I Think This Is Kind Of A Big Deal


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This isn't being reported on very much and I think we can guess why.

We saw what happened in Argentina and now it's spreading to the rest of the world. It was in the Netherlands first but that wasn't covered either.

Why does it belong in here? Maybe it doesn't but I suspect it is part of a worldwide movement of people getting sick and tired of woke governments making the Citizens pay for their Hare-Brained Ideas.

They're (the woke, the leftists) are trying to hide their agenda in a Climate farce. We know what happens when government gets control of energy. They can pick and choose what you can drive..... Even now, try to buy a diesel..... They can pick and choose what industries get the Coal, (Yeah, good luck on that one) Oil, Gas, etc. They can pick what Auto manufacturers have to make for us to buy (EV's anybody?), they can tell you what stove to buy, what kind of heat you can use, they can dictate......

They can control every single part of your life.

Now who do you think might want that kind of power??

'Nuff intro --


Needs a bigger "tractor".
The FACT is these climate policies screw the poor and working class, and Democrats don't give a shit.

I understand there is a Tax Credit of up to -- What? $7,500 for purchasing an EV.


How many people even pay that much in Federal Income Tax?? Here's a hint, 40% (forty percent) of US HOUSEHOLDS pay nothing in income tax. Zero. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

So, who does that tax credit help? Take a fucking guess.

LocationAverage Taxes ▾Compared to National Average
United States$13,367
District of Columbia$23,745+$10,377
New York$17,776+$4,409
New Jersey$16,828+$3,461
My advice is to just keep working, saving, and if possible, investing your money in the stock market, and when your balance is sufficient, you will have enough money to buy an EV and enjoy a $7500 tax credit on your purchase, all while helping the planet.
My advice is to just keep working, saving, and if possible, investing your money in the stock market, and when your balance is sufficient, you will have enough money to buy an EV and enjoy a $7500 tax credit on your purchase, all while helping the planet.
how is building more cars saving the planet?

Pollution from manufacturing is destroying the planet so you advocate increasing manufacturing?
how is building more cars saving the planet?

Pollution from manufacturing is destroying the planet so you advocate increasing manufacturing?

It's called a transition, and understand its meaning (kidding on the last part, no one in this thread other than myself could understand)

People are literally dying every day as a result of climate change, and this thought has never entered your pea sized brain, not once.
My advice is to just keep working, saving, and if possible, investing your money in the stock market, and when your balance is sufficient, you will have enough money to buy an EV and enjoy a $7500 tax credit on your purchase, all while helping the planet.

By buying a vehicle that has a battery that needs large amounts of hard to mine minerals, and is basically a 5-10 year throw away car?
My advice is to just keep working, saving, and if possible, investing your money in the stock market, and when your balance is sufficient, you will have enough money to buy an EV and enjoy a $7500 tax credit on your purchase, all while helping the planet.
You and the crooks you support are helping themselves, not the planet.
It's called a transition, and understand its meaning (kidding on the last part, no one in this thread other than myself could understand)

People are literally dying every day as a result of climate change, and this thought has never has entered your pea sized brain, not once.

What an classic example of SJW unearned superiority.

People die every day period. Blaming in on AGW is just a scare tactic for control.
It's called a transition, and understand its meaning (kidding on the last part, no one in this thread other than myself could understand)

People are literally dying every day as a result of climate change, and this thought has never entered your pea sized brain, not once.
nobody is dying of climate change

manufacturing more that gives us less is not a solution

electric cars wont last as long as gas cars, hence we will forever need to manufacture more, which pollutes more
same with wind and solar, we have to forever manufacture wind and solar, creating more pollution forever

face it, the solution destroys the planet
how is building more cars saving the planet?

Pollution from manufacturing is destroying the planet so you advocate increasing manufacturing?
The only places being destroyed is where dimocraps prevail.

Dee-Troit was on of LBJ's 'target' cities. Bang-up job, dimocrap scum


This is around the corner from where I live in Fort Myers. Totally, completely and absolutely Republican Controlled -- 'cept it's raining today.


But, who would want to live like that when you can have....... dimocrap controlled Dee-Troit.
Okay, you caught us. Me and my elitist, libtard friends have been conspiring to screw the poor and elderly ever since we started meeting in my basement years ago. All by working with the Chinese to get the whole climate hoax thing going. First we bought shares in lithium mines around the world. Then we got 90% of the world's climate scientists on board and the rest is history. Of course we had to have all the members of the Trilateral Commission killed first. But you probably already knew that cuz you're soooooooooo smart.
nobody is dying of climate change

manufacturing more that gives us less is not a solution

electric cars wont last as long as gas cars, hence we will forever need to manufacture more, which pollutes more
same with wind and solar, we have to forever manufacture wind and solar, creating more pollution forever

face it, the solution destroys the planet
I like the idea of EV's. I think they're the next big thing.

The biggest downside to them is, I shit you not, that dimocrap scum have too much input with them. There is no stupider piece of shit on the Planet than dimocrap scum.

Instead of using the ultimate power of the Universe, instead of harnessing the oldest power of the Universe -- Strong Nuclear, dimocrap scum want us to use Pixie Dust or something equally stupid to power all the EV's.

Here's their last brilliant fucking idea --


I could post another thousand of these but what's the point? dimocrap scum will continue to be the total fuckups they've always been. Taking twice as long as necessary, costing 5 times as much as necessary and failing with every stupid step they take.

How's that HSR (high speed rail) in Kaliphony coming along, dimocrap scum?? scumbags

Not because they're stupid (they are) but because they're stupid and refuse to acknowledge it. Which makes them scum.
Okay, you caught us. Me and my elitist, libtard friends have been conspiring to screw the poor and elderly ever since we started meeting in my basement years ago. All by working with the Chinese to get the whole climate hoax thing going. First we bought shares in lithium mines around the world. Then we got 90% of the world's climate scientists on board and the rest is history. Of course we had to have all the members of the Trilateral Commission killed first. But you probably already knew that cuz you're soooooooooo smart.
That 90% comment is bullshit.

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