5.2% a year). (MOST vital) A) Freeze and rollback of regulations (except for emergencies) B) Vast tax code broadening and simplification-including Social Security C) Government/industry partnership on things like refinery building & nuclear power plant construction, open nuclear waste storage facility D) Emphasize a strong dollar-possibly higher interest rates. E) Push free trade in targeted areas using reciprocal trade agreements. F) Strong federal investment into research & development G) Heavily promote trade with African nations. H) Promote dramatic growth in domestic fossil fuels production


5) Increase Americans purchasing power by 36% before I leave office. (4% a year) mainly by holding down increases in prices of health care and education Make gasoline less subject to extreme price fluctuations by 12.5 or 25 cent federal Tax increase annually, eliminate over the road diesel fuel taxes

6) Commit the U.S. to 4% for Freedom- Defense spending at a minimum of 4% of GDP. Maintain 12 U.S. Army divisions & 4 armored cavalry regiments, 12 Carrier Battle Groups. 400 naval vessels, 165 heavy bombers, 1,800 nuclear weapons (including 200 new ICBMs & 9 SSBNs with 16 missiles each) 2,700 USAF combat aircraft available, 4,000 ABMs, make a serious commitment to U.S. civil defense against both attacks & natural disasters. Including Comprehensive protection against EMP attacks & CME events, and comprehensive preparations to prevent & recover from cyber-attacks. Triple the number of U.S. mine warfare vessels and the U.S. offensive mine inventory.


7) Commit the U.S. to launching 3 manned space missions and 1 unmanned exploratory mission each year. Manned would include four manned missions to Mars, eight manned Lunar missions, & two manned missions to asteroids. Remainder (10) would be long duration (180-300 day) orbital missions. Unmanned includes 1) Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, 2) Neptune Orbiter, 3) Horizons II (Uranus)-possibly piggyback a Uranus orbiter on a second TAU mission (see below) 4) Thousand Astronomical Unit (TAU) with Pluto orbiter aboard, 5) Solar Sample Return, 6) Venus Multi Site Lander/Sample Return, 7) Mercury Rover, 8) Titan Orbiter/Rover. Also develop manned rated nuclear propulsion systems. Nuclear thermal, VASIMIR, and/or nuclear salt water rockets. Build & deploy a space telescope capable of closely imaging Earth like extra solar planets.

Cut the number of U.S. Cabinet level departments by 25% Eliminate 1) Homeland Security 2) Veterans Affairs 3) Education 4) Energy 5) Agriculture 6) Commerce 7) Labor
Interior 9) Labor

9) In foreign policy, emphasize naval/air power and surgical ground strikes. Push for a global ban on all unmanned nuclear weapons delivery platforms of more than 2,500-mile (4,000 kilometer) range and for a global ban on all nuclear weapons with yields greater than 100 kilotons. Verified through unscheduled onsite inspections. A global ban on all weapons sales and transfers would be a great idea.

This would be a very good legacy to leave America by any means. I will pray for it.

Unstated agenda

1. Build and deploy a total of 9 combination large hospital/search & rescue ships. Station one(1) in the western Indian Ocean, one(2) in the eastern Indian Ocean, one(3) in the south Atlantic Ocean, one(4) in the western Pacific Ocean, and one(5) in the south eastern Pacific Ocean. Four additional ones are available for emergency overseas deployment or refit and training cycles. This allows the U.S. to respond quickly to natural disasters in Africa, Asia, South America, and the Indian subcontinent. Note, these large hospital/search & rescue ships would also be massively useful in the United States in the event of a massive EMP or CME event.

2. Build a number of nuclear reactors aboard barges that can connect to various points of the U.S. power grid in an emergency. Including high capacity desalination plants aboard might be a good idea as well.

3. Drastically increase funding for the Humane Society and/or the ASPCA. Determine which organization is better at helping prevent and alleviate cruelty to dogs, cats, horses and other animals.

4. Build the Rapid Roadway/Runway Repair Vehicles to assist in the repair and maintenance of public highways and airport runways around the United States.

5. Build and deploy the Firecat fire break building excavator system in wildfire prone areas of the United States.

6. Revitalize the U.S. fleet of aerial firefighting tankers.

7. Build and deploy five or six advanced U.S. ice breakers to the Arctic Ocean. Create an “8th Fleet” of the U.S. Navy specialized for Arctic operations. This is to deal with future expansionism plans in the region by the Russians as well as protect and promote U.S. interests in the Arctic Ocean.

8. Radically increase funding for nature preserves and natural habitat zoos. Acquire natural habitat territory in regions of Africa, Asia, and South America.

9. Store emergency equipment to restore the U.S. power grid in the case of a massive EMP attack or CME event well outside the U.S. in somewhere like Diego Garcia. Include emergency communications equipment and vehicles.

10. Eliminate puppy and kitten mills as well as other things in the U.S. that encourage the abuse and maltreatment of animals. Use social pressure heavily.

11. Reduce the black infant mortality rate by 50%. I hope for a trial run regarding this in my home state.
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Thanks but I don't give the dick to dike bitches
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Thanks but I don't give the dick to dike bitches
I'm sure you give dick to any man who asks. You're pretty desperate.
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Thanks but I don't give the dick to dike bitches
I'm sure you give dick to any man who asks. You're pretty desperate.
So nothing in the least. Good day dumbfuck
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Thanks but I don't give the dick to dike bitches
I'm sure you give dick to any man who asks. You're pretty desperate.
So nothing in the least. Good day dumbfuck
Describing your anatomy dickless?
Why cant we run someone that will abide by the constitution and cut all that bullshit out?
You don't want an air force?
An air force is perfectly constitutional. Leave it to you to not understand the point.
Where is it mentioned specifically?
You make a good point, but the strict definition of army includes attacking all ground troops and an airplane is just another way to attack them.
I do find this debate humorous coming from a full fledged statist.
Do you also make this argument for welfare, aid ((foreign and domestic) education, stimulus, national mandates, etc?

So it's not mentioned. Thanks. You are interpreting the document. I find it humorous coming from a strict constitutionalist. Should we also get rid of our space program? It's not mentioned at all.
Im going by a strict definition of army, you idiot.
Wanna address the rest of my post? Or live in lala land

Yes, and we currently have something called an "air force". You do know that, right?
So you cant even stick to your own topic. Lol how quaint

I did. You didn't.
You are a dumbass. And a fake. Good night
Fuck you very much.
Thanks but I don't give the dick to dike bitches
I'm sure you give dick to any man who asks. You're pretty desperate.
So nothing in the least. Good day dumbfuck
Describing your anatomy dickless?
Look babe. I'm not picky when it comes to head. If that's what you want, I'll consider it. Just PM your tits

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