I Love Watching Libs Eat Their Own

My favorite example of it was shortly after the 2016 election: liberal egomaniac Oprah gave a very neutral Tweet saying that people should try to calm down and try not to get so upset over Trump's election......the result was that Oprah got bombarded with a gazillion death threats from TDS-rioting liberal non-humans who need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
My favorite example of it was shortly after the 2016 election: liberal egomaniac Oprah gave a very neutral Tweet saying that people should try to calm down and try not to get so upset over Trump's election......the result was that Oprah got bombarded with a gazillion death threats from TDS-rioting liberal non-humans who need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
Funny-a conservative could post that and receive some really mean emoticons, but no mercy for one who breaks ranks!
I just now saw that Neil has at least one girl for one of his kids. I wonder how many times that girl has had to go looking for another female to teach her about things that her two "parents" do not have it in them to experience themselves?

God bless you and her and the other child and everyone else who doesn't have at least a little bit of everything always!!!

Left wing loons.

Off to jail with the ahole.

I guess this means Kamala Harris is a Nazi
Kamala scurried off stage like she had a hot poker up her arse.
And the moderator was thanking the disruptor for his views!
Folks, this is 2020's Democrat Party. Too, funny.
Their convention will be a real pip!!!
Here's a pretty funny example of liberals consuming their own: several years ago, during one of the many, many, many, many times leftist rageaholic Alec Baldwin got arrested for assault/battery he beat four shades of holy shit out of a paparazzi while screaming, "YOU COCKSUCKING FAGGOT!!!" And here's the funny part: all the liberal talking heads in the media were oh-so-self-righteous horrified, lecturing, moralizing, offended and butthurt that Baldwin used the term "cocksucking faggot".....but they didn't care in the slightest about the mindless violence that Hollywood thug loves to commit every time he's in public! I suppose it's okay to be a mindless thug in public as long as the thug doesn't use non-PC language.
Animal rights protester jumps on stage and grabs the mic from Neil Patrick Harris. Probably a low information Bernie supporter

Kamila ...neal
both whores

was that private security or secret service

she got a b team if that SS

Yeah, I don't care at all about this woman, but they should have taken this guy down before he had it up there

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