If Hitler Had Spoke English


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
If Adolf Hitler had made some of his notorious speeches in English, do you think that may have gone some way towards softening his present image and legacy?

Assuming that most of us aren't fluent in German, most of us can be forgiven for automatically assuming that once the gesticulating and powerful voice is delivered, Hitler's ordering or fantasising over something despicable. However, a lot of it wasn't, but over the last sixty-odd years the majority of people who were raised in the West have been conditioned to be reviled by everything Hitler and the Third Reich stood for. Do you think that conditioning would've been harder to accomplish had Hitler spoke English?
Hasn't helped obama... so I doubt it. Left-think is irrational, therefore the rational will never accept it as sound reason.
s/b If Hitler had SPOKEN English.

Just saying you might want to start with your own and then make ridiculous assertions from there.
And so, whats the point? One has to take the events and circumstances of the time into consideration. In today's world he would have been dismissed as just another national socialist attempting to drum up support, probably committing acts of terrorism against business, banks, and ethnic minorities.
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.

Wanna see a similar example in English? Ever seen some public outdoor event where a microphone is dressed in a windscreen that looks like this?


Know what we call that type of windscreen? A "dead kitten". It's simply what it looks like.

Then there's ...
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.

Wanna see a similar example in English? Ever seen some public outdoor event where a microphone is dressed in a windscreen that looks like this?


Know what we call that type of windscreen? A "dead kitten". It's simply what it looks like.

Then there's ...

It is obvious that you have never studied German and read the ----bits and pieces of literature that people learning a language read
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.

Wanna see a similar example in English? Ever seen some public outdoor event where a microphone is dressed in a windscreen that looks like this?


Know what we call that type of windscreen? A "dead kitten". It's simply what it looks like.

Then there's ...

It is obvious that you have never studied German and read the ----bits and pieces of literature that people learning a language read

Ah but I have. And Dutch, and French, and Portuguese and a few others to a lesser extent. Learning languages is essential to a broader understanding of one's own.

Long ago and far away I was an au pair boy in France. Among my charges were two kids, 8 and 15 years old - the mother was German. With the 8-year old we conversed in French and got on just fine, but the 15-year-old spoke so fast and slurred so many words we had to switch to German. And that worked. I love having that kind of flexibility.

Why I even dabble in English now and again...
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I've read some of his speeches, and i don't get the attraction. They're pretty average.

Maybe there was something about being German at that time that made them get all sweaty.

Or myabe lot's lost in translation?
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

  • German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.
  • No, she's absolutely right and it's a valid point. It isn't the language itself but the extreme nature of the use. For example an American would say "kiss my ass", the German equivalent is "du lecht mir am arsch" Or something spelled like that, my German is very rusty. It means "you lick me on the ass".
  • The language is harsh and as are the idioms.
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

  • German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.
  • No, she's absolutely right and it's a valid point. It isn't the language itself but the extreme nature of the use. For example an American would say "kiss my ass", the German equivalent is "du lecht mir am arsch" Or something spelled like that, my German is very rusty. It means "you lick me on the ass".
  • The language is harsh and as are the idioms.

"Harsh" from --- what perspective? That's the point.

Do y'all mean "earthy"? You want earthy, wait 'til you converse with the French.

What distinction do you see between "kiss my ass" and "lick me on the ass" anyway?
Ah but I have. And Dutch, and French, and Portuguese and a few others to a lesser extent. Learning languages is essential to a broader understanding of one's own.

Long ago and far away I was an au pair boy in France. Among my charges were two kids, 8 and 15 years old - the mother was German. With the 8-year old we conversed in French and got on just fine, but the 15-year-old spoke so fast and slurred so many words we had to switch to German. And that worked. I love having that kind of flexibility.

Why I even dabble in English now and again...
Why I lived in Germany for 7 years and grew up with a German mother and can say you're full of it.
If Adolf spoke English----he could never have conjured up the
filth that he either spoke or wrote-----one NEEDS GERMAN
for that kind of crap. German is a kind of black language.---
even its colloquialisms are Kafkaesque-------there is a word used
to describe the shoes of persons with large feet (especially poles) KINDERKOFFIN or maybe KINDERCOFFIN----I am
not sure-----I did german in undergraduate school. it is
childrens' coffins------for the large feet of dumkopf poles
(or maybe dummkopf---I don't remember). Language
does influence one's thinking (denken)----Arabic is particularly good for "DEATH TO..... "chants" ----in fact all kinds of

That's a reallllly bad attempted point. "Black"? "Kafkaesque"? (what does that even mean?)

German's a rational language, as languages go, and strongly structured, but the "kindercoffin" stretch is kinda ridiculous.

Wanna see a similar example in English? Ever seen some public outdoor event where a microphone is dressed in a windscreen that looks like this?


Know what we call that type of windscreen? A "dead kitten". It's simply what it looks like.

Then there's ...

It is obvious that you have never studied German and read the ----bits and pieces of literature that people learning a language read

Ah but I have. And Dutch, and French, and Portuguese and a few others to a lesser extent.

Learning languages is essential to a broader understanding of one's own.

good---then you should know that german literature is full of dark imagery and ----dark personalities and creatures

Goethe and Kafka ---are good examples of GERMAN LANGUAGE influence
Ah, well if I'm "full of it" and "should have a child walk me through" obviously you're the expert... guess you told me.

It would have made no difference if he had spoken in English, he was a prejudiced megalomaniac. He was no where near as inspired as Churchill in his speeches and writings, and he was a lousy painter. Churchill was an amateur painter, and he knew it saying he would spend the first million years in heaven getting to the bottom of the subject. But his paintings are far better that Hitler's wishy washy water colours.

The war could have been avoided entirely if Hitler and Churchill had decided the winner by taking an arts exam.

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