If I Had a Caregiver


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by [email protected] (Scott Lee) gives us this truly sad post that makes me wonder how many more are out there like this, Read the whole piece @ PTSD: A Soldier's Perspective: If I Had a Caregiver

I don't have a caregiver or someone to share my life with, I live alone with my dog whom helps with the companion component. But, I lack a special someone who empathizes and has compassion towards this disabled vet. An advocate for me when I no longer feel like fighting the system and naysayers and a healer for when the pain is too much to bear. The person whom I trust implicitly when it comes to making executive decisions on my behalf when the PTSD beast bites.
My sympathy.
I finally got over my PTSD, took many years.
I have cats and a housekeeper, Home health nurses a couple of times a week.
If not for SS disability generated Medicare Health coverage....

Apparently form that post the US is not taking proper care of it's vets that served their country.
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Thanks for your service.

I have to admit that I spent most of my time in 'Nam sitting behind a desk. But, the few times I went into the field left me with an occasional nightmare that took many years to go away. Never forget the first time after getting back when I heard the Retreat cannon at the parade ground go off.
It was hell for someone like me who seriously considered going to Canada.
But I did my duty.
Had 1 year of electronics school before being drafted and wound up in Infantry, mostly recon, etc.
Tech school did not qualify as a deferment...

It was about 10 years before I would even pick up a gun. maybe 20 years for the nightmares to go away.
I wanted nothing at all to do with the military after I got loose from them.

But thanks for your thanks.
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