I would accept all of the migrants and illegals on one condition.

The left takes their place.

Close Grampa Murked U
Since the left wants to defund the death penalty,
and the right wants the wall,
they could agree to separate funding.

The left could set up schools, prisons and teaching hospitals
to create jobs training health care providers to treat and cure
mental, physical and criminal illness. The costs saves would
pay for education, health care and jobs for all the supporters.

So YES, capital offenders could lose citizenship instead of capital punishment,
trade places with immigrants on the waiting list, and allow workers to earn
their credits by paying off the debts, restitution and damages owed by criminals.



Death penalty alternative
Regarding "Jury sentences Bellaire cop killer to death" (Page B1, Wednesday), I believe the law should
include other alternatives besides either the death penalty or life in prison without parole,
which adds to the burden on taxpayers and security risks to prison personnel.

I applaud the prosecuting attorneys for meting out the most severe punishment to those such as Harlem Lewis III,
found guilty of deliberately killing a law officer; but I believe the government should offer the option of
revoking citizenship in place of imposing the death penalty. Not everyone agrees the state has authority to
terminate life, but since government grants citizenship, it should equally exercise full power to revoke it
and to deport individuals who refuse to comply with law enforcement, regardless of birthright.

Perhaps it's time the U.S. government started a prison exchange program with Mexico and other countries,
where convicts who commit premeditated crimes could face deportation.

Considering Lewis' young age at 23, he could still work for the rest of his life to pay restitution to society,
such as through a Mexican prison, losing his rights to live freely in the U.S. as a consequence for abusing
those freedoms and as a stronger deterrent against capital offenses

Emily T. Nghiem

Thursday letters: Death penalty, immigration, marijuana
Copyright 2014: Houston Chronicle | July 30, 2014 | Updated: July 30, 2014 7:26pm
Very Special Thanks to the Editors:

The Houston Chronicle, July 30, 2014
They are all spayed and neutered.

They breed like rabbits. Our leaders are right to be concerned about Hispanics breeding themselves into a majority in America.
Yeah...we should come up with some sort of solution....something...final.....



You are a sock puppet of another USMB patron, aren't you? This cannot be serious.


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