I really like RFK Jr.

I accept your concession
As polling data and their explicit statements prove, Democrats are the party of:

* The US Security State (FBI/CIA/DHS/NSA)
* Uniting state and corporate power to censor
* Neocons and Bush/Cheney operatives

That *they* go around accusing others of authoritarianism is amazing. FROM GREENWALD.

He knows your kind.
Trump, like Bernie, has a core of supporters who will vote for them regardless of other options

In 2020, other Dem candidates dropped out to force Bernie to run directly against Biden. Biden won easily.

Republicans who oppose Trump, need to force him to run against one candidate
But they're not democrats, who paid Bernie to drop out when he got too close to the Appointed Shrew in 2016 and they demonstrated that he had no chance of beating her when they controlled the super delegates. The nom was hers, no matter what he did. He took the payment, dropped out and bought his houses like a good socialist would do.
What does RFK, Jr. intend to do? What are his policies?

Any politician can make vague generalities about making America a better place. What does he say specificially?
Seems like a normal guy with strong first principles and no fear of telling it like he sees it. I don't agree with some of his progressive positions, but on the immediate issues that are threatening this republic, particularly the politicization of our institutions, I love the guy. The other stuff is chump change at this point, and I don't think he'd go crazy on any of it. I prefer Trump, but I'd be more than ok with RFK Jr.
It’s a breath of fresh air to finally have a democrat to speak positively about. And I see that as a registered Democrat, who has been voting for practically all Republican candidates in the past three years.

I don’t know what RFK Junior’s position is on Black Lives Matter, but I like what he has had to say about the vaccines and about opposing men going into women’s bathrooms.

of course he has the Kennedy nostalgia to go with it. … and that is awesome. Of course John F. Kennedy was one of the most beloved Americans whoever lived and he was the uncle of RFK JR. … getting back to the point It really is a great feeling to have a democrat to want to support.
The Golden Age of the United States began with the Allied victory in World War II, and ended with the death of President Kennedy. Back then a white man with only a high school degree could afford a home in the suburbs and support a wife who did not need to work, and who could stay home to raise the children.

Rates of crime, illegitimacy, and divorce were much lower, even for blacks. Church and synagogue affiliation were much higher. God was in his Heaven. All was right with the world.

The civil rights legislation, the War on Poverty, and the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which was unpopular at the time, were well intended mistakes.
The Golden Age of the United States began with the Allied victory in World War II, and ended with the death of President Kennedy. Back then a white man with only a high school degree could afford a home in the suburbs and support a wife who did not need to work, and who could stay home to raise the children.

Rates of crime, illegitimacy, and divorce were much lower, even for blacks. Church and synagogue affiliation were much higher. God was in his Heaven. All was right with the world.

The civil rights legislation, the War on Poverty, and the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which was unpopular at the time, were well intended mistakes.
Civil Rights legislation allowing blacks to vote and ending official segregation was a mistake?
He's fruitcake. No wonder you like him
Some fruitcake
Civil Rights legislation allowing blacks to vote and ending official segregation was a mistake?
I will give a tentative "Yes" to your question. I think it would be unwise to try to repeal the civil rights demonstration, but I would like for it to be narrowly interpreted in ways that would prohibit affirmative action and racial reparations, and not inhibit the behavior of the police.

In 1944 An American Deilemma: The Negro Problem and American Democracy was published. It was written by Gunnar Myrdal. He was a Swedish academic who later won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

In his book Professor Myrdal acknowledged that blacks tend to perform less well than whites academically, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. He claimed that these were due to racial discrimination, and predicted that when blacks were given equal rights most of them would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.

An American Dilemma inspired the civil rights movement. A new edition was published in 1965. I believed on faith what Dr. Myrdal claimed before I knew that he and his book existed.

89 years after An American Dilemma was first published, and two generations since the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty was passed into law those of us who are honest enough to look at the evidence can see that Professor Myrdal's optimistic predictions have not come true: blacks have not emulated whites; whites have emulated blacks, and black rates of crime and illegitimacy have gotten even higher.

In The Bell Curve, published in 1994 Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray admit that black academic performance improved until the mid 1980's, but that it has stagnated since, leaving a large race gap in all forms of intellectual performance between blacks and whites.

No Child Left Behind left most blacks behind whites, despite the large sum of money invested in it. The gains of Head Start are minor, and transitory.
Seems like a normal guy with strong first principles and no fear of telling it like he sees it. I don't agree with some of his progressive positions, but on the immediate issues that are threatening this republic, particularly the politicization of our institutions, I love the guy. The other stuff is chump change at this point, and I don't think he'd go crazy on any of it. I prefer Trump, but I'd be more than ok with RFK Jr.
RFK, Jr...a normal guy. :auiqs.jpg:
Seems like a normal guy with strong first principles and no fear of telling it like he sees it. I don't agree with some of his progressive positions, but on the immediate issues that are threatening this republic, particularly the politicization of our institutions, I love the guy. The other stuff is chump change at this point, and I don't think he'd go crazy on any of it. I prefer Trump, but I'd be more than ok with RFK Jr.
Camelot Calamity
I will give a tentative "Yes" to your question. I think it would be unwise to try to repeal the civil rights demonstration, but I would like for it to be narrowly interpreted in ways that would prohibit affirmative action and racial reparations, and not inhibit the behavior of the police.

In 1944 An American Deilemma: The Negro Problem and American Democracy was published. It was written by Gunnar Myrdal. He was a Swedish academic who later won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

In his book Professor Myrdal acknowledged that blacks tend to perform less well than whites academically, and that they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. He claimed that these were due to racial discrimination, and predicted that when blacks were given equal rights most of them would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.

An American Dilemma inspired the civil rights movement. A new edition was published in 1965. I believed on faith what Dr. Myrdal claimed before I knew that he and his book existed.

89 years after An American Dilemma was first published, and two generations since the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty was passed into law those of us who are honest enough to look at the evidence can see that Professor Myrdal's optimistic predictions have not come true: blacks have not emulated whites; whites have emulated blacks, and black rates of crime and illegitimacy have gotten even higher.

In The Bell Curve, published in 1994 Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray admit that black academic performance improved until the mid 1980's, but that it has stagnated since, leaving a large race gap in all forms of intellectual performance between blacks and whites.

No Child Left Behind left most blacks behind whites, despite the large sum of money invested in it. The gains of Head Start are minor, and transitory.
Which you blame on Civil Rights?
You still prefer Jim Crow?
Which you blame on Civil Rights?
You still prefer Jim Crow?

You ask "yes" or "no" questions, when my answers are nuanced. I am unsatisfied with the response of most Negroes to the opportunities that we have opened to them. My disappointments with the civil rights movement, which I had initially supported, have led me to suspect that there is often wisdom in tradition.

I suppose you could say that I prefer Jim Crow, but without enthusiasm. I think it would be unwise to try to restore it.

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