I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Well, I hear ya. I'm a Cruz voter, turned Trump supporter. Cruz really should have declined the invitation if he didn't want to endorse. Having said that, people can have their own minds, we're not democrats that take away your ethnicity based on who you vote for.

I think it would have sent a much more polarizing message had he declined to speak. He represents a huge demographic whether Trump supporters respect that or not. The speech he gave was a boilerplate call for party unity behind principles common to us all... or at least, we assume they are common principles, maybe they're not after all?

These anti-Cruz Trump supporters sound more like progressive liberals every day... you get in line and march in lockstep no matter what... you're not allowed to have a different opinion... you can't dissent... you can't disagree... there's no room for that. Either you're all in for Trump (no matter what he says) or get the fuck out of our damn tent.... we don't want you... we don't need you... we'll win without you!

Sorry, but that isn't going to happen. You're either going to continue bashing Conservatives and Ted Cruz and lose the election to Hillary... possibly the House and Senate too... OR... you're going to embrace Conservatives and hope to beat Hillary. And time is running out. The longer this goes on the more unlikely a Trump win becomes. So minds need to be made up here... do you want to destroy Ted Cruz or defeat Hillary Clinton... you can't do both.

you are ignoring me, but as you contemplate a vote for your conscience or hillary, the heart and soul of conservativism across farmlands is under attack by nobama. huge grants are being awarded to lesbian farmers in a so called effort to force the area to embrace being different. the reality is they want to dillute that conservative block.

yeah, i warned you about conservative values going extinct. weak and unprincipled republicans like you will make that happen.

i cant believe that i, an ex bernie supporter, knows what is at stake here- that i must remind you. i have chosen my new party and i for one am fighting to keep it intact.

shame on you.

Not ignoring you in particular, I just don't comment if there's nothing to say. You're entitled to your opinion... vote your conscience.

I vote my conscience but my conscience is guided by Conservative principles of constitutional individual liberty and free enterprise. I don't feel either of the top two candidates represent me and I don't like to waste my vote on a useless third party spoiler. There is still time for my viewpoint to change... at this time, I don't think I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. I would like to say I am voting for Trump but at the moment, I am waiting to see where he's going with his message. I like what I've heard this week but he could completely ass things up before Friday. Today is only Wednesday!

And I will tell you straight up... I AM NO PARTY GUY! I'm just NOT... never have been. I vote on the best candidate, it just happens to be that lately it's a Republican. And it also happens to be, the Republican party has (during my voting life) always been the party to stand for Constitutional principles of individual liberty over government. Republicanism... Federalism. The DNC platform is absolute Marxism... they don't even really attempt to hide it anymore.

thanks for responding. i was a hillary PUMA who opposed nobama on his record of voting present, being hailed as the most maleable credit card bank candidate, and one who would side with the poor while his crony Axelrod worked in the background to undermine in perfect coordination. that is what we got and more. he ran on being a uniter, on stopping the patriot act, capping payday loan interest rates at 37%, and taxing the rich. the rich got richer, the poor are most oppressed with home. auto, and payday loan predators, and surveillance is all encompassing. furthermore, banks were bailed out and his infrastructure stimulus was diverted resulting in (guess what) the need for infrastructure repair which hillary is calling for. moreover, the clean energy projects involving wind, solar, and more all failed within years. additionally nobamacare has left middleclass families like mine paying ridiculous premiums for we dont qualify for subsidies. we pay $14,000.00 a yr in premiums and each has a $6,000 deductible-- not a penny is paid until the $6,000 is paid.

hillary is running on the continunce of such policies with an agenda that includes personal enrichment at the expense of americans. the corruption is beyond comprehension.

so you see why i felt the need to post here. there is nothing conservative in her agenda. if she respected the constitution you so dearly hold, most voters would still respect the presidency, the justice system, and the election process. trumps misguided words dont compare to her huge lack of moral compass. jill stein of the green party explained that eloquently in the town hall meeting tonight.

best of luck sorting it out. trump will give us a police state already started by nobama and forced by lawless haters of law and order. ive accepted that scenario.

Look... I guess people read the title of the thread and don't bother reading the OP.... I keep having to explain to folks... you don't have to convince me of how terrible Hillary Clinton is... that's NOT why I said I might vote for her. It had nothing to do with her or her policies. I realize she is awful.. an un-indicted criminal... corrupt to the core... I've got all that.

The reason I posted this thread was because of the treatment conservative Ted Cruz supporters were getting from the Trump crowd. This arrogant smart-ass besmirching and insulting that started the night Ted Cruz gave his RNC speech and didn't endorse Trump. And if Trump were still up in the polls, it would still be going on. CK can hardly post without a backhanded slap at me for being a Conservative. But everyone should be well aware by now that this election cannot be won without the Conservative vote. Trump supporters need to decide who they want to beat the worst... Hillary or Conservatives... because you can't do both.

Well, I hear ya. I'm a Cruz voter, turned Trump supporter. Cruz really should have declined the invitation if he didn't want to endorse. Having said that, people can have their own minds, we're not democrats that take away your ethnicity based on who you vote for.
Unlike Trump Ted Cruz is a man of honor and had a right and duty to address the delegates that were voting for him. It was the REPUBLICAN convention not the Trump coronation. A real conservative would not need to be told these things.
Well, I hear ya. I'm a Cruz voter, turned Trump supporter. Cruz really should have declined the invitation if he didn't want to endorse. Having said that, people can have their own minds, we're not democrats that take away your ethnicity based on who you vote for.

I think it would have sent a much more polarizing message had he declined to speak. He represents a huge demographic whether Trump supporters respect that or not. The speech he gave was a boilerplate call for party unity behind principles common to us all... or at least, we assume they are common principles, maybe they're not after all?

These anti-Cruz Trump supporters sound more like progressive liberals every day... you get in line and march in lockstep no matter what... you're not allowed to have a different opinion... you can't dissent... you can't disagree... there's no room for that. Either you're all in for Trump (no matter what he says) or get the fuck out of our damn tent.... we don't want you... we don't need you... we'll win without you!

Sorry, but that isn't going to happen. You're either going to continue bashing Conservatives and Ted Cruz and lose the election to Hillary... possibly the House and Senate too... OR... you're going to embrace Conservatives and hope to beat Hillary. And time is running out. The longer this goes on the more unlikely a Trump win becomes. So minds need to be made up here... do you want to destroy Ted Cruz or defeat Hillary Clinton... you can't do both.
What makes it sad is it is like Ben Shapiro said they want us to LIE for Trump. I dont lie for any fucking candidate!
Outside of the Washington elites "regular voters" aren't lumped into the establishment category. You have pansies like Bill Kristol, Erick Ericson, Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck and a host of other douche conservatives who should gtfo of the republican party and move on. Instead they act like giant whiny pussies. They aren't relevant anymore in the Republican party and only serve to prop up and support the liberal medias narrative.

Explain to me how the tent is much smaller when Trump in a huge field of candidates amassed the most votes for any Republican candidate in the history of the party? Do you not even realize the enormity of that? Add to that the Dems/libs/Republicans who voted for other canddates and Independents who will vote for Trump in the GE and you have an even larger tent. Douche Romney and McCain couldn't even fill the back of a pickup truck of support in comparison.

Again... How do you suppose these "establishment" types got into office? Somebody obviously voted for them! How many voters do you know who admit they support the establishment republicans? That was my question to you.... I've not seen your answer.

Okay... so you reel off a list of republicans who you think need to get the fuck out.... then you ask me how the tent is smaller? I've watched you people rip and tear apart anyone who isn't worshiping at the altar of Trump.... but you somehow think they are all going to vote for Trump. It's absolute insanity! You're pushing everyone out of the tent who isn't in lockstep with their pom-poms waving for Trump and what you're going to get is a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton and possibly lose the House and Senate as well.

Bill Krystol is a flaming fucking NEOCON! I disagree with his NEOCON ideology.... but the GOP needs his vote to win this election. You can't afford to be throwing people out of the party... you do not have those kinds of numbers, regardless of what you might think. Yes, Trump got 14 million votes... the other GOP candidates tallied over 17 million votes. We had a lot of people participating in the GOP primaries but this is not the primaries anymore... this is the GENERAL election... you'll need 65~69 million votes to beat Hillary.... where are you going to get them?

You see... You have to MAKE THE CASE for your candidate. You can't insult and humiliate people into voting for him, that's never going to be effective. Telling me that I'm irrelevant, isn't winning me over to your side. Calling me a pussy or claiming I am butthurt because my guy lost... not winning me over. You've gotta drop that shit like a bad habit and start making the case for why I should vote for Donald Trump... and it needs to be more substantial than "he's not Hillary!"

If you cannot change this tone, you're going to lose... and you may take the House and Senate with you. At this point, I can't change what's going to happen with Trump. My focus is on trying to hold on to the House and Senate because if we lose those, the country is gone forever. You can forget about your movement, my movement or anyone else's movement that isn't a Marxist.
:dunno: but what I do know is that the voters are sick and tired of them dragging their feet and doing nothing. Be interesting to see how many keep their seats.

The GOP does NOT need the Bill Krystol votes to win. These douche bags have made their beds and they have been tossed aside into the scrap pile. Good riddance. What the GOP is going to gain with the black and latino vote will more than make-up for the few conservative ***** who wish to sabotage Trump and the voters. Yes Trump will garner more Black and Latino votes than any Republican. Read that again and watch the exit polls in November.

By the way I'm not calling you a pussy or butthurt. A Clinton Presidency isn't the "end of the world" for you so I respect your decision not to vote for Trump and vote Hillary. I've said that a few times.

In closing I see that Trump is looking to restore the Gov't to its original intent..."by" "for" and "of". I see him reaching out to minorities, gays and women. I see him admitting he has some regrets and I see him standing by his word to always tell US the truth. I see a man who really does care about changing Washington and the fear coming from the elites and very rich/powerful tells me he's on the right path. He's got nothing to lose. He's like you and I (albeit a shit ton richer).
The GOP does NOT need the Bill Krystol votes to win. These douche bags have made their beds and they have been tossed aside into the scrap pile. Good riddance. What the GOP is going to gain with the black and latino vote will more than make-up for the few conservative ***** who wish to sabotage Trump and the voters. Yes Trump will garner more Black and Latino votes than any Republican. Read that again and watch the exit polls in November.

By the way I'm not calling you a pussy or butthurt. A Clinton Presidency isn't the "end of the world" for you so I respect your decision not to vote for Trump and vote Hillary. I've said that a few times.

The GOP needs every vote it can get. The Democrats are a larger party in numbers and money... plus, they have the media in their pocket. The whole entire concept of "Big Tent" is getting everyone who holds any sort of Republican value to vote for your candidate, appealing to some independents and moderates, and trying to snag a few crossovers. It means absolutely nothing for Trump to get more Latino and black vote than any Republican if you're going to leave 20~30% of the party sitting this one out. Or worse... voting for Hillary just to spite your arrogant asses!

I'm concerned about the outcome of this election! I'm becoming more and more convinced that you people don't know how to win. You know how to brag... you know how to boast... you know how to insult and smear... you know how to denigrate and tear people down... you know how to blame others for your shortcomings... you're really good at that. But none of your talents are productive in convincing people to vote for your guy. You're determined to go headlong into this election with your little 14 million votes you got in a crowded primary field and tell everyone else to go to hell. I fear that strategy will result in a landslide loss.

If Hillary Clinton were anywhere near a half-way decent candidate, you'd be down by 30 points right now and this election would be over. The ONLY thing saving your ass is that she is so utterly deplorable. And that's what is so sad here, this election was a cakewalk... ANY of the other 16 GOP candidates would be winning this thing and not having to hire the head of Breitbart and Fox News to pull their tanking campaign out of the fire.
The GOP does NOT need the Bill Krystol votes to win. These douche bags have made their beds and they have been tossed aside into the scrap pile. Good riddance. What the GOP is going to gain with the black and latino vote will more than make-up for the few conservative ***** who wish to sabotage Trump and the voters. Yes Trump will garner more Black and Latino votes than any Republican. Read that again and watch the exit polls in November.

By the way I'm not calling you a pussy or butthurt. A Clinton Presidency isn't the "end of the world" for you so I respect your decision not to vote for Trump and vote Hillary. I've said that a few times.

The GOP needs every vote it can get. The Democrats are a larger party in numbers and money... plus, they have the media in their pocket. The whole entire concept of "Big Tent" is getting everyone who holds any sort of Republican value to vote for your candidate, appealing to some independents and moderates, and trying to snag a few crossovers. It means absolutely nothing for Trump to get more Latino and black vote than any Republican if you're going to leave 20~30% of the party sitting this one out. Or worse... voting for Hillary just to spite your arrogant asses!

I'm concerned about the outcome of this election! I'm becoming more and more convinced that you people don't know how to win. You know how to brag... you know how to boast... you know how to insult and smear... you know how to denigrate and tear people down... you know how to blame others for your shortcomings... you're really good at that. But none of your talents are productive in convincing people to vote for your guy. You're determined to go headlong into this election with your little 14 million votes you got in a crowded primary field and tell everyone else to go to hell. I fear that strategy will result in a landslide loss.

If Hillary Clinton were anywhere near a half-way decent candidate, you'd be down by 30 points right now and this election would be over. The ONLY thing saving your ass is that she is so utterly deplorable. And that's what is so sad here, this election was a cakewalk... ANY of the other 16 GOP candidates would be winning this thing and not having to hire the head of Breitbart and Fox News to pull their tanking campaign out of the fire.

Boss, the Republicans/GOP have been losing forever don't you think its time to let Trump and his campaign show everyone how its done? Here's the reality, the Democrats have been kicking Republican ass for too long because Republicans don't know how to win. They are called racists and bigots and have been bullied by the left and did nothing but cower in fear. Trump has faced their attacks head on and called them out on their bullshit. He wasn't afraid to say what most Americans were/are thinking, he isn't afraid to say the entire system (including his party) is corrupt and broken. He'll win in November, I'm very confident in that prediction.

The other 16 would be getting stomped right now Boss. They would have folded under the onslaught that Trump faced. Make no mistake about it. The media would have attacked the hell out of them just as much.

The Democrats and media needed to get throat punched and Trump was the perfect candidate to deliver it. Their attacks are impotent and he's turning the tables on them. These next 4-5 weeks are going to be very interesting, I think by week 4 you're going to be posting a "I'm going to vote for Trump" thread :lol:
Outside of the Washington elites "regular voters" aren't lumped into the establishment category. You have pansies like Bill Kristol, Erick Ericson, Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck and a host of other douche conservatives who should gtfo of the republican party and move on. Instead they act like giant whiny pussies. They aren't relevant anymore in the Republican party and only serve to prop up and support the liberal medias narrative.

Explain to me how the tent is much smaller when Trump in a huge field of candidates amassed the most votes for any Republican candidate in the history of the party? Do you not even realize the enormity of that? Add to that the Dems/libs/Republicans who voted for other canddates and Independents who will vote for Trump in the GE and you have an even larger tent. Douche Romney and McCain couldn't even fill the back of a pickup truck of support in comparison.

Again... How do you suppose these "establishment" types got into office? Somebody obviously voted for them! How many voters do you know who admit they support the establishment republicans? That was my question to you.... I've not seen your answer.

Okay... so you reel off a list of republicans who you think need to get the fuck out.... then you ask me how the tent is smaller? I've watched you people rip and tear apart anyone who isn't worshiping at the altar of Trump.... but you somehow think they are all going to vote for Trump. It's absolute insanity! You're pushing everyone out of the tent who isn't in lockstep with their pom-poms waving for Trump and what you're going to get is a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton and possibly lose the House and Senate as well.

Bill Krystol is a flaming fucking NEOCON! I disagree with his NEOCON ideology.... but the GOP needs his vote to win this election. You can't afford to be throwing people out of the party... you do not have those kinds of numbers, regardless of what you might think. Yes, Trump got 14 million votes... the other GOP candidates tallied over 17 million votes. We had a lot of people participating in the GOP primaries but this is not the primaries anymore... this is the GENERAL election... you'll need 65~69 million votes to beat Hillary.... where are you going to get them?

You see... You have to MAKE THE CASE for your candidate. You can't insult and humiliate people into voting for him, that's never going to be effective. Telling me that I'm irrelevant, isn't winning me over to your side. Calling me a pussy or claiming I am butthurt because my guy lost... not winning me over. You've gotta drop that shit like a bad habit and start making the case for why I should vote for Donald Trump... and it needs to be more substantial than "he's not Hillary!"

If you cannot change this tone, you're going to lose... and you may take the House and Senate with you. At this point, I can't change what's going to happen with Trump. My focus is on trying to hold on to the House and Senate because if we lose those, the country is gone forever. You can forget about your movement, my movement or anyone else's movement that isn't a Marxist.
:dunno: but what I do know is that the voters are sick and tired of them dragging their feet and doing nothing. Be interesting to see how many keep their seats.

The GOP does NOT need the Bill Krystol votes to win. These douche bags have made their beds and they have been tossed aside into the scrap pile. Good riddance. What the GOP is going to gain with the black and latino vote will more than make-up for the few conservative ***** who wish to sabotage Trump and the voters. Yes Trump will garner more Black and Latino votes than any Republican. Read that again and watch the exit polls in November.

By the way I'm not calling you a pussy or butthurt. A Clinton Presidency isn't the "end of the world" for you so I respect your decision not to vote for Trump and vote Hillary. I've said that a few times.

In closing I see that Trump is looking to restore the Gov't to its original intent..."by" "for" and "of". I see him reaching out to minorities, gays and women. I see him admitting he has some regrets and I see him standing by his word to always tell US the truth. I see a man who really does care about changing Washington and the fear coming from the elites and very rich/powerful tells me he's on the right path. He's got nothing to lose. He's like you and I (albeit a shit ton richer).

"I see that Trump is looking to restore the Gov't to its original intent..."by" "for" and "of". I see him reaching out to minorities, gays and women. I see him admitting he has some regrets and I see him standing by his word to always tell US the truth. I see a man who really does care about changing Washington and the fear coming from the elites and very rich/powerful tells me he's on the right path. He's got nothing to lose. He's like you and I (albeit a shit ton richer)."

Yep, could not say it better
The GOP does NOT need the Bill Krystol votes to win. These douche bags have made their beds and they have been tossed aside into the scrap pile. Good riddance. What the GOP is going to gain with the black and latino vote will more than make-up for the few conservative ***** who wish to sabotage Trump and the voters. Yes Trump will garner more Black and Latino votes than any Republican. Read that again and watch the exit polls in November.

By the way I'm not calling you a pussy or butthurt. A Clinton Presidency isn't the "end of the world" for you so I respect your decision not to vote for Trump and vote Hillary. I've said that a few times.

The GOP needs every vote it can get. The Democrats are a larger party in numbers and money... plus, they have the media in their pocket. The whole entire concept of "Big Tent" is getting everyone who holds any sort of Republican value to vote for your candidate, appealing to some independents and moderates, and trying to snag a few crossovers. It means absolutely nothing for Trump to get more Latino and black vote than any Republican if you're going to leave 20~30% of the party sitting this one out. Or worse... voting for Hillary just to spite your arrogant asses!

I'm concerned about the outcome of this election! I'm becoming more and more convinced that you people don't know how to win. You know how to brag... you know how to boast... you know how to insult and smear... you know how to denigrate and tear people down... you know how to blame others for your shortcomings... you're really good at that. But none of your talents are productive in convincing people to vote for your guy. You're determined to go headlong into this election with your little 14 million votes you got in a crowded primary field and tell everyone else to go to hell. I fear that strategy will result in a landslide loss.

If Hillary Clinton were anywhere near a half-way decent candidate, you'd be down by 30 points right now and this election would be over. The ONLY thing saving your ass is that she is so utterly deplorable. And that's what is so sad here, this election was a cakewalk... ANY of the other 16 GOP candidates would be winning this thing and not having to hire the head of Breitbart and Fox News to pull their tanking campaign out of the fire.

Boss, the Republicans/GOP have been losing forever don't you think its time to let Trump and his campaign show everyone how its done? Here's the reality, the Democrats have been kicking Republican ass for too long because Republicans don't know how to win. They are called racists and bigots and have been bullied by the left and did nothing but cower in fear. Trump has faced their attacks head on and called them out on their bullshit. He wasn't afraid to say what most Americans were/are thinking, he isn't afraid to say the entire system (including his party) is corrupt and broken. He'll win in November, I'm very confident in that prediction.

The other 16 would be getting stomped right now Boss. They would have folded under the onslaught that Trump faced. Make no mistake about it. The media would have attacked the hell out of them just as much.

The Democrats and media needed to get throat punched and Trump was the perfect candidate to deliver it. Their attacks are impotent and he's turning the tables on them. These next 4-5 weeks are going to be very interesting, I think by week 4 you're going to be posting a "I'm going to vote for Trump" thread :lol:

What you seem to be missing is that the media laid a primrose path for Trump to win the nomination. They gave him all the air time in the world to explain his gaffes and boners, they assisted in the smearing of Cruz and others, they did everything they could to ensure Trump won the nomination. Now that he has won, things are going to be starkly different. He's not going to get all that air time to explain himself, he will be grilled and hounded by a media with an agenda to get Hillary elected. Not only that, but you now have a large segment of Republicans who are not going to support him. He has not been able to unify the party and he missed a golden opportunity to do that at the convention. Republicans have been losing because they can't unify the party... Trump's "showing us how it's done" amounts to tanking poll numbers across the board and more polarization within the party.... uhm... that's kinda what we DON'T need to happen.

Now I will say this... He gave two impressive speeches this week and he avoided saying something stupid. If he continues to do that, he will gain ground because Hillary is flat out awful. His foreign policy speech on Monday was one of the best I've heard since Ronald Reagan. I still have some reservations about his economic plan but I can live with that. Does that sound like I am a butthurt Cruz supporter or nevertrumper? :dunno:

Let's be clear... I'm not getting on the Trump Train. Trump has to get on the Conservative Train. If he can do that and stay there, he might be able to win this election. If he can't, then he will lose like McCain and Romney, who also couldn't seem to hitch a ride on the Conservative Train.
Outside of the Washington elites "regular voters" aren't lumped into the establishment category. You have pansies like Bill Kristol, Erick Ericson, Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck and a host of other douche conservatives who should gtfo of the republican party and move on. Instead they act like giant whiny pussies. They aren't relevant anymore in the Republican party and only serve to prop up and support the liberal medias narrative.

Explain to me how the tent is much smaller when Trump in a huge field of candidates amassed the most votes for any Republican candidate in the history of the party? Do you not even realize the enormity of that? Add to that the Dems/libs/Republicans who voted for other canddates and Independents who will vote for Trump in the GE and you have an even larger tent. Douche Romney and McCain couldn't even fill the back of a pickup truck of support in comparison.

Again... How do you suppose these "establishment" types got into office? Somebody obviously voted for them! How many voters do you know who admit they support the establishment republicans? That was my question to you.... I've not seen your answer.

Okay... so you reel off a list of republicans who you think need to get the fuck out.... then you ask me how the tent is smaller? I've watched you people rip and tear apart anyone who isn't worshiping at the altar of Trump.... but you somehow think they are all going to vote for Trump. It's absolute insanity! You're pushing everyone out of the tent who isn't in lockstep with their pom-poms waving for Trump and what you're going to get is a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton and possibly lose the House and Senate as well.

Bill Krystol is a flaming fucking NEOCON! I disagree with his NEOCON ideology.... but the GOP needs his vote to win this election. You can't afford to be throwing people out of the party... you do not have those kinds of numbers, regardless of what you might think. Yes, Trump got 14 million votes... the other GOP candidates tallied over 17 million votes. We had a lot of people participating in the GOP primaries but this is not the primaries anymore... this is the GENERAL election... you'll need 65~69 million votes to beat Hillary.... where are you going to get them?

You see... You have to MAKE THE CASE for your candidate. You can't insult and humiliate people into voting for him, that's never going to be effective. Telling me that I'm irrelevant, isn't winning me over to your side. Calling me a pussy or claiming I am butthurt because my guy lost... not winning me over. You've gotta drop that shit like a bad habit and start making the case for why I should vote for Donald Trump... and it needs to be more substantial than "he's not Hillary!"

If you cannot change this tone, you're going to lose... and you may take the House and Senate with you. At this point, I can't change what's going to happen with Trump. My focus is on trying to hold on to the House and Senate because if we lose those, the country is gone forever. You can forget about your movement, my movement or anyone else's movement that isn't a Marxist.
:dunno: but what I do know is that the voters are sick and tired of them dragging their feet and doing nothing. Be interesting to see how many keep their seats.
But that's what Republican voters voted for: obstruction. They wouldn't even use the word 'compromise'.

"The best Congress is a Congress that does nothing, because then they're not screwing it up".

You wouldn't believe how many times I saw a Republican make that statement over years.
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.
You are a complete idiot that hates the United States and wants to help Billary Machine back into White House.
Here's the reality, the Democrats have been kicking Republican ass for too long because Republicans don't know how to win.
That's only true for POTUS.

Republicans have done much better in Congress than Democrats have since 1994. And they have overwhelming majorities at the state level.

The other 16 would be getting stomped right now Boss. They would have folded under the onslaught that Trump faced.
Not Christie.
Here's the reality, the Democrats have been kicking Republican ass for too long because Republicans don't know how to win.
That's only true for POTUS.

Republicans have done much better in Congress than Democrats have since 1994. And they have overwhelming majorities at the state level.
Again. GOP controls both houses of federal legislature and 2/3rds of state legislatures. Who has the power?
Here's the reality, the Democrats have been kicking Republican ass for too long because Republicans don't know how to win.
That's only true for POTUS.

Republicans have done much better in Congress than Democrats have since 1994. And they have overwhelming majorities at the state level.
Again. GOP controls both houses of federal legislature and 2/3rds of state legislatures. Who has the power?
The GOP.
i dont hate cruz; i find him creepy and condescending. his vote your conscience was code, he doubled his stage time, and could have cared less what the tx delegates thought. i watched it on cspan. the tx delegates stated trump was their new friend with big smiles. btw, it wasnt just a few that booed, most were screaming "say it." it looked unanimous to me.

why are you accusing your fellow republicans of being progressive. im the progressive one here. i got excited when i heard jill stein speak for the first time this week. im a prochoice,antipipeline/antifracking, climate change defending kinda gal. yet i am choosing republican principles under trump, not necessarily conservative values, for i understand americans need to work and we need to become energy independent. i dont personally own a gun yet, but i believe the 2nd ammendment was written for americans not just the militia. my vote will only go to second amendment candidates. imagine that, my reproductive parts dont dictate my vote.

i told my rep neighbors to put their money where their mouth is and volunteer with me. my neighbor, a military retiree, at first shrugged it off. today he offered to help me after finding out the dem convention didnt include the american flag. he gave trump a very nice donation btw. moreover, we compared and adjusted our sample ballots tonight. boss, you dont see unification but it is flourishing.

i am not shoving trump down your throat, i am merely giving you an opportunity to consider your choice and not make the same mistake i made: like voting for nobama at the last minute because the media scared me with the republican boogeyman.

you are ignoring me, but as you contemplate a vote for your conscience or hillary, the heart and soul of conservativism across farmlands is under attack by nobama. huge grants are being awarded to lesbian farmers in a so called effort to force the area to embrace being different. the reality is they want to dillute that conservative block.

yeah, i warned you about conservative values going extinct. weak and unprincipled republicans like you will make that happen.

i cant believe that i, an ex bernie supporter, knows what is at stake here- that i must remind you. i have chosen my new party and i for one am fighting to keep it intact.

shame on you.

Not ignoring you in particular, I just don't comment if there's nothing to say. You're entitled to your opinion... vote your conscience.

I vote my conscience but my conscience is guided by Conservative principles of constitutional individual liberty and free enterprise. I don't feel either of the top two candidates represent me and I don't like to waste my vote on a useless third party spoiler. There is still time for my viewpoint to change... at this time, I don't think I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. I would like to say I am voting for Trump but at the moment, I am waiting to see where he's going with his message. I like what I've heard this week but he could completely ass things up before Friday. Today is only Wednesday!

And I will tell you straight up... I AM NO PARTY GUY! I'm just NOT... never have been. I vote on the best candidate, it just happens to be that lately it's a Republican. And it also happens to be, the Republican party has (during my voting life) always been the party to stand for Constitutional principles of individual liberty over government. Republicanism... Federalism. The DNC platform is absolute Marxism... they don't even really attempt to hide it anymore.

thanks for responding. i was a hillary PUMA who opposed nobama on his record of voting present, being hailed as the most maleable credit card bank candidate, and one who would side with the poor while his crony Axelrod worked in the background to undermine in perfect coordination. that is what we got and more. he ran on being a uniter, on stopping the patriot act, capping payday loan interest rates at 37%, and taxing the rich. the rich got richer, the poor are most oppressed with home. auto, and payday loan predators, and surveillance is all encompassing. furthermore, banks were bailed out and his infrastructure stimulus was diverted resulting in (guess what) the need for infrastructure repair which hillary is calling for. moreover, the clean energy projects involving wind, solar, and more all failed within years. additionally nobamacare has left middleclass families like mine paying ridiculous premiums for we dont qualify for subsidies. we pay $14,000.00 a yr in premiums and each has a $6,000 deductible-- not a penny is paid until the $6,000 is paid.

hillary is running on the continunce of such policies with an agenda that includes personal enrichment at the expense of americans. the corruption is beyond comprehension.

so you see why i felt the need to post here. there is nothing conservative in her agenda. if she respected the constitution you so dearly hold, most voters would still respect the presidency, the justice system, and the election process. trumps misguided words dont compare to her huge lack of moral compass. jill stein of the green party explained that eloquently in the town hall meeting tonight.

best of luck sorting it out. trump will give us a police state already started by nobama and forced by lawless haters of law and order. ive accepted that scenario.

Look... I guess people read the title of the thread and don't bother reading the OP.... I keep having to explain to folks... you don't have to convince me of how terrible Hillary Clinton is... that's NOT why I said I might vote for her. It had nothing to do with her or her policies. I realize she is awful.. an un-indicted criminal... corrupt to the core... I've got all that.

The reason I posted this thread was because of the treatment conservative Ted Cruz supporters were getting from the Trump crowd. This arrogant smart-ass besmirching and insulting that started the night Ted Cruz gave his RNC speech and didn't endorse Trump. And if Trump were still up in the polls, it would still be going on. CK can hardly post without a backhanded slap at me for being a Conservative. But everyone should be well aware by now that this election cannot be won without the Conservative vote. Trump supporters need to decide who they want to beat the worst... Hillary or Conservatives... because you can't do both.

the 2016 rnc primary covention was my first. my husband and i watched to immerse ourselves in our new party. prayer throughout the night was comforting and the absence of beyonce type entertainment produced a feeling of family. the speakers were not pelosi and barbara boxer types; they were real americans. and they werent like khan who prepared the clintons taxes and received $350,000 from the clinton foundation. it was pleasant and fun. then ted cruz pulled his crap just to start his next presidential campaign? how do you think i felt?

did you know he left the stage and entered the "donors box" to solicit and was run off with the words, "you are a disgrace!"
did you know he had his donation appeal ready and blasted that email that very night? the next morning he was rallying. i know many supporters who are done with him. even sean hannity says he doesnt trust him and others that broke their word.

the anger and resentment your republican attackers feel for cruz will subside, but honestly i am having a hard time voting for rubio in fl. i dont trust him. he might try to impeach trump.

I'm sorry but I heard the same Ted Cruz speech you heard and I didn't hear anything that could be construed as him campaigning for 2020 or "pulling crap" ..whatever that was supposed to mean. You'll have to explain this to me.

What I saw was a passionate speech about the need for us to unify under our shared republican principles to defeat Hillary Clinton. What Trump ought to have done was to go down on stage with Cruz and embrace him in front of the crowd. Shake his hand, thank him and show party unity. He missed that opportunity and instead, chose to plant his surrogates in the crowd of mostly Trump supporters (other delegates had left) to start the booing and hissing. Then he rolled out the next day with the refreshed tabloid attacks on Cruz's family.

Sean Hannity is a Donald Trump lap dog. So is Laura Ingraham and others. They have all continued this narrative against Ted Cruz and I believe it is going to cost the election and possibly the House and Senate as well. You can't win this election without the support of Ted Cruz conservatives.... the numbers aren't there. So you can keep on hurling all the hate and vitriol you want at the man, but you're killing any chance you have of winning this election in the process.
i dont hate cruz; i find him creepy and condescending. his vote your conscience was code, he doubled his stage time, and could have cared less what the tx delegates thought. i watched it on cspan. the tx delegates stated trump was their new friend with big smiles. btw, it wasnt just a few that booed, most were screaming "say it." it looked unanimous to me.

why are you accusing your fellow republicans of being progressive. im the progressive one here. i got excited when i heard jill stein speak for the first time this week. im a prochoice,antipipeline/antifracking, climate change defending kinda gal. yet i am choosing republican principles under trump, not necessarily conservative values, for i understand americans need to work and we need to become energy independent. i dont personally own a gun yet, but i believe the 2nd ammendment was written for americans not just the militia. my vote will only go to second amendment candidates. imagine that, my reproductive parts dont dictate my vote.

i told my rep neighbors to put their money where their mouth is and volunteer with me. my neighbor, a military retiree, at first shrugged it off. today he offered to help me after finding out the dem convention didnt include the american flag. he gave trump a very nice donation btw. moreover, we compared and adjusted our sample ballots tonight. boss, you dont see unification but it is flourishing.

i am not shoving trump down your throat, i am merely giving you an opportunity to consider your choice and not make the same mistake i made: like voting for nobama at the last minute because the media scared me with the republican boogeyman.

I keep hearing this "creepy" nonsense and I don't get that at all. He doesn't seem the least bit creepy to me. Joe Biden is creepy.... Bill Clinton is creepy... Nancy Pelosi is creepy. But we hear so very little about their creepiness. I don't see anything condescending about him either... Trump is FAR more condescending in my opinion. And I REALLY don't get how "vote your conscience" was code... especially since Trump's daughter used the exact same phrase the following night.. was THAT code too? I mean, why would you NOT vote your conscience? Do you think Ted's supporters consciences would tell them to vote for Hillary Clinton? He also said vote your principles and not the man... do you think Cruz's supporters have principles that align with Hillary Clinton? I think, if you objectively (take off your Trump hat) look at what he said here, you will find there is another way it can be interpreted. He is making the argument for why his supporters can vote for Trump in good conscience because it supports our universal principles as Republicans. That is as close to an endorsement as Trump was going to get from a man who's family was smeared with tabloid lies by the Trump campaign.

What you saw from the Texas delegation at the RNC, as well as the predominance of the crowd, was largely Trump's most avid supporters. The other delegates had left the venue. All the chanting and booing was orchestrated by Trump in order to totally humiliate Ted Cruz, which he continued to do the next day. Again, the smart political move would have been to go down to that stage, show some magnanimity, embrace Ted Cruz and show party unity. It wasn't Ted Cruz's responsibility or obligation to hunt Trump down and hug his neck. Trump is the leader... it's HIS responsibility to reach out to Cruz and Cruz supporters, not the other way around.

You can think whatever the hell you want to about Cruz but he represents a large swath of the Republican base and you need those votes to defeat Hillary Clinton. You're taking completely the WRONG way of winning those votes over. You say that you're doing volunteer work... do you use this method on others to campaign for Trump? Do you call them up or knock on their doors to tell them what a bunch of morons and idiots they are if they don't vote for Trump? If they tell you they are undecided, do you ridicule and insult them... tell them they're stupid for not being on the Trump Train with you? What part of your brain makes you think that's a winning strategy?
i dont hate cruz; i find him creepy and condescending. his vote your conscience was code, he doubled his stage time, and could have cared less what the tx delegates thought. i watched it on cspan. the tx delegates stated trump was their new friend with big smiles. btw, it wasnt just a few that booed, most were screaming "say it." it looked unanimous to me.

why are you accusing your fellow republicans of being progressive. im the progressive one here. i got excited when i heard jill stein speak for the first time this week. im a prochoice,antipipeline/antifracking, climate change defending kinda gal. yet i am choosing republican principles under trump, not necessarily conservative values, for i understand americans need to work and we need to become energy independent. i dont personally own a gun yet, but i believe the 2nd ammendment was written for americans not just the militia. my vote will only go to second amendment candidates. imagine that, my reproductive parts dont dictate my vote.

i told my rep neighbors to put their money where their mouth is and volunteer with me. my neighbor, a military retiree, at first shrugged it off. today he offered to help me after finding out the dem convention didnt include the american flag. he gave trump a very nice donation btw. moreover, we compared and adjusted our sample ballots tonight. boss, you dont see unification but it is flourishing.

i am not shoving trump down your throat, i am merely giving you an opportunity to consider your choice and not make the same mistake i made: like voting for nobama at the last minute because the media scared me with the republican boogeyman.

I keep hearing this "creepy" nonsense and I don't get that at all. He doesn't seem the least bit creepy to me. Joe Biden is creepy.... Bill Clinton is creepy... Nancy Pelosi is creepy. But we hear so very little about their creepiness. I don't see anything condescending about him either... Trump is FAR more condescending in my opinion. And I REALLY don't get how "vote your conscience" was code... especially since Trump's daughter used the exact same phrase the following night.. was THAT code too? I mean, why would you NOT vote your conscience? Do you think Ted's supporters consciences would tell them to vote for Hillary Clinton? He also said vote your principles and not the man... do you think Cruz's supporters have principles that align with Hillary Clinton? I think, if you objectively (take off your Trump hat) look at what he said here, you will find there is another way it can be interpreted. He is making the argument for why his supporters can vote for Trump in good conscience because it supports our universal principles as Republicans. That is as close to an endorsement as Trump was going to get from a man who's family was smeared with tabloid lies by the Trump campaign.

What you saw from the Texas delegation at the RNC, as well as the predominance of the crowd, was largely Trump's most avid supporters. The other delegates had left the venue. All the chanting and booing was orchestrated by Trump in order to totally humiliate Ted Cruz, which he continued to do the next day. Again, the smart political move would have been to go down to that stage, show some magnanimity, embrace Ted Cruz and show party unity. It wasn't Ted Cruz's responsibility or obligation to hunt Trump down and hug his neck. Trump is the leader... it's HIS responsibility to reach out to Cruz and Cruz supporters, not the other way around.

You can think whatever the hell you want to about Cruz but he represents a large swath of the Republican base and you need those votes to defeat Hillary Clinton. You're taking completely the WRONG way of winning those votes over. You say that you're doing volunteer work... do you use this method on others to campaign for Trump? Do you call them up or knock on their doors to tell them what a bunch of morons and idiots they are if they don't vote for Trump? If they tell you they are undecided, do you ridicule and insult them... tell them they're stupid for not being on the Trump Train with you? What part of your brain makes you think that's a winning strategy?

a quick drive by. do you really believe the tx delegates left before cruzs speech?

a quick drive by. do you really believe the tx delegates left before cruzs speech?

I believe most of the Cruz delegates were not there. I believe the few that were there couldn't "un-boo" the others.

But you know what ANY of this has to do with beating Hillary Rotten Clinton in November?

That's right.... ZIPPOLA!

So again, I ask you... Is your mission here to destroy Ted Cruz or defeat Hillary? :dunno:

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