Record Exports means a 46% increase in U.S. trade Under Obama




U.S. Exports, Total Trade Reach Record Highs - Seeking Alpha

The total volume of U.S. international trade activity (exports + imports) reached an all-time record high in September (not adjusted for inflation, BEA report here) of $404 billion, slightly higher than the previous record of $401 billion in July 2011 (see top chart above). Compared to the recession-related, cyclical low of $277 billion of trade activity in May 2009, there has been a 46% increase in U.S. trade, as the U.S. and world economies have gradually recovered from the 2008-2009 recession.


News that depresses the Republican Party


[ame=]Jim Cramer questions GOP hopefuls at debate, then explodes at the stupid - YouTube[/ame]


Small thinkers - GOP Debate

Not our problem.

Where's big think?

Anti auto bailout in Detriot?

Big three? Toyota, Ford, Honda?

Regulations bad?

Cramer nails it.
"Who built the interstate highway system, who built the Panama Canal, who built the Hoover Dam... hey HOOVER!...Where's the big thinking?!"

Look at what happened in the country between 2005 and 2007. The government chose to play no role. Unregulated rapacious capitalism lost more people more in the Dow Jones and the S&P than any other thing that occurred!...And MAN I am a capitalist!"

Jim Cramer after the Republican debate.
Yeah yeah, we KNOW you love you some Guberment.

They be that GREAT sugar daddy of ALL TIME.
...not adjusted for inflation...
Here're exports in 2005$--

--and if we can say Obama cleaned up Bush's mess then we can say Bush cleaned up Clinton's mess and Reagan cleaned up Carter's mess and Eisenhower cleaned up Truman's mess...
Imports vs exports is the issue though.

Seems virtually no one talks about balance of trade any more though.
Yeah too bad imports actually increased faster than exports, resulting in a trade deficit that's far higher now than at the end of the Bush Admin. Meaning: A net negative for this country. One step forward and two steps back!
...a trade deficit that's far higher now than at the end of the Bush Admin. Meaning: A net negative for this country...
No, it's not 'far higher'. How about we look at the numbers first, and say what they are after:

First, the trade balance now is the same it was when Bush left office. Second, the trade balance was 'worse' back when we had jobs and it's 'better' now with people out of work. The only way to hate a big trade deficit is to hate working.
...a trade deficit that's far higher now than at the end of the Bush Admin. Meaning: A net negative for this country...
No, it's not 'far higher'. How about we look at the numbers first, and say what they are after:

First, the trade balance now is the same it was when Bush left office. Second, the trade balance was 'worse' back when we had jobs and it's 'better' now with people out of work. The only way to hate a big trade deficit is to hate working.

When people are working, they have money to spend. That means "demand" and that's what drives jobs. NOT the imaginary and mystical "JOB CREATORS" (play heavenly music here).

Foreign companies will sell more here with people here working.
...a trade deficit that's far higher now than at the end of the Bush Admin. Meaning: A net negative for this country...
No, it's not 'far higher'. How about we look at the numbers first, and say what they are after:

First, the trade balance now is the same it was when Bush left office. Second, the trade balance was 'worse' back when we had jobs and it's 'better' now with people out of work. The only way to hate a big trade deficit is to hate working.

What were we trading between 2000 and the end of the chart?
What were we trading between 2000 and the end of the chart?
Same stuff we always trade. Goods and services are always bought with or sold for capital assets and that makes the balance of payments is always zero. Sure, lot's of people hang up on the stupid idea that selling assets to buy goods is bad, but the fact is that every time we do it we get rich with full employment.
What the hell are we exporting? Money?

Yeah we're only like losing about half TRILLION dollars a year in trade imbalance!

That FREE TRADE is sure working out for us, well, isn't it?


What year was NAFTA signed again? 1994

How does that appear to be working out for us, citizens?

That great sucking sound you heard over the last 15 years was the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS'S SOLVENCY
...we're only like losing about half TRILLION dollars a year in trade imbalance!...
We hear that a lot so I guess it's easy for many to get turned around.

We're talking about trade with foreigners. Foreigners don't use dollars so we can't possibly lose "about half TRILLION dollars a year" by giving it to foreigners. They use their own money. The only way we can buy foreign goods is with their money. The only way we can get their money without selling them our goods is by selling other stuff to get their money. Our dollars never go there. Our dollars never get lost there.

It's called the balance of payments and it's how money, buying, and selling work with foreigners.
What the hell are we exporting? Money?

Yeah we're only like losing about half TRILLION dollars a year in trade imbalance!

That FREE TRADE is sure working out for us, well, isn't it?


What year was NAFTA signed again? 1994

How does that appear to be working out for us, citizens?

That great sucking sound you heard over the last 15 years was the AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS'S SOLVENCY

A trade deficit is not necessarily good or bad. It can be either. An economy growing faster than another economy will often run a trade deficit with the other country since its demand for imports is growing faster than its export demand.
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...we're only like losing about half TRILLION dollars a year in trade imbalance!...
We hear that a lot so I guess it's easy for many to get turned around.

We're talking about trade with foreigners. Foreigners don't use dollars so we can't possibly lose "about half TRILLION dollars a year" by giving it to foreigners. They use their own money. The only way we can buy foreign goods is with their money. The only way we can get their money without selling them our goods is by selling other stuff to get their money. Our dollars never go there. Our dollars never get lost there.

It's called the balance of payments and it's how money, buying, and selling work with foreigners.

Where is the middle class's purchasing POWER gone?

To the workers and masters of the third world.

Since REGANOMICS became the economic/social modus operandi, the USA has gone from the world's GREATEST LOANER of capital, to its GREATEST DEBTOR.

You appear to think this is no big deal.

You have been misinformed, amigo.
Last edited:, buying, and selling work with foreigners.
Where is the middle class's purchasing POWER gone?...
For hundreds of years, all classes of free American workers have had the power to purchase both US grown corn and wheat along with foreign grown coffee and chocolate. People who life in a socialist workers paradise only have the power to purchase and earn what the state tells them to., buying, and selling work with foreigners.
Where is the middle class's purchasing POWER gone?...
For hundreds of years, all classes of free American workers have had the power to purchase both US grown corn and wheat along with foreign grown coffee and chocolate. People who life in a socialist workers paradise only have the power to purchase and earn what the state tells them to.


What does any of that blather have to do with the subject at hand?

We're not contrasting other economic systems to the USA's, lad.

We contrasting what America once was compared to what it is after 30 years of supply side policies.

Do you have anything germane to say about that topic?

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