"I knew it. I knew this would happen to me. They were never going to let me be president"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Cried Hillary on election night. Hillary failed to realize that 'Deplorables' do get out and vote.


Hillary Clinton: 'They were never going to let me be president'
I don't always vote against female politicians, but when I do its the lying evil ones
I am NOT being sarcastic.

I really hope that Secretary Clinton's family and friends can encourage her to get some counseling.

Her recent statements indicate someone who is in great emotional distress.

To the best of my knowledge, President Trump (who is far from being shy about answering criticism) has not replied to her comments. He should be commended for showing such compassion.


Personally, I can understand why she is so emotionally upset.

a. In 2008, it was a shock to see the nomination lost to a relatively unknown one-term United State Senator.
b. In 2016, it was beyond belief that she could lose to someone who had been written off by the media and most polling experts.
She's going to be just fine. Has been for some time now.

On the other hand, Donald lost it again this morning, and repeatedly. Whoever thought women were too emotional to be president never got a gander at Trump. Holy shit! Every.fucking.day.
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I don't always vote against female politicians, but when I do its the lying evil ones.

Hope you don't mind the edit.
Cried Hillary on election night. Hillary failed to realize that 'Deplorables' do get out and vote.


Hillary Clinton: 'They were never going to let me be president'

She’s right. Americans were never going to let her be president.
Im not surprised at her petulant whining though. She is an extremely weak woman. By all reports she spent election eve bawling upstairs. Finally she sent, or not, a man out to tell her brain dead sobbing supporters to go home because she didn’t respect them enough for a concession speech.
she believed it was in careful pursuit of a dream for generations of Americans: the election of the country’s first woman president.

:auiqs.jpg: it was HER dream, NOT the generations of Americans
Cried Hillary on election night. Hillary failed to realize that 'Deplorables' do get out and vote.


Hillary Clinton: 'They were never going to let me be president'

She’s right. Americans were never going to let her be president.
Im not surprised at her petulant whining though. She is an extremely weak woman. By all reports she spent election eve bawling upstairs. Finally she sent, or not, a man out to tell her brain dead sobbing supporters to go home because she didn’t respect them enough for a concession speech.

Yes she is right about not letting her be president.......but it wasn't because she's a woman, it's because she was a bad candidate, pure & simple. . Her constant whining for having failed has only makes people like her even less........well that and not facing her supporters that night.
Thanks to Hillary women have a 100% failure rate at running for President.
Meanwhile, in Trumpfuckistan;

Hillary Clinton, not on ballot, is star of GOP midterm plan

“I promise you that you’ll continue to see it — Hillary Clinton starring in our paid media. She’s a very powerful motivator,” said Corry Bliss, who leads the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Republican super political action committee ready to spend tens of millions of dollars to shape House races this fall. “It’s about what she represents. What she represents, just like what Nancy Pelosi represents, is out-of-touch far-left liberal positions.”

Critics suggest the strategy reeks of desperation, if not sexism. But with no Democrat to attack in the White House for the first time in nearly a decade, Republicans are betting big that the ghost of Clinton will serve them well in 2018. Saddled with Trump’s poor approval ratings, they may have little choice.

It’s helpful, some Republicans say, that Clinton refuses to disappear from national politics altogether.

Less than a year ago, she launched a political organization designed to encourage anti-Trump “resistance” groups. She made two public appearances this week alone. During recent remarks in India, she took a shot at Trump’s slogan and his appeal across middle America: “His whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards,” Clinton said.

There is no reason for her to stand down. None. Bernie lost as well, as did an entire cadre of R's and D's. So why's she the only one they're trying to shut up?

Don't bother answering. I don't care.
There is no reason for her to stand down. None. Bernie lost as well, as did an entire cadre of R's and D's. So why's she the only one they're trying to shut up?

Don't bother answering. I don't care.
What could be better (for Trump) than having the Dumbacrats nominate Hillary again, for president in 2020 ?
Scum Hillary ....scum all democrats who were with leftwing scum....Comey and all the rest .....jail for them....

Jail for traitors jail for scum Hussien too,... Gitmo is big....it can fit you all ......pieces of scum and traitors.... they were shot at dawn before.....pieces of scum and rubbish...

Gitmo is big enough for all of you.

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