I was upset with Obama's remarks that there are 28 countries against


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
two, Russia and Syria. Syria wants Russia there. No Muslim nation, the Gulf countries or even Israel are members of Nato, and yet we are allies with all the Sunni nations, SA, Qatar, UAE, Egypt.

Rest assured this is over NG pipelines , nothing more. Russia has more rights in Syria than any of the Nato nations.

The France hoax was planned well. The ISIS scare in my opinion is our men. We are also backing SA in Yemen.

This really sickens me. All of this is really for Israel, SA, and Qatar, none of which are members of Nato.
two, Russia and Syria. Syria wants Russia there. No Muslim nation, the Gulf countries or even Israel are members of Nato, and yet we are allies with all the Sunni nations, SA, Qatar, UAE, Egypt.

Rest assured this is over NG pipelines , nothing more. Russia has more rights in Syria than any of the Nato nations.

The France hoax was planned well. The ISIS scare in my opinion is our men. We are also backing SA in Yemen.

This really sickens me. All of this is really for Israel, SA, and Qatar, none of which are members of Nato.

Josef Goebbels could not have jumbled facts more comprehensively.
As to yemen-----for anyone interested in that which YEMENIS want in
Yemen------find a Yemeni and discuss the issue of HEZBOLAH in yemen
and just how popular are the heavily armed HOUTHI Shiite shills for Iran
murdering for the glory of ------the 12th IMAM (al Mahdi) now residing in a well in QOM Iran ready to POP up and take possession of the black rock of mecca and
HAND IT OVER to the Ayatoilets of Iran. For the record-----it is really ALL ABOUT the Port Cities of ADEN and TAIZ for Iran and its Russian business
partners -----but the people get it clothed in "it is the will of allah"
Sa is bombing yemen. SA wants access to the strait, Yemen does not want to be ruled by the Al Saud family, and who can blame them. I'll take Iran any day over SA . Once again the US aligns on the wrong side.
Sa is bombing yemen. SA wants access to the strait, Yemen does not want to be ruled by the Al Saud family, and who can blame them. I'll take Iran any day over SA . Once again the US aligns on the wrong side.

Saudi arabia does not need access to the strait of Hormuz------Iran does and Russia wants to share the control with iran. Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz can cripple lots of world trade-------but it will have no effect on Saudi arabia which has MANY PORTS of its own and excellent access to the red sea and Mediterranean sea
Sa is bombing yemen. SA wants access to the strait, Yemen does not want to be ruled by the Al Saud family, and who can blame them. I'll take Iran any day over SA . Once again the US aligns on the wrong side.

Saudi arabia does not need access to the strait of Hormuz------Iran does and Russia wants to share the control with iran. Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz can cripple lots of world trade-------but it will have no effect on Saudi arabia which has MANY PORTS of its own and excellent access to the red sea and Mediterranean sea

Saudi Arabia wanted control over Yemen before the Iranians even begun to aid Yemen. Two of SA largest oil ports are in the Persian Gulf of which they want to bypass the strait of Hormuz. Saudi Arabia wants Yemen to control Yemen, just like the EU is getting its members. SA wants a SA puppet as ruler in Yemen and to become part of their Gulf Union. Once and ever if SA gets control of Iran, then you will really have a problem, SA will over rule Europe, like they said they will build more mosques. Iran is not the problem, only for SA and Israel and I too bad to both of them.
two, Russia and Syria. Syria wants Russia there. No Muslim nation, the Gulf countries or even Israel are members of Nato, and yet we are allies with all the Sunni nations, SA, Qatar, UAE, Egypt.

Rest assured this is over NG pipelines , nothing more. Russia has more rights in Syria than any of the Nato nations.

The France hoax was planned well. The ISIS scare in my opinion is our men. We are also backing SA in Yemen.

This really sickens me. All of this is really for Israel, SA, and Qatar, none of which are members of Nato.

Current regime in Syria is the result of a US-backed coup back in 1970 that put 'Daddy Assad' into power. When he died, his son took power. But Syria's ruling body has changed at least 8 times since 1949 and in each case by coup. The current regime's only crime seems to be causing a massive exodus of citizens into Europe. If they'd all gone into Iraq I doubt Syria'd be on our radar.
two, Russia and Syria. Syria wants Russia there. No Muslim nation, the Gulf countries or even Israel are members of Nato, and yet we are allies with all the Sunni nations, SA, Qatar, UAE, Egypt.

Rest assured this is over NG pipelines , nothing more. Russia has more rights in Syria than any of the Nato nations.

The France hoax was planned well. The ISIS scare in my opinion is our men. We are also backing SA in Yemen.

This really sickens me. All of this is really for Israel, SA, and Qatar, none of which are members of Nato.

Current regime in Syria is the result of a US-backed coup back in 1970 that put 'Daddy Assad' into power. When he died, his son took power. But Syria's ruling body has changed at least 8 times since 1949 and in each case by coup. The current regime's only crime seems to be causing a massive exodus of citizens into Europe. If they'd all gone into Iraq I doubt Syria'd be on our radar.

Your saying they are fleeing Assad? Assad took over from his Dad. Where do you get power changed 8 times since Daddy Assad?
Sa is bombing yemen. SA wants access to the strait, Yemen does not want to be ruled by the Al Saud family, and who can blame them. I'll take Iran any day over SA . Once again the US aligns on the wrong side.

Saudi arabia does not need access to the strait of Hormuz------Iran does and Russia wants to share the control with iran. Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz can cripple lots of world trade-------but it will have no effect on Saudi arabia which has MANY PORTS of its own and excellent access to the red sea and Mediterranean sea

Saudi Arabia wanted control over Yemen before the Iranians even begun to aid Yemen. Two of SA largest oil ports are in the Persian Gulf of which they want to bypass the strait of Hormuz. Saudi Arabia wants Yemen to control Yemen, just like the EU is getting its members. SA wants a SA puppet as ruler in Yemen and to become part of their Gulf Union. Once and ever if SA gets control of Iran, then you will really have a problem, SA will over rule Europe, like they said they will build more mosques. Iran is not the problem, only for SA and Israel and I too bad to both of them.

LOL more shit from the asses of the AYATOILETS--------regarding the above---
there are lots of Iranians in the USA-------who escaped the filth of the ayatoilets-----starting in the 60s when they were just a threat------and lots of Yemenis in the USA----a more recent migration---------They are the best sources. I came into contact
with LOTS AND LOTS of Iranians in the mid sixties------by the late sixties I already
know about the filth ON THE WAY-----the filth that our very own President Carter
LICKED-------my interaction with Yemenis is more recent-----in any case they DESPISE the stink which Penelope licks------it is all SHIITE SHIT

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