I see the Russian Bots are getting ready for elections

JimH52 watches Fake News MSNBC. They had a Fake News "contributor" insisting the Ruskies with their $100,000 in Facebook ads featuring a Crazy Bernie cartoon in which he is a gay superhero, and the dozens of bulletin board "bots" who made internet users feel compelled to vote for The Donald and convinced low IQ democrat idiots they could call in their vote. Now, with the Actual News that democrat leadership hates White America and feel attacking our democracy and White people is the right thing to do, they are looking for preemptive excuses for their upcoming election loses. If there are decent Republic candidates, The Donald will help campaign for them, and it will be nothing but win, and nothing but butthurtness again for the Democrat Fake News Media and their brainwashed Democrats.
Trump is toxic in this country. Many republican candidates will politely ask him NOT to campaign for him.

I don't see it. Republicans will be riding on his coattails after one more year of his successful policies. Dems don't really have anything to offer except the same old "racist/bigot/homophobe/islamophobe/liar/hater" stuff they've been spewing for the last ten years.

That shit just ain't gonna work no more. They have no plan to create jobs, no plan to protect the country, no plan to stimulate growth, no plan to combat terrorist, secure the borders, create real affordable health care, to reduce the national debt, fix the infrastructure, reduce racial discord, or get out of the Middle East. You have no core leaders, no organization, and your political donations are lagging far behind.

"Trump is a meanie" or "Trump colluded with the Russians" is not a way to win elections. You guys and girls better come up with something quick because the clock is ticking, and every day this country is getting better. People are starting to wake up to the things Trump has done for America and after one more year of winning, things will be pretty damned dismal for ya'll.
Of course you don’t see it. You’re a deplorable. He campaigned for a child molester and is the lowest rated prez in history and only in your mind that amounts to “ winning.”

So your winning strategy is to call them "deplorable", tie them to other people of questionable character, and claim that "nobody likes them"?

I swear, ya'll goobers could even give Che a case of the facepalm.

Yup, but are we prepared? Ask Benedict Donald if we are. The Fox is watching the hen house. He is welcoming his buddy, Putin to post as much fake news as he want.

Putin'so president is doing his job.
Dude. This is simply pathetic.

Stick to criticizing Trump on the issues. There is plenty of material.
Yup, but are we prepared? Ask Benedict Donald if we are. The Fox is watching the hen house. He is welcoming his buddy, Putin to post as much fake news as he want.

Putin'so president is doing his job.

Another victim of American Cold War propaganda. Was brainwashed into seeing the Soviet menace EVERYWHERE by clever indoctrination of the youth like this -----

So you’re going against what all our intelligence agencies tell us?

How do you know that you can trust your own intelligence agencies? Like they've never been involved in some shady shenanigans before, and they were all Dudly Do-Rights because we had our first black President?

I don't know whether to file you under "trusting" or "gullible". :laugh:

I'm just sayin'.
Yup, but are we prepared? Ask Benedict Donald if we are. The Fox is watching the hen house. He is welcoming his buddy, Putin to post as much fake news as he want.

Putin'so president is doing his job.
The very first order of business as president he should have started a commission to investigate the Russian hacking so it doesn’t happen again.
Of course he didn’t. They helped him win so he is literally incapable of doing the right thing.

Why would he want to bite the hand that helped elect him? Instead of addressing the problem, he attacks our INTELLIGENCE, the real media (excluding Fake FOX), and anyone else who doesn't lick his boots.

He now has much of the Complicit GOP protecting him. 2018 will see GOP losses in Congress like never before. If Benedict Donald is still around in 2019, he will be Impeached. Putin' president is going down.

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