I need some serious advice!

I live in a 2 bedroom condo, with my daughter and myself, soon my mother is moving in so I can take care of her. Anyway...........last night I thought I heard a sound in one of the bedrooms, so I went and looked in the closets, bathroom...nothing there.

Then I got to thinking, what IF someone was in there? What would I have done? I have no weapons, I don't think I could use a gun if I had one. (Though I defend everyone's right to have one for protection)

Anyway, my question is, what is a good "weapon" or "protection device" for me to have in the house, that is NOT a gun? Thanks!

1. Dog.
2. Baseball bat.
3. Hammer
I've considered this same question. When travelling in my van I like to have my tool belt up close to the driver's seat, with my claw hammer in its loop. A claw hammer with the claw is a formidable and threatning weapon, almost as dangerous as a hatchet.

We used to not do this but in recent years I've begun locking the doors when inside, and checking them again when I turn in. We have no weapons of any kind, but a baseball bat would have good impact. Also if used to jab, the blunt end would be hard for an opponent to grab onto. I'd think an aluminum bat would allow the maximum swing velocity as well as impact and under the bed would be a good place for it. It would be nice to have one in a couple of places in your condo.

My advice for you would be to have objects around the house that you could grab in a second. Large leaded Vase, Golf Clubs (driver is longer) Just stuff placed everywhere that you can use on someones head.

Now if someone did break in and they have a gun, you are SOL, but if they have a knife, I'll tell you that I will go toe to toe with items everywhere to beat the shit out of him or her.
I would buy a handgun and learn how to use it. Ask Gunny or Crimson White about which one would be best for you.
My weapon of choice is a nightstick. I don't use a firearm because if I use one in my state in order to defend myself, I'll be put in jail. Pepper spray is really good(so is mace). if you're not the physical type, a really loud alarm may be a good idea.
get a tazer but make sure its not an impact one....a gun is too dangerous for you....guns are something one grows up with and learns to use ...its a 2nd habit to me...plus from what i have read of you...you are not a killer...to use a gun one must be able to kill...go with a tazer or mace or a baseball bat...a good wooden bat can do a lot of damage..but first you got to get the person on the floor....so mace or tazer...a small yapping dog is all you need
Good points above about a dog. Barring/with that, yes, a tazer, pepper spray, self-defense classes, sturdy locks.

And I can send you one of these:


Guarandamnteed to scare the pi$$ out of people.

You don't find your signature just a little over the top, and slightly obnoxious, since practically everyone else on the board has the decency to keep theirs somewhat reasonable, so as not to clutter the crap out of things?

You the new thought police and Forum monitor for signatures?
Good points above about a dog. Barring/with that, yes, a tazer, pepper spray, self-defense classes, sturdy locks.

And I can send you one of these:


Guarandamnteed to scare the pi$$ out of people.

You don't find your signature just a little over the top, and slightly obnoxious, since practically everyone else on the board has the decency to keep theirs somewhat reasonable, so as not to clutter the crap out of things?

You the new thought police and Forum monitor for signatures?

What's the matter Chippy? Someone steal the bug you keep up your ass?

Signatures used to have a limit on size/content.. I don't know if they still do. I'm merely pointing out to her that I find her overbearing, and obnoxious.
Her posts are 2 lines.. On every post, her signature is practically an 8x10. If you don't find that annoying, feel free to keep your trap shut and not say anything about it.
Get a bat and a taser. In the meanwhile, get a firearms license and go through basic training, and then any further training to make you comfortable using a gun. Then get the gun. Then, next time you are suspicious about anything, at least have the gun in your back pocket, and either the bat or the taser at the ready. But really, use the gun.
Some would say a gun, but not always the case. For me I keep I mine locked away in the basement in safe in the ceiling and then it has a gun lock, since I am more afraid of my son getting it than protection. Therefore if there was an intruder in my house, it wouldn't help. What I have is mag line and a small aluminum bat (like a tee-ball bad), but then again I am not a tiny guy.

In your case I would say a taser gun and mag light. The taser to temporary knock him down (and if you accidentally get your daughter or mother, then they won't be hurt just very mad at you) and then use the mag light to clock him/her over the head. Also use the mag light to see!
If you train your son how to use guns, and teach them what they are and what it means to have a gun, you will no longer need fear your son getting it.
Get a bat and a taser. In the meanwhile, get a firearms license and go through basic training, and then any further training to make you comfortable using a gun. Then get the gun. Then, next time you are suspicious about anything, at least have the gun in your back pocket, and either the bat or the taser at the ready. But really, use the gun.

If you ever want to own a firearm. learn how to use it first as suggested. Not knowing where you are I have no idea what resources you have available. BUT unless your in a crazy State like Mass there should be options.

With a child in the house though you have the further problem of either so securing the weapon as to be useless or so trusting your child as to know they won't ever play with it.

Stick with a bat, taser if legal, mace or pepper spray if legal.
Nothing can replace the gun. Go take a firearms course, and get yourself a gun.

It doesn't take very long to learn how to use it. You can't be sure the dog will act in your defense. What if your dog just ends up laying there, or just running up to the intruder to lick him or hump his leg? Now you're embarrassed AND dead.

Get the gun. Don't be afraid of it. Nothing can replace the ability to defend yourself at a distance, unless you know how to throw knives.
Get a republican and keep him on a leash when walking him outdoors but allow him free reign in the house. They tend to be rabid and attack anything that moves, though, so make an effort to find one that thinks you and your family are also republicans.
Get a republican and keep him on a leash when walking him outdoors but allow him free reign in the house. They tend to be rabid and attack anything that moves, though, so make an effort to find one that thinks you and your family are also republicans.

Amazing how you can wake right up and hate republicans--do you dream about them too ?
I doubt you are going to go buy a firearm as some not to rational people have mentioned.

If you decide you want to learn to use a firearm, follow the advice to LEARN how first before you buy, FURTHER since you have a child, teach that child all about firearms also. What they know prevents curiosity and knowledge prevents accidents.

Since you live in a Condo can I assume you have walls you share with others? Another good reason not to use a firearm unless absolutely needed.
I live in a 2 bedroom condo, with my daughter and myself, soon my mother is moving in so I can take care of her. Anyway...........last night I thought I heard a sound in one of the bedrooms, so I went and looked in the closets, bathroom...nothing there.

Then I got to thinking, what IF someone was in there? What would I have done? I have no weapons, I don't think I could use a gun if I had one. (Though I defend everyone's right to have one for protection)

Anyway, my question is, what is a good "weapon" or "protection device" for me to have in the house, that is NOT a gun? Thanks!

Get a loud whistle, let your condo neighbors know to call 911 if they hear you blowing it....

I don't know if you live in a high rise condo or not....but if you do, and the fire alarm for the floor you are on is near your apartment, MAKE CERTAIN to flip it....set the alarm off!

and if your smoke detectors are tied in to the condo, set them off....

the big ass bat, and taser and dog sound good as well.....

get yourself BEWARE OF DOG signs and put it on your outside doors....even before you get yourself a dog.

I live in a 2 bedroom condo, with my daughter and myself, soon my mother is moving in so I can take care of her. Anyway...........last night I thought I heard a sound in one of the bedrooms, so I went and looked in the closets, bathroom...nothing there.

Then I got to thinking, what IF someone was in there? What would I have done? I have no weapons, I don't think I could use a gun if I had one. (Though I defend everyone's right to have one for protection)

Anyway, my question is, what is a good "weapon" or "protection device" for me to have in the house, that is NOT a gun? Thanks!

Get a loud whistle, let your condo neighbors know to call 911 if they hear you blowing it....

I don't know if you live in a high rise condo or not....but if you do, and the fire alarm for the floor you are on is near your apartment, MAKE CERTAIN to flip it....set the alarm off!

and if your smoke detectors are tied in to the condo, set them off....

the big ass bat, and taser and dog sound good as well.....

get yourself BEWARE OF DOG signs and put it on your outside doors....even before you get yourself a dog.

Notice how many things you must do and have to replace one gun?
I'd go with a solid security sytem with loud ass alarms and locks. If anyone gets past that (without running away) you are going to have your hands full with any weapon you choose.
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