If a police officer is screaming at a crowd of people saying.."come on people, Let's MOVE!! and...


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
a person responded with...."I'm not a child, don't speak to me that way"

What do you think happens?
a person responded with...."I'm not a child, don't speak to me that way"

What do you think happens?
Hopefully they get arrested for not following the directions of a police officer.

I'm not used to a grown man screaming at me like a child and wanted to turn around so bad and say something but I just kept it moving
It depends on the situation but at that moment in time.......the world does not revolve around that someone. It revolves around a lot of people and centers around safety.
I think someone jumped in front of the subway train and they wanted every to leave
Hopefully they get arrested for not following the directions of a police officer.
Is talking to police a crime? I guess it is in a police state.

I think you are confused with disregarding a direction from a police officer with "talking to police." You must be 19 and out of a job living in Mom's basement. Rules aren't for you.
I have a new idea how about you use a little common curtousey ?
Do you mean the police officer should have used a little common courtesy? I'd agree, he isn't doing his job very well if he's pissing people off.
I think you are confused with disregarding a direction from a police officer with "talking to police." You must be 19 and out of a job living in Mom's basement. Rules aren't for you.
So telling a police officer he's being impolite is disregarding directions?
I think you are confused with disregarding a direction from a police officer with "talking to police." You must be 19 and out of a job living in Mom's basement. Rules aren't for you.
So telling a police officer he's being impolite is disregarding directions?
He doesn't give a command for nothing. If people do not respond properly, it could be a dangerous situation. Follow the direction of police officers...always! It's not up for a debate.
Depending on how it was said or refusing to follow directives (and the definitions in your particular state) could be something such as disorderly conduct, interference with law enforcement, refusal to obey an officer, refusal to assist an officer.

It's not about a "police state".
They are not talking to any one person, so I don't see how anyone can take that as an insult to them, unless they're the stupid fuck checking their phone or whatever and slowing things down instead of getting their ass out if the way.

Crowd control is exactly that and nothing more....
I think you are confused with disregarding a direction from a police officer with "talking to police." You must be 19 and out of a job living in Mom's basement. Rules aren't for you.
So telling a police officer he's being impolite is disregarding directions?
Yes. DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. There could be a dangerous condition that you are endangering yourself or others.

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