‘I Will Not Suffer This Harlot’....The MAGA Crack Up Continues Apace...

You don't know what he wanted. But keep lying.
We ALL know what he wanted and longed for, since he was passed up for Speaker, due to his own bragdotious arrogance the last time 6 years ago.

We also know it was why he went to Kiss the Mara Lago ring holder, and FLIP FLOPPED on 1/6.....a complete about face on Trump's culpability!

Come on....we ain't blind as a bat, with dysfuntioning radar, as y'all are!
We ALL know what he wanted and longed for, since he was passed up for Speaker, due to his own bragdotious arrogance the last time 6 years ago.

We also know it was why he went to Kiss the Mara Lago ring holder, and FLIP FLOPPED on 1/6.....a complete about face on Trump's culpability!

Come on....we ain't blind as a bat, as y'all are!
You're a legend in your own mind.
“The Founders,” smart and practical men though they were, were not prophets. They did not know — and certainly didn’t plan for there being — a “two party system” (especially not our present ridiculous disfunctional & deadlocked one) some 250 years after they declared for independence.

If anything they hoped that the “spirit of party partisanship” would fade over time, and they tried to design a Constitution to encourage that evolution.

No, thet knew exactly what would happen, and they have been proven correct.

You have clearly done little to no reading in the subject.

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