“i have inherited nothing”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT9wRsTU4Go]Mitt Romey Crying and Lying Florida Primary Debate 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

In the primary, Romney said he would release “multiple” years of tax returns”
BBC News - Romney jeered over tax returns, says will release 'multiple years'

"I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old-fashioned way."
Did the Mitt Romney who grew up in one of the wealthiest communities in America inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who attended an elite preparatory school inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who worked as an intern for his father, the governor of Michigan inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who never had to borrow a dime to attend Stanford University, Brigham Young University, and, for his joint JD/MBA degree, Harvard University inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney whose father's riches allowed Mitt and his wife to begin having children while they were still undergraduates and not have to worry about dropping out or getting a job to feed the kids, give them medical care, or send them to the schools of their choice inherit nothing?
How much did this head start (not to be confused with Head Start) shape Mitt Romney's adult life? How many Americans can say we've inherited all the nothings Mitt Romney inherited?
Julian Castro had it right: Mitt Romney just has no idea how good he's had it.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney pulled up from his bootstraps: 'I have inherited nothing.'
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16;10
The pampered scion is a unmitigating liar.

There's a whole lotta that going on in the pampered scion world.

They start out as designated runners on third base, they get walked home and then they tell the world they hit a home run.

They know perfectly well they're liars.
And the class warfare rages on

So now if you inherit money, YOU ARE EVIL evidently
From the N.Y. Slimes the left leaning liberal rag:

In an interview with C-Span in March 2006, Mr. Romney said that upon the death of his father, George, the former chief executive of American Motors, he received an inheritance. But he quickly donated the money to Brigham Young University, he said. (The younger Mr. Romney and his wife, Ann, attended the college, which is tied to the Mormon Church.)

“I did get a check from my dad when he passed away,” Mr. Romney told Brian Lamb during the interview. “I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad.

“But I turned and gave that away to charity,” Mr. Romney said. “In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor, the George W. Romney School of Public Management.”

He continued: “And as an institute of public management, it helps young people learn about government and about serving in public service. And that’s where his inheritance ended up.”

Even so, Mr. Romney benefited from his father’s wealth in another way: he relied on George Romney for a loan that he used to buy his first home, in Belmont, Mass., for $42,000.

WOW Let's crucify him since his dad loaned him a whole $42,000. Let's flog him and his whole family too.

You libs are pathetic.


How much money did Mitt Romney inherit?

George Romney died in 1995. Mitt Romney inherited money from his Father. The exact amount is hidden from the public. Mitt Romney claimed in 2006 that he donated all of the money he inherited to Brigham Young in his fathers honor. The university confirms their was a large endowment in 1998 in the name of George Romney.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_money_did_Mitt_Romney_inherit#ixzz28EbOAXRu
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Mitt Romey Crying and Lying Florida Primary Debate 2012 - YouTube

In the primary, Romney said he would release “multiple” years of tax returns”
BBC News - Romney jeered over tax returns, says will release 'multiple years'

"I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old-fashioned way."
Did the Mitt Romney who grew up in one of the wealthiest communities in America inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who attended an elite preparatory school inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who worked as an intern for his father, the governor of Michigan inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who never had to borrow a dime to attend Stanford University, Brigham Young University, and, for his joint JD/MBA degree, Harvard University inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney whose father's riches allowed Mitt and his wife to begin having children while they were still undergraduates and not have to worry about dropping out or getting a job to feed the kids, give them medical care, or send them to the schools of their choice inherit nothing?
How much did this head start (not to be confused with Head Start) shape Mitt Romney's adult life? How many Americans can say we've inherited all the nothings Mitt Romney inherited?
Julian Castro had it right: Mitt Romney just has no idea how good he's had it.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney pulled up from his bootstraps: 'I have inherited nothing.'
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16;10

It sounds like he "inherited" just about as much as Obama who's grandmother sent him to an elite private school.
The pampered scion is a unmitigating liar.

There's a whole lotta that going on in the pampered scion world.

They start out as designated runners on third base, they get walked home and then they tell the world they hit a home run.

They know perfectly well they're liars.

Just like Obama, eh? going to elite private schools is not exactly coming from the wrong side of the tracks.
It's funny to watch them fall for the made up story of the Obama's supposedly scrapping their way into a life of wealth..

but evidently if that was true, then he is more deserving of our worship and to be President..
It's funny to watch them fall for the made up story of the Obama's supposedly scrapping their way into a life of wealth..

but evidently if that was true, then he is more deserving of our worship and to be President..

Where was all this hostility towards inherited wealth when John Kerry was running for the Presidency? The libturds were strangely silent about the class war during the 2004 election.
It's funny to watch them fall for the made up story of the Obama's supposedly scrapping their way into a life of wealth..

but evidently if that was true, then he is more deserving of our worship and to be President..

Where was all this hostility towards inherited wealth when John Kerry was running for the Presidency? The libturds were strangely silent about the class war during the 2004 election.

JK didn't inherit his wealth. He earned it the hard way, by marrying it. How else would he ever be able to afford that big yacht he stashed in RI in order to avoid MA taxes?
Mitt Romey Crying and Lying Florida Primary Debate 2012 - YouTube

In the primary, Romney said he would release “multiple” years of tax returns”
BBC News - Romney jeered over tax returns, says will release 'multiple years'

"I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old-fashioned way."
Did the Mitt Romney who grew up in one of the wealthiest communities in America inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who attended an elite preparatory school inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who worked as an intern for his father, the governor of Michigan inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney who never had to borrow a dime to attend Stanford University, Brigham Young University, and, for his joint JD/MBA degree, Harvard University inherit nothing?
Did the Mitt Romney whose father's riches allowed Mitt and his wife to begin having children while they were still undergraduates and not have to worry about dropping out or getting a job to feed the kids, give them medical care, or send them to the schools of their choice inherit nothing?
How much did this head start (not to be confused with Head Start) shape Mitt Romney's adult life? How many Americans can say we've inherited all the nothings Mitt Romney inherited?
Julian Castro had it right: Mitt Romney just has no idea how good he's had it.

Daily Kos: Mitt Romney pulled up from his bootstraps: 'I have inherited nothing.'
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16;10

Born on third base and acts like he hit a triple
let's see, when Obama was a child he grew up with house servants in India, went to private schools, received a trust from his mom.
let's see, when Obama was a child he grew up with house servants in India, went to private schools, received a trust from his mom.

Every middle class family has servants in India (Indonesia actually) It is expected of you
Why is the left so jealous of the right's wealth. They say nothing about the wealth of the left, Kerry, Gore, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, Frank you know all those people that have lots and lots of $$$.

Why are they exploiting money and encouraging class warfare?? Because they can't win on the issues, Obama can't run on his record. The economy stinks, his foreign policy stinks, there are 5 people born for every 1 job in the US. All they have is class warfare and racism.
And the class warfare rages on

So now if you inherit money, YOU ARE EVIL evidently

No....it's the lying about it part that makes Romney "evil" as you called him.

you mean like Obama when he lied about his knowledge of Wrights sentimnents?

Or is it only evil when a republican lies?

I don't recall the specifics. I believe he tried to play it off as "I was not in church when he said those things"? Is that what you are referring to?
Yeah, Romney earned his way from nothing to the very top. All on his own. lol.
Young Mitt Romney at his first job interview

Mitt: Good morning sir, I'm Mitt Romney...(Shakes hands)

Interviewer: You're George Romneys boy aren't you?

Mitt: Yes sir, I am

Interviewer: How much do you want us to pay you?
Yes, yes, yes. Let's all worry about Mitt Romney's money instead of our money that is being wasted on aid to foreign nations that harbor and encourage terrorism. Priorities!

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