If A President Trump Can Successfully Claim National Emergency For A Wall

Well, we're not. I'm totally against it. The irony is, I actually don't think you are. I think if AOC was up there proposing this, you would support her to the very end.

I don't see any Americans in need of health care that are not getting it.
Oh really, is that so?

What ELSE hath thine crystal ball revealed to thee oh great and mighty Svengali?

Only Republicans think six people are so dangerous you need to spend $20,000,000,000.00 to build a wall they could simply walk around, tunnel under or use a ladder to go over.

These must the be the most laughable and gullible people in the world.

I remember when they thought Obama was spending $200,000,000.00 a DAY on his vacation. They were a laughing stock then and they are laughing stock now. An even bigger laughing stock.

The stupidity never ends.
So walls don’t work? Hmmm interesting you should tell your local prision to lose the walls no?
Don't be stupid.

It's not the wall the keeps the prisoners in.

It's the armed guards.
Lol really so if they had no walls and just guards no one would escape!!?? Lol what
And if they had walls and no guards, everyone would escape.
Who said no Guards ? ‍♂️♂️
Dean. Don't you read posts before you respond?
Technically, you are correct.

America's constitutional government was suspended right after September 11, 2001, and each president extends that emergency every Sept. 11, enabling him to do what ever he wants over the wishes of congress with the stoke of a pen.

This is what makes every president immune to impeachment since September 11, 2001. We are now under an electoral dictatorship and a police state.

OTH, most folks are not aware of this. If you ask the average Joe on the street, "Hey, is the nation in a state of emergency allowing police state powers and the suspension of Habeas Corpus?" The would all probably say no, and believe that their representatives in congress have the final say.

Dismantling that illusion and waking folks up the the C.O.G. nightmare power grab of the Deep State might have some dire consequences at this point. Especially with all these SJW's lurking about. :21:
Wasn't that what Republicans were clamoring for during Bush II's regime?

No matter how many liberals were begging for pause, and there were far too few Democrats to stand up to the ONSLAUGHT of the Republican political campaign during that time BTW, they didn't want to hear it. They wanted blood. And George Bush gave it to them.

So much so, it lead to Colin Powell, a General no doubt, straight up LYING to the American people about some trumped up Yellowcake pablum.

Bottom line, no one has GROWN the "gubment" more than Republicans.

Well, if you believe the MSM, sure. :auiqs.jpg:

If you are aware of the REAL roots of the Occupy Movement, and the Tea party movement, you would realize that is was the fact the folks knew the 9/11 commission report was a fraud, nobody really liked the patriot act or the NDAA, on both the left and the right, and the conservatives that screamed bloody murder where drummed out of the primaries until there was a revolt.

Where the hell do you think, and how do you think Trump and Bernie came about? This boiling populist anger didn't sprout out of no where. Jeese louise.

What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Warren and Cortez will never be President but I agree the Oval office for years now has grown too powerful with it pen...
We can fix it. Dump trump.
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Leftards don't have the slightest fucking clue about how "banks" work or how the Federal Reserve foreign owned central bank operates......so get the fuck out of here with your weak ass shit.
Wut?! Libs weren't sqealing at all when O and Clinton were calling for a wall. Good luck finding any sympathy. No one cares with your disingenuous croc tears.
When was this? Far as a I know Drumpf is the only fool that wanted to build a 30ft concrete wall from sea to shining sea.

Insofar as you get your news from CNN, it is not surprising you are so misinformed as to Obama, Clinton and many other Democrats strongly supporting a wall/barrier/fence along with numerous other Democrats.

Your comment about what President Trump wants is just plain childish. Grow up.

Wut?! Libs weren't sqealing at all when O and Clinton were calling for a wall. Good luck finding any sympathy. No one cares with your disingenuous croc tears.
When was this? Far as a I know Drumpf is the only fool that wanted to build a 30ft concrete wall from sea to shining sea.

Insofar as you get your news from CNN, it is not surprising you are so misinformed as to Obama, Clinton and many other Democrats strongly supporting a wall/barrier/fence along with numerous other Democrats.

Your comment about what President Trump wants is just plain childish. Grow up.

I dont see anywhere in your meme the word wall, impenetrable, 30ft, or concrete. :rolleyes:
Most presidents and those who aspire to be a president have an agenda.

When Ronald Regan declared the Soviet Union to be evil and push the envelope in the arms race in a cold war versus detente

When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Now Trump declares that the border that has been open since the beginning of America to be suddenly insecure

Is there a theme here ?

How do you stand out from the pack

The more outrageous you sound

ET has set the bar so low that some people will believe anything

And anything is believable

How do you stay grounded

Change the channel
We have a foreign invasion of our southern border. Haven't you heard about in the news? LOL

That invasion you speak of has been going on for over 50 years. What is happening now is nether sudden nor unexpected and thus not an emergency.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If a crowd was invading your land would you wait 2 years to call it an emergency?

Bad analogy. We are a nation of laws and a constitution. The president is not authorized to act unilaterally when he believed the system is not working. Such action is that of a dictatorship.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why then was it okay when it was done by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama? Even he said it was probably illegal. (unconstitutional)
Most presidents and those who aspire to be a president have an agenda.

When Ronald Regan declared the Soviet Union to be evil and push the envelope in the arms race in a cold war versus detente

When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Now Trump declares that the border that has been open since the beginning of America to be suddenly insecure

Is there a theme here ?

How do you stand out from the pack

The more outrageous you sound

ET has set the bar so low that some people will believe anything

And anything is believable

How do you stay grounded

Change the channel

Wut?! Libs weren't sqealing at all when O and Clinton were calling for a wall. Good luck finding any sympathy. No one cares with your disingenuous croc tears.
When was this? Far as a I know Drumpf is the only fool that wanted to build a 30ft concrete wall from sea to shining sea.

Insofar as you get your news from CNN, it is not surprising you are so misinformed as to Obama, Clinton and many other Democrats strongly supporting a wall/barrier/fence along with numerous other Democrats.

Your comment about what President Trump wants is just plain childish. Grow up.

Maybe there is a difference between how the object is to be achieved

Everybody wants secure borders

Not everyone believes that can be done with a wall

especially when their are alternatives

the problem is ET is single minded in his obsession with a wall when the wall has so many flaws

You can go under a wall, you can go around a wall, you can even go through a wall

There are alternatives that can be agreed upon if you have an open mind and willing to listen

When ET wants to bring the boys home, what is his motives

He wants to reduce military spending so that it can be used for a wall.

Instead he uses fake argument and because of that no one can believe him

well except for his supporters

Trump needs to learn the art of a compromise
Most presidents and those who aspire to be a president have an agenda.

When Ronald Regan declared the Soviet Union to be evil and push the envelope in the arms race in a cold war versus detente

When Bush declared war on Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction (of course they didn't)

Now Trump declares that the border that has been open since the beginning of America to be suddenly insecure

Is there a theme here ?

How do you stand out from the pack

The more outrageous you sound

ET has set the bar so low that some people will believe anything

And anything is believable

How do you stay grounded

Change the channel

Why do you disagree with what Obama said?
It is a matter of how you interpret it

You seem to think that I disagree with what Obama said

I just said that there are alternatives

When you use a quote from FOX, I would definetly have to read the whole context not just a snipet.
Technically, you are correct.

America's constitutional government was suspended right after September 11, 2001, and each president extends that emergency every Sept. 11, enabling him to do what ever he wants over the wishes of congress with the stoke of a pen.

This is what makes every president immune to impeachment since September 11, 2001. We are now under an electoral dictatorship and a police state.

OTH, most folks are not aware of this. If you ask the average Joe on the street, "Hey, is the nation in a state of emergency allowing police state powers and the suspension of Habeas Corpus?" The would all probably say no, and believe that their representatives in congress have the final say.

Dismantling that illusion and waking folks up the the C.O.G. nightmare power grab of the Deep State might have some dire consequences at this point. Especially with all these SJW's lurking about. :21:
Wasn't that what Republicans were clamoring for during Bush II's regime?

No matter how many liberals were begging for pause, and there were far too few Democrats to stand up to the ONSLAUGHT of the Republican political campaign during that time BTW, they didn't want to hear it. They wanted blood. And George Bush gave it to them.

So much so, it lead to Colin Powell, a General no doubt, straight up LYING to the American people about some trumped up Yellowcake pablum.

Bottom line, no one has GROWN the "gubment" more than Republicans.

CBS NEWS January 3, 2019, 8:05 AM
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
Technically, you are correct.

America's constitutional government was suspended right after September 11, 2001, and each president extends that emergency every Sept. 11, enabling him to do what ever he wants over the wishes of congress with the stoke of a pen.

This is what makes every president immune to impeachment since September 11, 2001. We are now under an electoral dictatorship and a police state.

OTH, most folks are not aware of this. If you ask the average Joe on the street, "Hey, is the nation in a state of emergency allowing police state powers and the suspension of Habeas Corpus?" The would all probably say no, and believe that their representatives in congress have the final say.

Dismantling that illusion and waking folks up the the C.O.G. nightmare power grab of the Deep State might have some dire consequences at this point. Especially with all these SJW's lurking about. :21:
Wasn't that what Republicans were clamoring for during Bush II's regime?

No matter how many liberals were begging for pause, and there were far too few Democrats to stand up to the ONSLAUGHT of the Republican political campaign during that time BTW, they didn't want to hear it. They wanted blood. And George Bush gave it to them.

So much so, it lead to Colin Powell, a General no doubt, straight up LYING to the American people about some trumped up Yellowcake pablum.

Bottom line, no one has GROWN the "gubment" more than Republicans.

CBS NEWS January 3, 2019, 8:05 AM
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
Democrats agreed to a border fence in 2006 – is Trump’s wall different?
Of course a wall is different from a fence. Thats why different words are used. Also the fencing is not from sea to shining sea like the 30ft impenetrable concrete wall is supposed to be. :rolleyes:
Trump said during the Friday Rose Garden news conference. “Some of them have told me that we should have done it.” But three of the four living former presidents said that wasn’t the case, and it seems highly unlikely the other one would have said that at at all.

So who is lying

Is his argument so weak that you have to make stuff up

Dec 20 2018
President Trump made a significant concession Thursday on his campaign border security promise, saying the “wall” he promised on the U.S.-Mexico boundary will actually be a series of “steel slats

then he does an about face a few days ago and now the concrete wall is back
What's to stop a President Elizabeth Warren from claiming a national emergency because too many people are getting ripped off by the banks and use tax payer dollars to recompense the funds lost?

What's to stop a President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from claiming a national emergency because too many Americans are poor and in need of health care so use billions of tax payer dollars to rectify that situation?

Is this the slippery slope Republicans are CURRENTLY clamoring for?

Once Trump builds the wall, we can use the billions saved to help the people robbed by banks or needing healthcare. The only flaw I see here is your belief that Warren or Cortez stand a chance in hell of EVER being president. They never will.

And the border IS a national emergency.
Then trump should be impeached for not doing anything about a national emergency for 2 years.

Then by your logic, Obama ought to be shot for not doing anything about it for 8 years. Idiot.
Wrong, it wasn’t a national emergency when Obama was president.

Under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush II we had over a million people apprehended at the SW Border according to the CBP...


If that didn't qualify as an emergency...why in the world would a much smaller amount (25% of what it was) constitute anything other than a yawn?

Because the orange blob said it. No other reason.
America became a joke with this clown as a president. I was listening to congressmen Republicans and Democrats of the areas on the border, and they both agreed that trump is blowing things out of proportion and told him to stop the shutdown, that's what matters now....they also confirmed that most drugs come from ports of entry.
Trump keeps talking to his dumb base and ignores that most Americans don't buy his bullshit.

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