Idiot of the month


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Mayor Thomas Menino


"Now—incredibly—your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston."

Boston mayor

Burlington Chick-fil-A swamped by supporters on ‘Appreciation Day’


Hundreds gather at Burlington Mall to support, and eat at, Chick-fil-A on ‘Appreciation Day’ - Metro - The Boston Globe
CAnt wait for the news media to show homos kissing.....that will change the middle class' attitudes on homos.....oh make them even more disgusted......they better just show hot lesbians......
Mayor Thomas Menino


"Now—incredibly—your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston."

Boston mayor

Burlington Chick-fil-A swamped by supporters on ‘Appreciation Day’


Hundreds gather at Burlington Mall to support, and eat at, Chick-fil-A on ‘Appreciation Day’ - Metro - The Boston Globe
I concur. This is the idiot of the month...possibly the year.

Unfortunately, politicians use such tactics as boycotts directed at businesses that disagree with them to get what they want. It is similar to union goons harassing workers 'til they join the growing pack of idiots that like to run companies out of business with their outrageous demands.

Were I in control of Chic-Fil-A, I would pull every franchise in the Boston area and tell the Mayor that he and his entire staff are persona non grata at any Chic-Fil-A in the country.
Mayor Thomas Menino


"Now—incredibly—your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston."

Boston mayor

Burlington Chick-fil-A swamped by supporters on ‘Appreciation Day’


Hundreds gather at Burlington Mall to support, and eat at, Chick-fil-A on ‘Appreciation Day’ - Metro - The Boston Globe
I concur. This is the idiot of the month...possibly the year.

Unfortunately, politicians use such tactics as boycotts directed at businesses that disagree with them to get what they want. It is similar to union goons harassing workers 'til they join the growing pack of idiots that like to run companies out of business with their outrageous demands.

Were I in control of Chic-Fil-A, I would pull every franchise in the Boston area and tell the Mayor that he and his entire staff are persona non grata at any Chic-Fil-A in the country.

I don't know. I might put up on my signs in the area, "Thank you for your business, Mayor"

It is amazing they had that many people in one restaurant in a state that promotes same sex marriage.

Evidently theres alot of people in the state who disagree.
Just because they still want Chic-Fil-A does not mean that they share the management's views on same-sex marriage.

Many wise people simply like the product! Has nothing to do with marriage of any kind. I am one of those wise people.
[What happened yesterday, besides plain, good, ordinary, everyday folk seizing the opportunity to have the comfort of a full belly, the people also seized the chance to send Barack Obama the one fingered salute, along with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who's attached to the head of the Chicago Communist School closer than siamese twins joined at the hip, and Mayor Thomas Menino, who's attached to Rahm Emanuel by his male appendage.

This is the most ebullient powerlineblog has been in a long time about Republican prospects come this November, all as a result of the Chick fil A performance yesterday. However, there are two posts out there today, one of them Ann Coulter's, about Obama's trademark or signature campaign tactic, revealing deeply personal and harmful legal papers or secrets with which to smear and trash his opponent by. This time though, since Mitt seems to be a whistle clean, holier than thou Mormon, it may very well be an Eric Holder/Barack Obama felony arrest on some charge, any charge designed to stick long enough to throw the election to Obama by default.]

"According to one account, Chick-fil-A’s corporate headquarters told its outlets to expect a 15 to 20 percent increase in business yesterday, while the actual increase may be closer to something like 200 percent. I suspect that Chick-fil-A’s business is going to enjoy a permanent step-up in business as a result of the Left’s attack. This makes all the more hilarious Michael Hiltzik’s Los Angeles Times column the other day (I’m linking it here since nobody reads the LA Times any more, and no wonder) saying that Chick-fil-A’s owner Dan Cathy made a business mistake by speaking his mind on traditional marriage:

Despite decades if not centuries of bitter experience, business leaders apparently haven’t absorbed the lesson that it’s best to let your products speak for themselves and keep your big mouth shut. The latest executive to learn this the hard way is Dan Cathy, president of the family-owned fast-food chain Chick-fil-A.

Heh. Is there a better study in liberal cluelessness out today? (That was a rhetorical question: I am sure Power Line readers can find a dozen worthy examples in this target-rich environment.) What’s really behind Hiltzik’s column is old-fashioned liberal intimidation of business–trying to keep business people from speaking out for their own principles and interests.

Funny how sticking up for traditional values turns out to be a good business move. Sort of like how G-rated, family-friendly Hollywood movies do good box office, while most “edgy” R-rated movies typically bomb. Just curious: has Hiltzik or any other liberal ever made the same point about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream—the only dairy products company I know of that has its own foreign policy? Jonah Goldberg had great fun with this notion on his Twitter feed yesterday:

At this rate, how quickly before Burger King starts making “controversial” statements?""

Cruz-ing to a Bruising, Catered by Chick-fil-A | Power Line

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