I have an idea, let us kill those of us over 65 or anybody on disability.

As to income tax, because that’s the way the law is written. There is I minimum amount for wages before income taxes kick in. But you probably knew that.

As to Social Security tax, this is false. Bassically all wage earners earning below the high end cap pay the same percentage on all wages. If your wages are $15,000 a year the rate is 6.2%. If your wages are $150,000 a year the rate is 6.2%.

However the working poor pay a higher percentage of income into SS than does someone making say $500,000. Do the math yourself. 6.2% of $15000 compared to someone whose wages are $500,000 but pay SS taxes only on the first $160k. The low wage earner is paying 6.2% of total wages. The high wage earner is paying 1.98% of total wages.

So why arent we doing the same with income tax? Why do panhandlers pay no income tax?
So why arent we doing the same with income tax? Why do panhandlers pay no income tax?

Ask your representatives to Congress.

Me? I'd do away will all taxes (and I mean all of them) Federal Income, State Income, SS, Medicare, Sales tax, embedded taxes such as fuel taxes, property taxes, etc. Replace them all with exactly **3** taxes: One Federal Income, One State Income, and One Local Income. No progressive steps, no deductions - period. Everyone pays the same rate.

Ask your representatives to Congress.

Me? I'd do away will all taxes (and I mean all of them) Federal Income, State Income, SS, Medicare, Sales tax, embedded taxes such as fuel taxes, property taxes, etc. Replace them all with exactly **3** taxes: One Federal Income, One State Income, and One Local Income. No progressive steps, no deductions - period. Everyone pays the same rate.

I would agree, but some states like Californication just cant do with one state, but many others to feed their homeless and illegal aliens.

I think Penelope just wants to kill everybody.

Look at thread title.

And then:

"I'm getting sick and tired of people who are unvaccinated. I wish them to all die and also to bypass the hospitals. Die at home."--Penelope, Jan 18th 2022

A whole lotta killing going on in little Penny's head.

Groupthink/idolatry can turn even the warmest hearted folks into little Himmler's. Take a CLOSE look @ the mesmerized eyes in the young fella in the accompanying image. His hands & body are literally one with the standard bearer pole he now hugs in idolization. The armband with the centered BLACK colored Hakenkreuz(bent cross like YIKES) tells the story! Like so many political ideologies that start out with good intentions so did the SA/Sturmabteilung(Storm Detachment) in it's attempt to crush the statist left communalists that were ransacking Germany @ the time, but the SA simply morphed into it's former statist left adversary.

Penelope's wish that you quoted above is typical of a person that has fallen hook, line & sinker into a groupthink cult. It can happen to ANYONE @ any time. That difficult path to find is indeed even more difficult to navigate let alone to stay on as I have found out so many times to my dismay, but I cannot afford to abandon that path as the end price for doing so is more than I can afford. Hopefully Penelope & others can join us in the future on that all critical path to eternal bliss.

No one got a cut for sending jobs.
In these instances no, but that's exactly what they did.

However they do get tax cuts for moving overseas, thanks to republicans.

Republicans Block Bill To Tax Firms That Export Jobs​

https://www.npr.org › templates › story › story

Sep 28, 2010 — Today, Senate Republicans blocked a bill aimed at punishing companies for sending jobs overseas. The GOP accused Democrats of trying to ...

Senate Republicans block bill to end tax breaks for ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › blogs › floor-action › 213780-rep...

Jul 30, 2014 — Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would end tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas. On Wednesday, the Senate voted 54-42 to ...

Trump-GOP Tax Law Encourages Companies to Move ...​

Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
https://itep.org › trump-gop-tax-law-encourages-comp...

Jun 2, 2020 — The Trump-GOP tax law enacted in December 2017 creates clear incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad, ...
Get used to the idea of the retirement age for SS being raised, because it will happen.
If it doesn’t get raised Social Security will likely go broke.

Of course, the millions and millions of illegal aliens will get Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, free collage and lots and lots of free handouts.
Social Security is heading towards a budget crisis because more people are living longer, and because for years incomes above the taxable maximum, which is $160,200 this year, have been growing much faster than the incomes below it.

here a good read for the billionaires in the world or even the multimillion folks.
Get rid of all butchering leftist scum, problem solved.
If it doesn’t get raised Social Security will likely go broke.

Of course, the millions and millions of illegal aliens will get Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, free collage and lots and lots of free handouts.
Let the billionaire pay and the multi millions pay the turn, you'd be surprised how people get out of paying taxes.
In these instances no, but that's exactly what they did.

However they do get tax cuts for moving overseas, thanks to republicans.

Republicans Block Bill To Tax Firms That Export Jobs

https://www.npr.org › templates › story › story

Sep 28, 2010 — Today, Senate Republicans blocked a bill aimed at punishing companies for sending jobs overseas. The GOP accused Democrats of trying to ...

Senate Republicans block bill to end tax breaks for ...

View attachment 769962
The Hill
https://thehill.com › blogs › floor-action › 213780-rep...

Jul 30, 2014 — Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would end tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas. On Wednesday, the Senate voted 54-42 to ...

Trump-GOP Tax Law Encourages Companies to Move ...

View attachment 769961
Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
https://itep.org › trump-gop-tax-law-encourages-comp...

Jun 2, 2020 — The Trump-GOP tax law enacted in December 2017 creates clear incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad, ...
Today, Senate Republicans blocked a bill aimed at punishing companies for sending jobs overseas
Let the billionaire pay and the multi millions pay the turn, you'd be surprised how people get out of paying taxes.

The really rich donate to numerous Congress Critters who in turn write loopholes into the tax laws so the rich can avoid paying taxes.

Irony and deliberate sarcasm .
She clearly is of the Great British persuasion .
And makes a very fair overall point and commentary , imo .

No….leftists of Penelope’s kind always end up with the mass graves solution……………..it is just nice that she is no longer hiding it.

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