If a liberal tells you "Diversity is a strength", then tell them about the Ottoman empire's demise.

Those who think the collective is better than diversity ignore the fact that, at some point, the idea of a collective is impaired. Look at the GOP today. Lifelong republicans are now called RINOs because they don't subscribe to a new strain of so-called "republican" based on fear, protectionism, and despicable hatred.

Diversity (at it's best) acknowledges differences and celebrates them; doesn't try to gloss over them with a fantasy of walking in lock-step with someone else.
Hatred of sin and evil is a good thing. The left can't discern the difference between good and evil.
Can you make a list of your “top ten” favorite sins?
Your top ten favorite “evils”?
Your favorite hatreds?

Then please connect them to the topic of this OP ….

No, the Dixie Chick fans simply stopped buying their records after they attacked this country......no organized movement made that happen, they did it to themselves.....the left has an infrastructure created to go after the jobs and lives of normal people.....for simply speaking their minds.....liz cheney is a politician.....she has attacked the members of her own party and people are not going to vote for her.....in your world, there is only one party and they get all the votes...in this country, you get to vote for people you like......rommey, same story....a politician....who offends the majority of the people he needs to vote for him....

Your examples are lame......you have comedians, actors, school teachers, and others who lose their jobs through organized attacks.....sponsored by groups that are supported, protected, financed by the democrat party an their infrastructure.....
Your ignorance is showing


Show me the "organized attacks" and how they're different from the attacks on Cheney? Jon Huntsman? Romney?
Your ignorance is showing


Show me the "organized attacks" and how they're different from the attacks on Cheney? Jon Huntsman? Romney?

Cheney, huntsman and romney are politicians who took stands on the opposite side of the people who vote for them........they did not have organized campaigns that got them removed from private sector jobs......

The dixie chics insulted their fans.....

Gina Carano is an actress who posted on twitter.......the left attacked her and got her fired, even though she was an incredibly popular character in Star Wars, the Mandalorian....when the star of the show Pedro Pascal, actually said far more disgusting things about Trump supporters and others....

J.K. Rowling....attacked for stating that men are not women......kids don't care about her political views...but the left does...and she is a rabid left winger....but they still went after her for saying men are men and women are women.

People who refused to take the experimental vaccine, with valid reasons to not trust the untested vaccines actually lost their jobs, and were threatened with not being able to get unemployment benefits...........

Jan. 6 protestors who simply walked through the capitol, who were invited in by Pelosi's police force, have been sitting in jail without trial for over a year....for simple trespassing, while black lives matter and antifa brown shirts who burned, looted and murdered for 7 months have been set free with the help of democrat party leaders......

Real people.....who lost their jobs for not obeying the leftist belief system...
Your ignorance is showing


Show me the "organized attacks" and how they're different from the attacks on Cheney? Jon Huntsman? Romney?

Brett Weinstein...a normal person who was forced out of his job by leftists thugs...

Actually, diversity IS one of our traditional strength, but the diversity involved is the diversity of opinion that results from a truly free society.

This is what the woke authoritarians are wanting to eliminate. The cancel culture they have created isn't the result of their being liberal, though. It is because they don't have a liberal bone in their body.
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Cheney, huntsman and romney are politicians who took stands on the opposite side of the people who vote for them........they did not have organized campaigns that got them removed from private sector jobs......

The dixie chics insulted their fans.....

Gina Carano is an actress who posted on twitter.......the left attacked her and got her fired, even though she was an incredibly popular character in Star Wars, the Mandalorian....when the star of the show Pedro Pascal, actually said far more disgusting things about Trump supporters and others....

J.K. Rowling....attacked for stating that men are not women......kids don't care about her political views...but the left does...and she is a rabid left winger....but they still went after her for saying men are men and women are women.

People who refused to take the experimental vaccine, with valid reasons to not trust the untested vaccines actually lost their jobs, and were threatened with not being able to get unemployment benefits...........

Jan. 6 protestors who simply walked through the capitol, who were invited in by Pelosi's police force, have been sitting in jail without trial for over a year....for simple trespassing, while black lives matter and antifa brown shirts who burned, looted and murdered for 7 months have been set free with the help of democrat party leaders......

Real people.....who lost their jobs for not obeying the leftist belief system...
Gina Carrano...Please provide details of the organization and its members that got her fired
Same with the rest

Only an idiot thinks that turning over the bread makes it taste different.

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