I Napoleon. CNN’s Circus of the Mentally Ill Was a Smash


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Never mind it was the lowest rated, with a Trump rally smashing it, it looks like it was great comedy.
If only PT Barnum had thought of putting a bunch of mentally ill people in his 3 ring circus.

CNN’s LGBT Town Hall collapses into trans madness | Spectator USA

As a mild-mannered woman stood to ask a scripted question to Beto O’Rourke (who did not appear as his drag alter-ego Frieda Migrants), a black transgender snatched the microphone and bum-rushed the stage. She introduced herself as Blossom C. Brown and screamed at moderator Don Lemon, accusing him of being an example of ‘how anti-blackness works among people of color.’

‘Black trans women are being killed in this country and CNN you have erased black trans women of color for the last time. Our lives matter!’ she roared. During the nearly two-minute long spectacle, Brown raged against CNN for not giving a microphone to black trans women. ‘Blossom, you’re a black trans woman, you have the mic now,’ Lemon condescended, causing Blossom to fumble, fume, and walk back to her seat.

Unfortunately for Blossom, later in the show CNN already did have a black trans woman scheduled to ask a question. When moderator Nia Henderson introduced the audience member, Shea Diamond, pronouncing the name ‘Shay-a’, Diamond snapped. ‘It’s ‘She-a’! Get that on the record. It’s violence to misgender or alter the name of a trans person. Always get that right first.’ Should Henderson be faulted for thinking, as she read her cue cards, surely, no one was obnoxious enough to have renamed themselves to the phonetic ‘she’s a diamond’? Turns out, someone was.
Tranny's live a risky lifestyle.
Frankly, I'm surprised more aren't offed!
But, then again, America is a very tolerant society.
CNN has become a comedy/burlesque channel now, with slapstick and pies in the face and all sorts of silly shenanigans.
Never mind it was the lowest rated, with a Trump rally smashing it, it looks like it was great comedy.
If only PT Barnum had thought of putting a bunch of mentally ill people in his 3 ring circus.

CNN’s LGBT Town Hall collapses into trans madness | Spectator USA

As a mild-mannered woman stood to ask a scripted question to Beto O’Rourke (who did not appear as his drag alter-ego Frieda Migrants), a black transgender snatched the microphone and bum-rushed the stage. She introduced herself as Blossom C. Brown and screamed at moderator Don Lemon, accusing him of being an example of ‘how anti-blackness works among people of color.’

‘Black trans women are being killed in this country and CNN you have erased black trans women of color for the last time. Our lives matter!’ she roared. During the nearly two-minute long spectacle, Brown raged against CNN for not giving a microphone to black trans women. ‘Blossom, you’re a black trans woman, you have the mic now,’ Lemon condescended, causing Blossom to fumble, fume, and walk back to her seat.

Unfortunately for Blossom, later in the show CNN already did have a black trans woman scheduled to ask a question. When moderator Nia Henderson introduced the audience member, Shea Diamond, pronouncing the name ‘Shay-a’, Diamond snapped. ‘It’s ‘She-a’! Get that on the record. It’s violence to misgender or alter the name of a trans person. Always get that right first.’ Should Henderson be faulted for thinking, as she read her cue cards, surely, no one was obnoxious enough to have renamed themselves to the phonetic ‘she’s a diamond’? Turns out, someone was.

LOL, they had no idea how to handle that lunatic highjacking the show:

Never mind it was the lowest rated, with a Trump rally smashing it, it looks like it was great comedy.
If only PT Barnum had thought of putting a bunch of mentally ill people in his 3 ring circus.

CNN’s LGBT Town Hall collapses into trans madness | Spectator USA

As a mild-mannered woman stood to ask a scripted question to Beto O’Rourke (who did not appear as his drag alter-ego Frieda Migrants), a black transgender snatched the microphone and bum-rushed the stage. She introduced herself as Blossom C. Brown and screamed at moderator Don Lemon, accusing him of being an example of ‘how anti-blackness works among people of color.’

‘Black trans women are being killed in this country and CNN you have erased black trans women of color for the last time. Our lives matter!’ she roared. During the nearly two-minute long spectacle, Brown raged against CNN for not giving a microphone to black trans women. ‘Blossom, you’re a black trans woman, you have the mic now,’ Lemon condescended, causing Blossom to fumble, fume, and walk back to her seat.

Unfortunately for Blossom, later in the show CNN already did have a black trans woman scheduled to ask a question. When moderator Nia Henderson introduced the audience member, Shea Diamond, pronouncing the name ‘Shay-a’, Diamond snapped. ‘It’s ‘She-a’! Get that on the record. It’s violence to misgender or alter the name of a trans person. Always get that right first.’ Should Henderson be faulted for thinking, as she read her cue cards, surely, no one was obnoxious enough to have renamed themselves to the phonetic ‘she’s a diamond’? Turns out, someone was.

Why are you obsessed with trannies?

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