I stand with Israel

To be honest i think for whites liberal diverse democracy is worse then stalin or hitler (assuming one doesnt get killer or in concentration camp/gulag but it is unlikely for a white person who supports the system, or is member of the party... many still like stalin and hitler, and had it good under them actually the majority only dissidents had it bad) the bad thing is rape cities, where your children are bullied in school since they are only one of 3 whites in the classroom and commit suicide, where your daughter has mullato children out of wedlock etc...

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross.”
― Adolf Hitler

Original Likud Party Platform

'between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.'

Caitlin Johnstone: The Two-State Lie​

". . . Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted at a recent press conference in Tel Aviv that he’s spent decades thwarting the formation of a Palestinian state, and that he is “proud” of doing so.

Netanyahu’s senior advisor Mark Regev told Piers Morgan that a true Palestinian state with its own military and true sovereignty was never an option for Israel, calling it “common sense” that Palestinians should at best have “less than a state.”

Israeli Ambassador to the U.K. Tzipi Hotovely told Sky News last week that there was “absolutely no” possibility of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. . . "


The quote of Hitler has some truth, but I dont hate Jews I like Jews I even potray gypsies as some type of brown jews too and I know some gitanos (spanish gypsies) who do that too. The truth of Hitler quote is for example that Jesus was a fighter, i see him as a fighter, that jesus had to shed his blood on the cross by the elites back then, and rulers. Replace "Jew" with elites. Then Hitlers quote is cool.
Excellent OP Morticia .

Now I can be sure that the Freedom Fighters prevail and the Godless Israeli Child Killers will be ground into sand .

Had to laugh when Nutty withdrew his elite Brigade -- Golani-- from combat service because they had suffered too many losses and were tired .
His little 48 hour Cease Fire for his elite Child Killers
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The quote of Hitler has some truth, but I dont hate Jews I like Jews I even potray gypsies as some type of brown jews too and I know some gitanos (spanish gypsies) who do that too. The truth of Hitler quote is for example that Jesus was a fighter, i see him as a fighter, that jesus had to shed his blood on the cross by the elites back then, and rulers. Replace "Jew" with elites. Then Hitlers quote is cool.
I already told you, read the entire speech, don't take the quote out of context.

It is despicable and antisemitic.

Adolf Hitler Speech April 12
If you were pro-jewish it would be less suspicious what you say, but now that you hate jews and israel it is suspicious what you say
That's hilarious. Tell me, who is the one in the photo dressed up as a Jewish persecutor?


Why, Mort, you scamp, it's your little fascist self.

Oy vey...

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