I swear I think the only reason the DNC chairman choice is in the news....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
....is so the Democrats can talk about a vote that a Democrat won.

I'm sorry, but does anyone recall (or better, know of) the choice of a party's chairman being anything more than a mention and maybe a day's worth, maybe two if it happened on a Friday or Saturday, of "pundit chatter?" I just don't see Dudley Democrat in Des Moines giving a damn.
The far right regressives love to yell about nothing, such as the election of the DNC chair.
The far right regressives love to yell about nothing, such as the election of the DNC chair.

I really can't speak to what "far right regressives" love as I'm:
  1. Not a far right.
  2. Not regressive.
  3. Not yelling.
What I am is befuddled about why this year's DNC chairman selection process is so significant an event that it merited a week's worth of chatter. Quite frankly, I'd love a Democrat who knows taking a moment to explain unslanted, non-political relativist language why it is. (I don't really care what party affiliation the person has, only that they have a plausibly legitimate explanation that (1) directly explains/identifies what makes "this time round" so important -- talk-worthy on national television, if you will -- relative to past DNC chairman selections/selection processes and (2) isn't full of inflammatory invective.)

I've heard a week's worth of clips about it, observed that seekers of the position debated one another, and so on. I've heard people talk about the skills and abilities of the applicants. Great. I don't have any issue with that happening. I just want to understand why it matters and what about it matters now that never mattered before.

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