Idiot atheist group plans anti-Mother Theresa bashfest


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

"The Atheists Humanists Agnostics (AHA) club sent out a campus-wide e-mail announcing the program on Tuesday and promising a “full-out romp against why one of the most beloved people of the century, Mother Teresa, is as Hitchens put it… ‘a lying, thieving Albanian dwarf.’”

Nice. And we're supposed to be impressed by these loons.

Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event
Because they're progressives.

And progressives are anti-religion, pro-state, anti-family, fascists.
When the members of the AHA go to the slums of India and care for the disease ridden poor for a lifetime, then I'll listen. Until then they really should put the crack pipe down and STFU.
I figure anyone who can find something about Mother Theresa worthy of bashing, is more aptly classified as an asshole, and atheism has little to do with it.
Mother Theresa wasn't perfect. Besides, the atheists have a right to protest against her and her work, if they please.
I have not read the Hitchen's book but I have read some excerpts and some reviews. Quite damning but I am not certain what is truth in it. I have never understood why avowed atheists(Hitchens himself) feel some odd compulsion to get all up in the business of those who consider themselves people of faith.

Mother Teresa’s order prays for atheist Christopher Hitchens’ soul | Holy Post | National Post

Prayer. That's fucking useless.

Every time someone says "I'll pray for you, Joe."

I reply, "How about doing something useful?"

On the point of Mother Teresa, the fact was, as Hitchens said, she wasn't a friend of the poor, she was a friend of poverty.

Her Clinics were dirty and people died in their filth, but MT flew to the Mayo Clinic when she got cancer.

Save us from pious frauds.
Mother Theresa wasn't perfect. Besides, the atheists have a right to protest against her and her work, if they please.

The question isnt if they have the right to do it, they do. The question is why do they feel the need to be total dickheads.
I have not read the Hitchen's book but I have read some excerpts and some reviews. Quite damning but I am not certain what is truth in it. I have never understood why avowed atheists(Hitchens himself) feel some odd compulsion to get all up in the business of those who consider themselves people of faith.

Mother Teresa’s order prays for atheist Christopher Hitchens’ soul | Holy Post | National Post

Prayer. That's fucking useless.

Every time someone says "I'll pray for you, Joe."

I reply, "How about doing something useful?"

On the point of Mother Teresa, the fact was, as Hitchens said, she wasn't a friend of the poor, she was a friend of poverty.

Her Clinics were dirty and people died in their filth, but MT flew to the Mayo Clinic when she got cancer.

Save us from pious frauds.

Filthy by 1st world standards, because they were located in the slums of India. I have a feeling people who normally would remain untreated and uncared for would prefer any treatment over dying somewhere in a gutter.
Mother Theresa wasn't perfect. Besides, the atheists have a right to protest against her and her work, if they please.

The question isnt if they have the right to do it, they do. The question is why do they feel the need to be total dickheads.

Why is a quest for the truth being a dickhead

Mother Teresa has enjoyed being a religious celebrity for a very long time, but really, she was just a front for her Church's bad policy.

With one or two exceptions, predominately Catholic Countries usually end up being predominately poor countries.

Filthy by 1st world standards, because they were located in the slums of India. I have a feeling people who normally would remain untreated and uncared for would prefer any treatment over dying somewhere in a gutter.

Filthy by any standards...

And again, Mother Teresa didn't want to be treated their. She flew her ass to the Mayo Clinic when she got cancer.
Mother Theresa wasn't perfect. Besides, the atheists have a right to protest against her and her work, if they please.

The question isnt if they have the right to do it, they do. The question is why do they feel the need to be total dickheads.

Why is a quest for the truth being a dickhead

Mother Teresa has enjoyed being a religious celebrity for a very long time, but really, she was just a front for her Church's bad policy.

With one or two exceptions, predominately Catholic Countries usually end up being predominately poor countries.

You can try to find the "truth," but doing it by insulting something people hold dear is probably not the way to do it, nor to convince people of the validity of your position.

I find activits athiests to be insufferable assholes, and this is coming from a lapsed catholic. Between this and stopping a town from putting a manger in a town square thier entire program is based on being jerks.
The question isnt if they have the right to do it, they do. The question is why do they feel the need to be total dickheads.

Why is a quest for the truth being a dickhead

Mother Teresa has enjoyed being a religious celebrity for a very long time, but really, she was just a front for her Church's bad policy.

With one or two exceptions, predominately Catholic Countries usually end up being predominately poor countries.

You can try to find the "truth," but doing it by insulting something people hold dear is probably not the way to do it, nor to convince people of the validity of your position.

I find activits athiests to be insufferable assholes, and this is coming from a lapsed catholic. Between this and stopping a town from putting a manger in a town square thier entire program is based on being jerks.

It is certainly true that atheists have their share of insufferable assholes. Why should theists have a monopoly on that?

You can try to find the "truth," but doing it by insulting something people hold dear is probably not the way to do it, nor to convince people of the validity of your position.

I find activits athiests to be insufferable assholes, and this is coming from a lapsed catholic. Between this and stopping a town from putting a manger in a town square thier entire program is based on being jerks.

i agree that some atheists can be jerks. I can be a jerk sometimes.

But if you don't take a hard line with these religous assholes, they will pretty much walk all over you. It starts with a manger in the town square, then they are putting the ten commandments in Courthouses, then they are making your kids say their prayers.... Then they insist that Science Textbooks expunge Charles Darwin because he doubted God.

If the religious idiots kept their stupidity in their homes and churches, I'd have a lot less of a problem with them.

Filthy by 1st world standards, because they were located in the slums of India. I have a feeling people who normally would remain untreated and uncared for would prefer any treatment over dying somewhere in a gutter.

Filthy by any standards...

And again, Mother Teresa didn't want to be treated their. She flew her ass to the Mayo Clinic when she got cancer.

From wikipedia:

In 1991, Dr. Robin Fox, editor of the British medical journal The Lancet visited the Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta (now Kolkata) and described the medical care the patients received as "haphazard". He observed that sisters and volunteers, some of whom had no medical knowledge, had to make decisions about patient care, because of the lack of doctors in the hospice. Dr. Fox specifically held Teresa responsible for conditions in this home, and observed that her order did not distinguish between curable and incurable patients, so that people who could otherwise survive would be at risk of dying from infections and lack of treatment.[citation needed]

Fox conceded that the regimen he observed included cleanliness, the tending of wounds and sores, and kindness, but he noted that the sisters' approach to managing pain was "disturbingly lacking". The formulary at the facility Fox visited lacked strong analgesics which he felt clearly separated Mother Teresa's approach from the hospice movement. There have been a series of other reports documenting inattention to medical care in the order's facilities. Similar points of view have also been expressed by some former volunteers who worked for Teresa's order. Mother Teresa herself referred to the facilities as "Houses of the Dying".[citation needed]

In contrast to the conditions at her homes, Mother Theresa sought medical treatment for herself at renowned medical clinics in the United States, Europe, and India, drawing charges of hypocrisy from critics such as Hitchens.[6]

Notice the doctor conceeded on the cleanliness. Also, these were effectively hospices, not hosptials. If you want to hit her for getting better medical treatment, then fine, but at that point she was treatable, and was also travelling the world anyway.

I also wonder if Doctors without Borders, if injured or sick, stay in the area they are working, or are airlifted out for western treatment. Probably the latter.

One point I do note is that she was a believer in the concept of holiness through suffering. This is a concept an atheist probably cannot grasp. In any event her organization was still helping people who no one else would help. Unless she actually prevented OTHER people from helping them in ways more suitable to your tastes, I fail to see the need for all this criticism.
Oh, I can't grasp the concept of holiness through suffering because it's fucking retarded.

Catholicism for me was dealing with a bunch of psychotic nuns who couldn't hack being lesbians and took it out on kids.

The capper was when one of them said "God must have had a reason for this" at my mother's funeral.

She was lucky I didn't slam her head into a wall. Pretty much an atheist after that.
Oh, I can't grasp the concept of holiness through suffering because it's fucking retarded.

Catholicism for me was dealing with a bunch of psychotic nuns who couldn't hack being lesbians and took it out on kids.

The capper was when one of them said "God must have had a reason for this" at my mother's funeral.

She was lucky I didn't slam her head into a wall. Pretty much an atheist after that.

To you maybe it is, but just because you find it stupid, does it require destroying everything about another person's life's work just to justify your disagreement with it?

And as far as wanting to slam a nun's head into the wall for making a statement trying to help you through a tough time, thats some serious anger issues.
Oh, I can't grasp the concept of holiness through suffering because it's fucking retarded.

Catholicism for me was dealing with a bunch of psychotic nuns who couldn't hack being lesbians and took it out on kids.

The capper was when one of them said "God must have had a reason for this" at my mother's funeral.

She was lucky I didn't slam her head into a wall. Pretty much an atheist after that.

To you maybe it is, but just because you find it stupid, does it require destroying everything about another person's life's work just to justify your disagreement with it?

And as far as wanting to slam a nun's head into the wall for making a statement trying to help you through a tough time, thats some serious anger issues.

Yes, stupidity, superstition and ignorance generally piss me off.

I live for the happy day when the last church is levelled, and we dump Yahweh on the scrapheap of other forgotten sky pixies.
I find it sort of impressive that joe, that piece of shit, manages to be on the asshole side of every discussion, no matter what that discussion is.

It's because he hates people, I think.

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