If China overtakes the US economically, does that spell doom for the US?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
If so, why? What exactly would change in the quality of life of Americans? Is it possible - depending on how things go - that it could be a good thing?
As China's labor costs rist they will start locating manufacturing plants in the USA.
the selling of America will continue and the standard of living will stabilize in the USA.
At a somewhat lower level than it currently is though.
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Obviously as China's economic power increases, assuming that the USA's economic power continues to decline, the USA will become, much as England became, an ALSO ran in the game of world GEO POLITICS.

That's not exactly DOOM, is it?
The US as it formerly was as a world power and world leader was benign and beneficial. China would be a bit more insistent in that position. It would STILL be better than what liberals would do. The Chinese are transitioning into capitalism because communisim doesn't work. I'll take Chinese communisim over liberal marxism any day.
"Overtake" is a term that needs to be examined in more detail.
The US as it formerly was as a world power and world leader was benign and beneficial. China would be a bit more insistent in that position. It would STILL be better than what liberals would do. The Chinese are transitioning into capitalism because communisim doesn't work. I'll take Chinese communisim over liberal marxism any day.

Interesting anti-American POV.

One that I believe your MASTERS would greatly approve of, too.

You might still get invited to the manor, Katz, if you can just keep your nose firmly and permanent shoved up your masters' asses.

Just keep tucking that forelock of yours, and I'm sure eventually the masters will notice how loyal you are to their interests.
"Overtake" is a term that needs to be examined in more detail.
--although its implication is wrong. A good Lincoln (?) quote from the ISIL Liberty Quote Library --
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.​

Ah. from Lincoln Quotes--
These "Lincoln quotes" were written by Reverend William J.H. Boetcker in the early 20th century. They were reprinted in a column by Ann Landers, quoted in a speech by Ronald Reagan, and have been read into the Congressional Record.​
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Well it will be an interesting "day" to say the least. But it wont happen all at once, it will be a gradual process, that is not expected to happen for 20 years or so. The one thing that should be watched out for is the pricing of oil. If oil switches from being priced in the dollar to the chinese yuan, you will see prices skyrocket all over america. I'm not just talking about of gas either, I'm talking about ALL products. It will either create a recession, or in the case of a really strong american economy, an economic stagnation. Whichever way, it wont be a good day for America.
This probably wont coincide with the day (or year) that China passes America in total GDP, which is what most people refer to when talking about China passing America. First you must remember that there are 4X as many Chinese as there are American's, so don't feel too bad as we will still be living better then they are.
It will also be interesting because our technology will still be far greater then theirs, which will lead to a strange situation, as China will become the prominent economic power, while we will still be the prominent military power.
Not necessarily. I would be concerned for the whole world though, especially when you consider China's record on social issues, etc.

When China really starts exercising its power you'll have the world missing the days of "US Imperialism."
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Maybe we can buy more shit from china this christmas season while insisting that globalized free market capitalism is the best thing since baby jesus in a manger. I'm sure Obama can be blamed for job loses and devalued labor in competition with chinese sweatshops SOMEHOW.
...Hemorrhaging 45 billion dollars per month from our economy in the form of our trade deficits is sure worse.
Buying and selling with money doesn't work that way.

When we sell something like a building layout to a foreigner, and use the money to buy foreign oil, it's a trade deficit. We start with an idea and we end up with oil. This is good. Calling that "hemorrhaging 45 billion dollars per month from our economy" is stupid.
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Not necessarily. I would be concerned for the whole world though, especially when you consider China's record on social issues, etc.

When China really starts exercising its power you'll have the world missing the days of "US Imperialism."
Go and look in from the outside for a while. You may be surprised at what you see.
Not necessarily. I would be concerned for the whole world though, especially when you consider China's record on social issues, etc.

When China really starts exercising its power you'll have the world missing the days of "US Imperialism."
Go and look in from the outside for a while. You may be surprised at what you see.

I've lived overseas half my life thanks.

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