‘I Will Not Suffer This Harlot’....The MAGA Crack Up Continues Apace...

No, thet knew exactly what would happen, and they have been proven correct.

You have clearly done little to no reading in the subject.

There is nothing to debate with you here, because you offer nothing to support your own opinions. You pretend to be educated and accuse me of being “unread” on these issues. You obviously haven’t read or considered the warning of Washington I quoted about the threat that the “spirit of party” represents to our “popular” Republican form of government.

Not merely Washington but the main writer of our Constitution and Fourth President, James Madison, also reacted negatively to the partisan spirit that quickly arose in the new Republic. Like Washington a Federalist who feared the rise of popular passions fanned by “party partisan” demagogues, he was above all a public servant and a thoughtful politician.

Madison sought alternatives to the then clearly misfunctioning Electoral College, and especially opposed the early spread of state “winner take all” partisan selection of electors. If he lived today, he would no doubt support reforms like “Instant Runnoff Ranked Choice Voting”:

As historian Garry Wills wrote of our fourth president, “as a framer and defender of the Constitution he had no peer.” Yet, when he helped create the Constitution and when he defended it years after his presidency, Madison repeatedly argued for alternatives to the winner-take-all method of choosing a state’s presidential electors. Like other leaders of that time, he looked at the world with clear eyes and learned from experience, unafraid to support change when that change made sense. — Why James Madison Wanted to Change the Way We Vote For President - FairVote

Of course today partisan demagogery has infected our professional politicians and much of the public as well, as reflected by the insulting “discourse” that usually goes on right here on USMessageBoard.
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This is EXACTLY how the Founders envisioned Congress working. It was DESIGNED from its inception to be adversarial.

The Founders, who were a hell of a lot smarter than you, knew that once both parties began colluding, the Republic was doomed.


Wow, you know what the Founders were thinking!!! I just love how when Republicans completely fuck up and make asses of themselves, their fallback line is that they're just doing what the Founders intended or protecting the Constitution. Republicans haven't done either, since they elected Ronald Reagan. Even worse, they keep claiming that the most liberal nation in history was founded by conservatives.

There is a being "adversarial", and then there is opposing your own party. One is expected, the other is just plain stupidity, and it is a bold statement that the Insurrectionist Caucus is more interested in promoting the Trumpist agenda which the American people resoundingly rejected in every election since 2018, than they are in governing the country.

What is most laughable, is the Republican Party is trying to spin this fiasco as being good for the Republican Party and good for the country. It is neither. It is just another demonstration of how out of touch Republicans are with the American people.
Wow, you know what the Founders were thinking!!! I just love how when Republicans completely fuck up and make asses of themselves, their fallback line is that they're just doing what the Founders intended or protecting the Constitution. Republicans haven't done either, since they elected Ronald Reagan. Even worse, they keep claiming that the most liberal nation in history was founded by conservatives.

There is a being "adversarial", and then there is opposing your own party. One is expected, the other is just plain stupidity, and it is a bold statement that the Insurrectionist Caucus is more interested in promoting the Trumpist agenda which the American people resoundingly rejected in every election since 2018, than they are in governing the country.

What is most laughable, is the Republican Party is trying to spin this fiasco as being good for the Republican Party and good for the country. It is neither. It is just another demonstration of how out of touch Republicans are with the American people.
So you don’t think it’s good to require 72 hours minimum to read a bill before having to vote on it?

Wow, you know what the Founders were thinking!!! I just love how when Republicans completely fuck up and make asses of themselves, their fallback line is that they're just doing what the Founders intended or protecting the Constitution. Republicans haven't done either, since they elected Ronald Reagan. Even worse, they keep claiming that the most liberal nation in history was founded by conservatives.

There is a being "adversarial", and then there is opposing your own party. One is expected, the other is just plain stupidity, and it is a bold statement that the Insurrectionist Caucus is more interested in promoting the Trumpist agenda which the American people resoundingly rejected in every election since 2018, than they are in governing the country.

What is most laughable, is the Republican Party is trying to spin this fiasco as being good for the Republican Party and good for the country. It is neither. It is just another demonstration of how out of touch Republicans are with the American people.

Yeah, we DO! They wrote letters to each other while discussing the country they were setting up.

Those letters were published in books.

You should try reading them you ignorant twit.
Yeah, we DO! They wrote letters to each other while discussing the country they were setting up.

Those letters were published in books.

You should try reading them you ignorant twit.
Dragonbreath is a clueless nitwit.
Ali Alexander threatens to dish on RINO in Making, Marjorie Taylor Green.

‘Stop The Steal’ Organizer Threatens ’Harlot’ Marjorie Taylor Greene

Alexander’s anti-Marge crusade all seems to have started when Greene dared to actually disagree with her longtime contrarian cohorts Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert and declare that she would support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. When that political divide led to some minor histrionics and name-calling, Alexander was NOT OK with that, and referred to Greene as “a trailer park hoodrat.” Now, Raw Story reports that Alexander is taking his anti-MTG hate to the next level.

Yup....he went there...

Please do not suggest that this is pathological, or anything...

What's the next stop on this crazy train?
More disintegration of the chaos party.
This is how congress is suppose to work... not like the coronation process that dems do...
No wonder rank and file democrat voters are so mad... they can't get anything they want because the same elected dems keep all the power for themselves and block their own party members...
Destroying government isn't going to magically reward you with power.
Says the liar who can't prove fraud.
You've had your nose rubbed in it for two years and refuse to admit it's there, so....


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