Legitimate Reasons To Protest

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
While I totally disagree with violent and destructive protests and riots, I do believe that protests have a rightful place in society. I believe that people should express anger and disagreement with the government, the judicial system, and other obvious moral and ethically tarnished facets of society. The people's voice should be heard and expressed in a way that brings attention to socioeconomic problems and injustices. I do not approve of, nor condone, looting, the destruction of property, violence against others, or anything outside of peaceful organized public outcry. That being said, we have legitimate cause to keep active protests alive and in the public's eye.

Legitimate Reasons To Protest: The injustices in our judicial system, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, government corruption and favoritism, senseless deadly costly wars, the loss of privacy, the astronomical and rising national debt, and illegal immigration, just to name a few.

Although some have said that voting is the best way to protest, it's not a very effective means to get a point across. Voting can not replace protests unless the majority of citizens are of like minds, and unite behind causes that adversely affects the nation as a whole. And even that solution heavily depends on a candidate's stand on issues.

Considering the big picture, we should continually protest day and night until those in power listen to the people, and act on the demands of a wronged and dissatisfied public.

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