I study Liars: I've never seen anyone like President Trump...

I grew up in the sixties. I remember when America was about honesty, we confronted TRUTH. It wasn't a segue into rationalizing bullshit. Trans genders, or illegal aliens, flat earthers, global warming deniers, back then people were rational and capable of dealing with facts, what ever they where.
I grew up in the sixties too

I remember the LIES about Vietnam that got 60,000 boys killed

I graduated from college in the 60s with several courses in journalism and as an outcome of that truly anti-American stance the journalism class students exhibited actually
reinforced the FACT that the biased MSM promoted LIES about Vietnam!
You realize that the Tet Offensive was a victory for the USA but due to Cronkite's lies as well as the MSM most Americans never knew this!

Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
What Cronkite saw on the ground led him to go on TV and say it was time for the U.S. to end the war.
"The only rational way out then," Cronkite said to a national audience, "will be to negotiate not as victims but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could."
[President] Johnson is said to have told an aide, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America."

Prince watched it from his hospital bed in Texas, recovering from wounds he suffered at Hue.

"I was ready to throw a bedpan at the television set," he recalls, "because to me what that was was an admission of defeat and a denial of the sacrifice that all those young men had made and that I had made." The Tet Offensive was an American military victory, says Prince. And Johnson should have taken the fight to North Vietnam and gone after the enemy's safe havens in Laos and Cambodia.
Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
Oh, goodness! This is a bit embarrassing, no? I mean everyone knows Bubba and Barry never ever lied about anything, and ditto the two-time failed dimocrat candidate Hildebeast.

It's good to live in liberal la la land.
I grew up in the sixties. I remember when America was about honesty, we confronted TRUTH. It wasn't a segue into rationalizing bullshit. Trans genders, or illegal aliens, flat earthers, global warming deniers, back then people were rational and capable of dealing with facts, what ever they where.
I grew up in the sixties too

I remember the LIES about Vietnam that got 60,000 boys killed

I graduated from college in the 60s with several courses in journalism and as an outcome of that truly anti-American stance the journalism class students exhibited actually
reinforced the FACT that the biased MSM promoted LIES about Vietnam!
You realize that the Tet Offensive was a victory for the USA but due to Cronkite's lies as well as the MSM most Americans never knew this!

Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
What Cronkite saw on the ground led him to go on TV and say it was time for the U.S. to end the war.
"The only rational way out then," Cronkite said to a national audience, "will be to negotiate not as victims but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could."
[President] Johnson is said to have told an aide, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America."

Prince watched it from his hospital bed in Texas, recovering from wounds he suffered at Hue.

"I was ready to throw a bedpan at the television set," he recalls, "because to me what that was was an admission of defeat and a denial of the sacrifice that all those young men had made and that I had made." The Tet Offensive was an American military victory, says Prince. And Johnson should have taken the fight to North Vietnam and gone after the enemy's safe havens in Laos and Cambodia.
Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
Yes, like most things militarily in Vietnam, we won Tet
Just count the bodies

But the lies about Vietnam were about our prospects for victory, the capabilities of the enemy, the political justification, the fact that we never had an exit strategy

Just give us a hundred thousand more troops and we will be home by Christmas........Christmas of 1966, Christmas 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970

A lesson that cost us 60,000 lives
Why the MSM are the LIARS.....
Blatant example of how MSM headlines/30 second sound bites bias the news...
1) Trump's budget features "soaring"...
2) Obama's..."combats terrorism", "helps middle class"....
Why couldn't the MSM simply report "Trump sends Congress $4.4 trillion spending plan"... but they had to editorialize it!
That is FAKE news at it's finest. Leave comments to the editorial/opinion page ... report the facts...just the facts.

I grew up in the sixties. I remember when America was about honesty, we confronted TRUTH. It wasn't a segue into rationalizing bullshit. Trans genders, or illegal aliens, flat earthers, global warming deniers, back then people were rational and capable of dealing with facts, what ever they where.
I grew up in the sixties too

I remember the LIES about Vietnam that got 60,000 boys killed

I graduated from college in the 60s with several courses in journalism and as an outcome of that truly anti-American stance the journalism class students exhibited actually
reinforced the FACT that the biased MSM promoted LIES about Vietnam!
You realize that the Tet Offensive was a victory for the USA but due to Cronkite's lies as well as the MSM most Americans never knew this!

Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
What Cronkite saw on the ground led him to go on TV and say it was time for the U.S. to end the war.
"The only rational way out then," Cronkite said to a national audience, "will be to negotiate not as victims but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could."
[President] Johnson is said to have told an aide, "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America."

Prince watched it from his hospital bed in Texas, recovering from wounds he suffered at Hue.

"I was ready to throw a bedpan at the television set," he recalls, "because to me what that was was an admission of defeat and a denial of the sacrifice that all those young men had made and that I had made." The Tet Offensive was an American military victory, says Prince. And Johnson should have taken the fight to North Vietnam and gone after the enemy's safe havens in Laos and Cambodia.
Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later
Yes, like most things militarily in Vietnam, we won Tet
Just count the bodies

But the lies about Vietnam were about our prospects for victory, the capabilities of the enemy, the political justification, the fact that we never had an exit strategy

Just give us a hundred thousand more troops and we will be home by Christmas........Christmas of 1966, Christmas 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970

A lesson that cost us 60,000 lives

And of course you believed the MSM/Walter Cronkite.
As I mentioned in my journalism classes at a Big Ten college were members of the SDS/Weathermen... organizations you've never heard of but were
anarchists du joir!
How Weatherman confused violence with militancy and triggered the downfall of SDS

And that is what Cronkite, the MSM was pushing as the righteous protests groups that were actually fronts for anti-American forces.
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!
2) View attachment 181431

That is very easy...

President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!
2) View attachment 181431

That is very easy...

President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

A Democrat is crying about lies as if that's a standard to you
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!
2) View attachment 181431

That is very easy...

President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

A Democrat is crying about lies as if that's a standard to you

Remember Gary Hart? He lost a nomination cause a girl was sitting on his lap. Trump sleeps with hookers and you cult members don't care....you are the ultimate hypocrites....
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!
2) View attachment 181431

That is very easy...

President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

A Democrat is crying about lies as if that's a standard to you

Remember Gary Hart? He lost a nomination cause a girl was sitting on his lap. Trump sleeps with hookers and you cult members don't care....you are the ultimate hypocrites....

Are you drunk already? It's 10:30am. I guess it is Friday and 5pm somewhere.

I'm a libertarian, you're an idiot. I voted for Gary Johnson. You know, the Libertarian? Now that we have the playbill, Hart dared the press to follow him. I know your head is just dunked in a bucket of kool-aid so you're not absorbing this.

You never were smart enough to remember two sets of talking points, so everyone has to be a Republican to you who isn't a Democrat or you'd be completely lost as to what to say
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!
2) View attachment 181431

You're asking JimH to back up his crap? Good luck with that
Who the fuck cares if he sleeps with hookers? Hillary was a hooker that would have screwed everyone including liberals
Who the fuck cares if he sleeps with hookers? Hillary was a hooker that would have screwed everyone including liberals

Obviously leftists don't give a shit if Trump did sleep with hookers since they didn't bat an eye at voting for a sexual predator and they didn't bat an eye at voting for his ho who attacked his victims a second time. At least hookers consent
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

Sorry, O already sailed that boat.

Name 20 lies Obama told. Which would be very low compared to Trump who has only been in office a little more than a year.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Every word that came out of his mouth was a lie, I think there’s a picture of Obama in the dictionary when you look up the word in the dictionary, or is that a Clinton? LOL

A really convoluted way of saying you can't find more Obama lies than Trump lies. Not surprised.

Here's more. There are thousands upon thousands.

Pinocchio Obama’s Top 20 presidential lies
When you get to the number 2100 ( the amount of documented Trump lies, let us know.


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