"I want a future where leaders lead"


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpxsvZ4eqZk]The Future I Want: Brittany Trilford's winning entry for Date with History - YouTube[/ame]

More than 200 people around the world entered TckTckTck's Date with History competition for a chance to speak truth to power and tell world leaders about the future they want at the Rio Earth Summit in June 2012. Out of all the entries, the public and our diverse jury of environmental leaders, activists and celebrities, 17-year-old Brittany Trilford of Wellington, New Zealand was selected as the winner. Follow her journey to Rio at tcktcktck.org
Poor deluded Brittany.

The Rio Erf Summit in 1992 is where Agenda 21 was first introduced. Agenda 21 is Global Gov't where unelected bureaucrats in a foreign country tell us how to live.

It's a world with no borders so that multinational corporations, the very same ones that Liberals rail against, are free to do business anywhere they want because there will be no National or Local govt's to stop them! Why do you think there are stories about how the US Constitution is outdated and needs to be replaced? It gets in the way of Agenda 21 that's why. Your rights are getting in their way. Think about that.

Sad that Brittany talks about her children and her childrens children because part of Agenda 21 is Population Reduction. Don't believe me? That's all you hear on TV is how there are too many people and not enough food! The Erf can't support all that!

How do we reduce population? Make abortion available everywhere. Make men and women sterile through vaccinations and GMO crops. You read the insert that comes with vaccinations right? You've done research on GMO crops right?

I won't bother to say what other ways they have for population reduction because you wouldn't believe me. You just have to research all that and find out for yourself.

An impassioned speech from some brainwashed Kiwi doesn't change any of that.
Time is ticking.. No time for logic, reason, or science. The debate is over ON EVERYTHING. Just STFU and do as you are told..

Yeah the Self-Esteem Program is paying off big time. We're all headed for Idiocracy..

Thanks Betty for the "warning"...
I think she is a very intelligent, well-spoken young lady.

Remarkable how you can waste so much raw intelligience by being starved of real facts and scientific method when you've been programmed by your eco-fraud handlers..

Nobody ever explained to her that we can spend a couple Trillion Bucks on a 2" sea level rise, or we could use that money to FEED and CLOTHE and EDUCATE most of the 3rd world with the same cash..
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I think she is a very intelligent, well-spoken young lady.

Remarkable how you can waste so much raw intelligience by being starved of real facts and scientific method when you've been programmed by your eco-fraud handlers..

Nobody ever explained to her that we can spend a couple Trillion Bucks on a 2" sea level rise, or we could use that money to FEED and CLOTHE and EDUCATE most of the 3rd world with the same cash..

agreed, Bjorn Lomborg could share some interesting scenarios with her.
I think she is a very intelligent, well-spoken young lady.

Remarkable how you can waste so much raw intelligience by being starved of real facts and scientific method when you've been programmed by your eco-fraud handlers..

Nobody ever explained to her that we can spend a couple Trillion Bucks on a 2" sea level rise, or we could use that money to FEED and CLOTHE and EDUCATE most of the 3rd world with the same cash..

agreed, Bjorn Lomborg could share some interesting scenarios with her.

PERFECT! Two hours with Bjorn it is.. I'll pick up the check...

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