I knew it, I knew it....

SO they intentionally opened their security to invite the attack, to use against Trump.... Wow... They were sure looking for Collusion with Russia.... we just found it.. THE DNC and Hillary!

I wonder if this was Wassermann-Schultz's plan with our nations secrets as well when she let Iranian spies into the House computer systems...

I love how your link wuotes Steve bannon saying it's in the book without quoting what is said in the book.

Seems legit, right?

I love how your link wuotes Steve bannon saying it's in the book without quoting what is said in the book.

Seems legit, right?

Don't know about the book quotes, but I do know Susan Rice told the FBI to stand down. I also know the DNC won't turn over the servers for forensic investigation.

And so, here is the deal from another thread, right to you, right here, right now, lolol------------> you can NOT prosecute anyone for the DNC hack, that is why all these threads you Leftists start about Trump asking the Russians to find Hilly's e-mails, are just a waste of bandwidth; but I think you already knew that!


Because you have to prove you were hacked, before you prosecute anyone for it, lol. Crowdstrike can NOT do it, AND...……..anyone indicted for it, will then get to view the servers also. Why do you think Herr Mewler stumble-bumbled over the last indictment when someone showed? He then has to PRODUCE DISCOVERY, and that was the 1st thing they asked for was a view of the evidence.

That is why this is a witch hunt! They had the Trump team under surveillance for how long? They had everything tapped, FISA warrants, whole 9 yards. They knew how many swipes they did on their rearends when they went to the john. But they have NOTHING, with all that surveillance. All they can do is prosecute for process crimes. No collusion, no nothing.

That should tell you something, and once Rosenstein either produces those documents or is impeached, and his replacement produces them, your side of the party is over. Yep, once those documents are produced, it will prove what happened, and Herr Mewler will no longer be needed, which is exactly why Rosenstein doesn't want to produce them-)
Donna Brazile wrote: "in May, when CrowdStrike recommended that we take down our system and rebuild it, the DNC told them to wait a month, because the state primaries for the presidential election were still underway, and the party and the staff needed to be at their computers to manage these efforts,”
Never attribute to intention what can be explained by incompetence.

The DNC is incompetent as hell. Can't win elections, can't serve the people, can't even purchase the newest license of a fire-wall.

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