If I were a Democrat, I would think Gingrich used dog whistle language


Feb 14, 2011
If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.
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If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Since the Democrats aren't going to vote for ANYONE the GOP puts up, I'm not sure why you'd be concerned about how they preceive things.

I do love this liberal media term "Dog Whistle Language", that using a term like "Food Stamp President" is a racial signal. It isn't.

It's a valid criticism that under Obama's watch, we have more people on food stamps than ever.

Of course, the problem is, it was people like Romney that helped put them there. By getting rid of the good paying union jobs and replacing them with McJobs, you've made more people dependent on Food Stamps.

Here's the ugly truth. 40% of households on foodstamps have at least one person who has a job. 70% of food stamp recipiants are white.

It isn't just the lack of jobs that's the problem (Mr. Obama) but it's the quality of the jobs that are out there (Mr. Romney.)
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If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Since the Democrats aren't going to vote for ANYONE the GOP puts up, I'm not sure why you'd be concerned about how they preceive things.

I do love this liberal media term "Dog Whistle Language", that using a term like "Food Stamp President" is a racial signal. It isn't.

It's a valid criticism that under Obama's watch, we have more people on food stamps than ever.

Of course, the problem is, it was people like Romney that helped put them there. By getting rid of the good paying union jobs and replacing them with McJobs, you've made more people dependent on Food Stamps.

Here's the ugly truth. 40% of households on foodstamps have at least one person who has a job. 70% of food stamp recipiants are white.

It isn't just the lack of jobs that's the problem (Mr. Obama) but it's the quality of the jobs that are out there (Mr. Romney.)

You don't know why I would listen to other people and try to understand what they were concerned about?

Well, silly me, I do listen. And I notice that some of what they think coincides with my own impression of Gingrich. So I comment that we have this in common.
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I only concern myself with what people are concerned with if I expect to win them over or get something from them.

This whole notion of giving Democrats veto power over our nominee is silly. It was silly when we did it with McCain, it's sillier now.
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I only concern myself with what people are concerned with if I expect to win them over or get something from them.

This whole notion of giving Democrats veto power over our nominee is silly. It was silly when we did it with McCain, it's sillier now.

Wow. That sounds really jerky.

I am making an observation about how hateful Gingrich sounds. I make this observation independent of what anyone in any party thinks about him. It just so happens to be similar to what some Democrats think and so I observe that too.

This has nothing to do with "giving Democrats power over my nominee". Newt comes across as a hater. This thread is a comment on how Democrats characterize the hate. They phrase it a little different from how I would. But I understand why they characterize it as they do.
I only concern myself with what people are concerned with if I expect to win them over or get something from them.

This whole notion of giving Democrats veto power over our nominee is silly. It was silly when we did it with McCain, it's sillier now.

Wow. That sounds really jerky.

I am making an observation about how hateful Gingrich sounds. I make this observation independent of what anyone in any party thinks about him. It just so happens to be similar to what some Democrats think and so I observe that too.

This has nothing to do with "giving Democrats power over my nominee". Newt comes across as a hater. This thread is a comment on how Democrats characterize the hate. They phrase it a little different from how I would. But I understand why they characterize it as they do.

The only reason you hate Gingrich right now is because he's giving your Weird Mormon Robot a bloody nose.

Just like the only reason you cared about Todd Willingham (baby murderer executed in Texas) was because Rick Perry was a threat to Romney.

In short, you are inventing excuses not to like him, which you have every right to do.

But realisitically, I don't go through life worrying about how other people feel if their feelings aren't important to anything I'm trying to accomplish. Sorry, I'm just not. The Democrats are going to be against ANYONE the GOP puts up. Buying into their lame arguments that "Food Stamps" is code language on race is just silly.
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I only concern myself with what people are concerned with if I expect to win them over or get something from them.

This whole notion of giving Democrats veto power over our nominee is silly. It was silly when we did it with McCain, it's sillier now.

Wow. That sounds really jerky.

I am making an observation about how hateful Gingrich sounds. I make this observation independent of what anyone in any party thinks about him. It just so happens to be similar to what some Democrats think and so I observe that too.

This has nothing to do with "giving Democrats power over my nominee". Newt comes across as a hater. This thread is a comment on how Democrats characterize the hate. They phrase it a little different from how I would. But I understand why they characterize it as they do.

The only reason you hate Gingrich right now is because he's giving your Weird Mormon Robot a bloody nose.

Just like the only reason you cared about Todd Willingham (baby murderer executed in Texas) was because Rick Perry was a threat to Romney.

In short, you are inventing excuses not to like him, which you have every right to do.

But realisitically, I don't go through life worrying about how other people feel if their feelings aren't important to anything I'm trying to accomplish. Sorry, I'm just not. The Democrats are going to be against ANYONE the GOP puts up. Buying into their lame arguments that "Food Stamps" is code language on race is just silly.

I have disliked Gingrich since the 1990's and I have been against the death penalty for some time now because of what I perceive as flaws in how it is dealt out. I only learned about Todd Willingham because Rick Perry was running for president but I would have been alarmed by the case before that if I had heard about it. I would prefer not to think about Gingrich at all because of how much I dislike him, but his presence in this race is forcing me to think about him.

The reason you are accusing me of inventing reasons not to like Gingrich is because (a) you don't believe what I have said over and over or (b) you need to do so because you need to find some reason to discount my support for Romney.

Since I think you actually do believe my statements about myself most of the time, I'll go with (b).
"Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president."

Since you're a Pub dupe, there's lots of things you don't want to think about about or analyze. Great job, 'Melie!
If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Personally--I don't think there's anything WRONG with encouraging People who cannot speak English to learn it--especially if they're residing in this country.

It only benefits THEM--and that is exactly what Newt Gingrich stated in the video. BTW--he never mentioned SPANISH--he was talking about all language differences.

Romney just twisted it around for those less inclined to actually watch the video--or are watching Romney's edit--cut and paste version.

"Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president."

Since you're a Pub dupe, there's lots of things you don't want to think about about or analyze. Great job, 'Melie!


Since I'm a Republican I don't have as much of an incentive to diss Gingrich as a Democrat would. I don't have the urge to make a list of Republicans I dislike. I'm happy to have them fade into history, if they'll just have the decency to do that.

On the other hand, consider the example you've just shown us of partisan-motivated dissing. You diss conservatives such as myself even when we're in agreement with liberals.

Romney will do the same crappe as Newt would if elected- none of it good for anyone but the greedy rich/corporations....bought off tools the lot of 'em. What salesmen and propagandists though.-end of story. See sig, last sentence...

How bout those Baylor Bears? LOL
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If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Since this is a potential leader of the free world we are talking about here, I would think each candidate should be analyzed by Democrats and Republicans ad nauseum.

GOP strategists are analyzing Gingrich very carefully. Not much support is coming from Newt's fellow lawmakers:

Most GOP congressional sources who tell CNN that Republican leadership is concerned about Gingrich also say they doubt he will eventually get the nomination.

"Most members don't expect him to go further," said a senior GOP leadership aide, adding that they don't want to "waste bullets attacking the guy not going anywhere anyway,"

But members are watching Florida very carefully.

"We are not at Defcon 5 yet, but we'll see what happens in Florida," said another one of the worried GOP strategists.

If Gingrich does win, veteran GOP strategists tell CNN to expect pressure on Senate Minority Leaders Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders to call key GOP donors and ask them not to contribute to Gingrich's campaign.

GOP angst: Gingrich's rise could be their downfall - Page 2 - CNN

Personally, as a Democrat myself, I am not only watching Newt's moves but also how the Republican party responds. I think it speaks volumes.
I have disliked Gingrich since the 1990's and I have been against the death penalty for some time now because of what I perceive as flaws in how it is dealt out. I only learned about Todd Willingham because Rick Perry was running for president but I would have been alarmed by the case before that if I had heard about it. I would prefer not to think about Gingrich at all because of how much I dislike him, but his presence in this race is forcing me to think about him.

The reason you are accusing me of inventing reasons not to like Gingrich is because (a) you don't believe what I have said over and over or (b) you need to do so because you need to find some reason to discount my support for Romney.

Since I think you actually do believe my statements about myself most of the time, I'll go with (b).

I think the self-delusion the Romney supporters go through is pretty thorough, to be honest. You convince yourself he's electable even though he's lost 75% of the elections he's ever run in. You talk about what a great businessman he was, but 40% of the places he invested in filed for bankruptcy. So do you really believe that Romney's a great guy? Yup, you probably do. Are you basing that on anything objective? Probably not.

I, on the other hand, am objective. Initially I thought Perry might be the guy. When it was clear he wasn't, I stopped supporting him. I gave Cain a fair look, but it was obvious he wasn't the guy long before his mistresses started coming out of the closet. Newt's got baggage, and he won't be the nominee, which is a damned shame, because none of those have to do anything with his actual ability to run the country.
If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Since this is a potential leader of the free world we are talking about here, I would think each candidate should be analyzed by Democrats and Republicans ad nauseum.

GOP strategists are analyzing Gingrich very carefully. Not much support is coming from Newt's fellow lawmakers:

Most GOP congressional sources who tell CNN that Republican leadership is concerned about Gingrich also say they doubt he will eventually get the nomination.

"Most members don't expect him to go further," said a senior GOP leadership aide, adding that they don't want to "waste bullets attacking the guy not going anywhere anyway,"

But members are watching Florida very carefully.

"We are not at Defcon 5 yet, but we'll see what happens in Florida," said another one of the worried GOP strategists.

If Gingrich does win, veteran GOP strategists tell CNN to expect pressure on Senate Minority Leaders Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders to call key GOP donors and ask them not to contribute to Gingrich's campaign.

GOP angst: Gingrich's rise could be their downfall - Page 2 - CNN

Personally, as a Democrat myself, I am not only watching Newt's moves but also how the Republican party responds. I think it speaks volumes.

"Most members don't expect him to go further," said a senior GOP leadership aide, adding that they don't want to "waste bullets attacking the guy not going anywhere anyway,"

That's how I feel about him.

When he is just a former party leader doing guest spots out on the pundit circuit, then I can give him some credit for the occasional interesting idea and not make a big deal out of the unfortunate things he throws into the mix.

It's just when it looks like he might actually get the nomination that it becomes urgent to start paying attention to the negatives and trying to figure out how to deal with them.

When he was on the rise back in November or December, the way I tried to deal with the things I didn't like about him was to just try to look at him with fresh eyes and try to appreciate his good points and hope that he showed that he didn't still display the things I didn't like. But he couldn't stop showing his bad side. My willingness to give him another chance ended.

So he's back to someone I'd like to have recede into irrelevance. But if he wins in Florida I'll have to pay more attention to him again and won't be happy about it.
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I liked Gingrich because of the way he would take the fight right to obaabaa's door. However, watching the sleazy, underhanded and vicious campaign that Romney is running, HE might be the best one to use those tactics on obaabaa!

Stop the democrat/marxist train, everything else can come later.
If I were a Democrat I would probably be one of those who thought Gingrich was racist or was at least using dog whistle language to try to excite some sort of visceral racial/"other" feeling in the Republican base.

Since I'm a Republican, I don't have as much of an urge to analyze him. I'd prefer not to have to think of him at all. I just don't care about Gingrich so long as he is not my party's candidate for president.

For a few days there after his South Carolina win, it looked like I was going to have to pay attention to Gingrich again. Enough attention to make a list of pros and cons about him to compare seriously to a list of pros and cons about Obama staying in office.

If Gingrich pulls out a Florida win, then I'll be back to having to think about that list.

In the end, Newt will probably win out on that list but (a) I don't think he can win the general election and (b) I can't defend his choice of language. His language is a huge turn off for me, easily as much of a turn off as Obama's divisive and condescending language is.

Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks.

Since this is a potential leader of the free world we are talking about here, I would think each candidate should be analyzed by Democrats and Republicans ad nauseum.

GOP strategists are analyzing Gingrich very carefully. Not much support is coming from Newt's fellow lawmakers:

Most GOP congressional sources who tell CNN that Republican leadership is concerned about Gingrich also say they doubt he will eventually get the nomination.

"Most members don't expect him to go further," said a senior GOP leadership aide, adding that they don't want to "waste bullets attacking the guy not going anywhere anyway,"

But members are watching Florida very carefully.

"We are not at Defcon 5 yet, but we'll see what happens in Florida," said another one of the worried GOP strategists.

If Gingrich does win, veteran GOP strategists tell CNN to expect pressure on Senate Minority Leaders Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders to call key GOP donors and ask them not to contribute to Gingrich's campaign.

GOP angst: Gingrich's rise could be their downfall - Page 2 - CNN

Personally, as a Democrat myself, I am not only watching Newt's moves but also how the Republican party responds. I think it speaks volumes.

"Most members don't expect him to go further," said a senior GOP leadership aide, adding that they don't want to "waste bullets attacking the guy not going anywhere anyway,"

That's how I feel about him.

When he is just a former party leader doing guest spots out on the pundit circuit, then I can give him some credit for the occasional interesting idea and not make a big deal out of the unfortunate things he throws into the mix.

It's just when it looks like he might actually get the nomination that it becomes urgent to start paying attention to the negatives and trying to figure out how to deal with them.

When he was on the rise back in November or December, the way I tried to deal with the things I didn't like about him was to just try to look at him with fresh eyes and try to appreciate his good points and hope that he showed that he didn't still display the things I didn't like. But he couldn't stop showing his bad side. My willingness to give him another chance ended.

So he's back to someone I'd like to have recede into irrelevance. But if he wins in Florida I'll have to pay more attention to him again and won't be happy about it.

The Florida primary will be a nail-biter, won't it? If he wins, I would not be happy at all if I were you either. On the other hand, I couldn't be more thrilled! LOL

Your avatar is adorable, btw!
"Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks."

Horse patoot! I live there and it's true. Rural voters frustrated by the Pub default position government contract their world view as he says...Newt is a four letter man with discredited, insulting racist "solutions".

NRA: Barack Obama - "bitter gun owners" - YouTube 25 sec - May 21, 2008
Uploaded by NRAVideos
Obama says rural voters are bitter and cling to guns.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZWaxjiQyFk]NRA: Barack Obama - "bitter gun owners" - YouTube[/ame]
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"Obama's bitter clinger comment, taken in context, is no worse than the way Newt talks."

Horse patoot! I live there and it's true. Rural voters frustrated by the Pub default position government contract their world view as he says...Newt is a four letter man with discredited, insulting racist "solutions".

NRA: Barack Obama - "bitter gun owners" - YouTube 25 sec - May 21, 2008
Uploaded by NRAVideos
Obama says rural voters are bitter and cling to guns.
NRA: Barack Obama - "bitter gun owners" - YouTube

That little spiel of his was a biased and condescending thing to say about religion, and the part about antipathy toward people who aren't like them ... well that's the flip side of what Gingrich is being accused of.

That was Obama playing the race card way back then. Broadbrushing millions of us to his elite liberal coffee klatch.

The disdain he showed for us there, and which he has displayed since, was not the way to earn the respect of the people who he supposedly wanted to lead. But the hypocrite didn't expect that it would ever be heard by us bitter people in the heartland.

It took me a long time to start showing him any disrespect which came close to the way he has disrespected us.

But you go ahead and excuse the dog whistle speech on your side. I wouldn't expect anything else.
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