If COVID-19 Is Such A SERIOUS Threat, Why Are Blue State Dems Using COVID-19 Money On Liberal Projects / Priorities?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

"Screw Your Corona Virus - We have liberal agenda items that need funding!"

This used to be called 'Mis-use of Funds'. President Trump should declare any use of Federal Funds earmarked / intended for COVID-19 used for anything other than that is theft / mis-use of Federal funds and must be paid back to the Federal Govt ... or future Federal Funds will be withheld.

Sounds like quite a few people need to be held accountable...but it goes back to my point about how COVID-19 doesn't seem to be the 'bogey man' the fear-mongers' have made it out to be.
Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

"Screw Your Corona Virus - We have liberal agenda items that need funding!"

This used to be called 'Mis-use of Funds'. President Trump should declare any use of Federal Funds earmarked / intended for COVID-19 used for anything other than that is theft / mis-use of Federal funds and must be paid back to the Federal Govt ... or future Federal Funds will be withheld.

Trump is on tape telling Woodward Covid-19 is a serious threat.
Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

Blue states, Dem mayors racing to spend coronavirus aid money on liberal priorities

"Screw Your Corona Virus - We have liberal agenda items that need funding!"

This used to be called 'Mis-use of Funds'. President Trump should declare any use of Federal Funds earmarked / intended for COVID-19 used for anything other than that is theft / mis-use of Federal funds and must be paid back to the Federal Govt ... or future Federal Funds will be withheld.

Democrats made the virus into a slush fund project.
Anyone who's been paying attention knows very well that the #CoronaHoax2020 was created for purely political purposes. It should be no surprise at all, then, to see corrupt Democraps misappropriating and abusing resources that were allocated on the basis of the #CoronaHoax. That's part of the reason that they created this hoax in the first place, out of what otherwise would have been just another routine seasonal flu outbreak.
Trump is on tape telling Woodward Covid-19 is a serious threat.

Which is why President Trump was already acting to protect this country the day after China informed the WHO there was 'a problem', while Democrats never saw the pandemic coming because they were busy conducting the very 1st Political Partisan Impeachment, while they were telling Americans there was nothing to the virus, and while Biden was leading the Democrat opposition to Life-Saving travel bans he called 'Xenophobic'...before admitting later it was the right thing to do....
Anyone who's been paying attention knows very well that the #CoronaHoax2020 was created for purely political purposes. It should be no surprise at all, then, to see corrupt Democraps misappropriating and abusing resources that were allocated on the basis of the #CoronaHoax. That's part of the reason that they created this hoax in the first place, out of what otherwise would have been just another routine seasonal flu outbreak.

Considering it has now been proven that China manufactured and released the virus AND since it has now been proven that China is funding both the violence in Democrat cities, funding the Domestic Terrorists doing it, AND pumping millions into the Biden campaign, one must wonder if Biden and the Democrats on China's payroll colluded to create the 'Pandemic Fear-Mongering' which Democrats used to hurt the economy - Trump's biggest strength - and to trample citizens' Constitutional and Civil rights.
The "steal all the covid money" is just the same left wing scam they always use.

Scare people
Steal their money, their jobs, their lives
Leftist media applauds, lies, and conspires
Trump is on tape telling Woodward Covid-19 is a serious threat.

Which is why President Trump was already acting to protect this country the day after China informed the WHO there was 'a problem', while Democrats never saw the pandemic coming because they were busy conducting the very 1st Political Partisan Impeachment, while they were telling Americans there was nothing to the virus, and while Biden was leading the Democrat opposition to Life-Saving travel bans he called 'Xenophobic'...before admitting later it was the right thing to do....
Yeah, but Trump lied about this and lied about that.

Most Democrats have short-term memory loss.
They can't remember much of anything because it a bit too inconvenient for their ideology.
Piggies at the trough gobbling up covid aid money.
What a health disaster the Wuhan flu is.....think how much "free" college money it can shake down.

Democrats can't help themselves and if anyone kills grandma due to covid it will be them funneling
money away to democrat favored programs. Don't tell me my mask makes a damned bit of difference!
Gretchen Whitmer and Eric Swalwell knows better than that.

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