I have an idea, let us kill those of us over 65 or anybody on disability.

Why not kill everyone at the age thirty?
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A flat 0.3% wealth tax paid by all Americans, rich and poor. I think the wealthy are the ones that pay more.

I don't agree with that statement of the rich and poor.

Sort of an extreme idea. How many bureaucrats would need to be hired to calculate everyone's wealth each year and assign a value to each? Not to mention deal with the reviews and appeals that will inevitably arise when taxpayers disagree with the assessments being made.

sounds like you'd need a million people on the payroll just to administer this.
Yeah, just look at the panhandlers who stand on street corners, making over 30k a year all tax free. No FICA or FITW paid yet they still get to use the roads and bridges that the rest of US pay for....

No FICA or FITW does not mean "no taxes" as was the claim.

If they are making 30K a year (dubious claim IMHO) they are paying property tax as part of their lease with the landlord.

They also pay sales tax on goods and services.

If they drive they pay state and federal fuel taxes baked into the cost of fuel. If they don't drive they still pay state and federal fuel taxes because the cost of such taxes by suppliers is baked into the good and services they do buy. For example, I drive to the store and pick up a gallon of milk. I pay fuel taxes to drive there and the cost of fuel taxes for the store a included in the cost. On the other hand if I walk to the store and buy a gallon of milk, no direct fuel taxes - but then I'm not using the bridges and roads, so that makes sense. However I STILL pay the taxes baked into the transportation costs of the store for the milk.

Social Security is heading towards a budget crisis because more people are living longer, and because for years incomes above the taxable maximum, which is $160,200 this year, have been growing much faster than the incomes below it.

here a good read for the billionaires in the world or even the multimillion folks.
Spoken like a true socialist.
As a proof of concept ... let's kill all the white people first ...
Keep in mind a lot us old farts are armed to the teeth. All the white people I know have firearms. Almost all have rifles and shotguns and most own at least one handgun.

Of course I live in the ”Gunshine“ state AKA the Free State of Florida. Soon legislation will pass and be signed into law allowing concealed carry without a license. Currently 2.5 million Floridians have concealed carry permits. When the new law goes into effect I imagine the number of people packing heat in Florida will double.

If you are a street thug or specialize in home invasions avoid Florida. The work environment here is not friendly to your professions. Head for big blue states like New York, Illinois or California. If nothing else you can shoplift all your essentials in those liberal environments.

There are law enforcement people who are on power trips who would do just that.
They may want to do so but if they ever start, it couldn't be hidden for long and their badge would mean nothing, then. 99% of their job is accomplished by citizens who respect the laws. When they lose that respect, "law enforcement" becomes TYRANNY enforcement.
Social Security is heading towards a budget crisis because more people are living longer, and because for years incomes above the taxable maximum, which is $160,200 this year, have been growing much faster than the incomes below it.

here a good read for the billionaires in the world or even the multimillion folks.
Spoken like a true Marxist. Suck 40 years of Social Security taxes out of a worker and then kill him.
Libs do?

Trump Gives Tax Cut To Company For Sending 1000 Jobs ...

View attachment 769610
https://www.currentaffairs.org › 2016/12 › trump-give...

Dec 2, 2016 — Donald Trump's deal to save 800 jobs at the Carrier air-conditioner plant in Indiana that were scheduled to be outsourced to Mexico should ...

Tax cuts aren't saving jobs at Harley-Davidson

View attachment 769611
https://www.vox.com › policy-and-politics › harley-da...

May 22, 2018 — Harley-Davidson took its tax cut, closed a factory, and rewarded shareholders. The motorcycle maker in January told Kansas City workers it ...

No one got a cut for sending jobs.
No FICA or FITW does not mean "no taxes" as was the claim.

If they are making 30K a year (dubious claim IMHO) they are paying property tax as part of their lease with the landlord.

They also pay sales tax on goods and services.

If they drive they pay state and federal fuel taxes baked into the cost of fuel. If they don't drive they still pay state and federal fuel taxes because the cost of such taxes by suppliers is baked into the good and services they do buy. For example, I drive to the store and pick up a gallon of milk. I pay fuel taxes to drive there and the cost of fuel taxes for the store a included in the cost. On the other hand if I walk to the store and buy a gallon of milk, no direct fuel taxes - but then I'm not using the bridges and roads, so that makes sense. However I STILL pay the taxes baked into the transportation costs of the store for the milk.

So why is it the poor who dont pay income tax or Social Security, get a pass while the most wealthy pay the most in those, yet are bitched about all the time, that they arent paying their fair share? Yeah, because idiots like you allow this shit to happen and this is why the Federal Government is bloated as hell.

Biden voter.jpg
So why is it the poor who dont pay income tax or Social Security, get a pass while the most wealthy pay the most in those, …

As to income tax, because that’s the way the law is written. There is I minimum amount for wages before income taxes kick in. But you probably knew that.

As to Social Security tax, this is false. Bassically all wage earners earning below the high end cap pay the same percentage on all wages. If your wages are $15,000 a year the rate is 6.2%. If your wages are $150,000 a year the rate is 6.2%.

However the working poor pay a higher percentage of income into SS than does someone making say $500,000. Do the math yourself. 6.2% of $15000 compared to someone whose wages are $500,000 but pay SS taxes only on the first $160k. The low wage earner is paying 6.2% of total wages. The high wage earner is paying 1.98% of total wages.


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