I have a question for those who hate creationism

I see a major difference in creationism and ID. Again, it is beyond the ability of man to prove or disprove the existence of God.

However, the scientific method is man made and exists under man made rules. These rules mandate observability and falsifiability. You can't falsify the existence of God. Therefore, you can't introduce God into Scientific Theories. This says nothing about the existence of God, it simply says his existence within scientific theories is not appropriate.

Rightfully so. If we were to allow God into scientific methodology then the answer to every question ultimately becomes "God did it".

And you seem to be incapable of the concepts that the thread author and I seem to be able to understand easily. Or you inadvertently continue to miss the point I am making or you are intentionally blowing off the principles I see in this discussion.

Creationism IS a form of I.D. for instance. But all IDers are not Creationists. An open mind would acknowledge that this is an important part of and important to arguments being made.

Neither the thread author nor I have once suggested that God be introduced into scientific theories. Each of us have clearly stated that Creationism/ID is not science and should not be taught as science. It would be nice if the open minded here would acknowledge that instead of continuing to insinuate something different.

Prejudice and bigotry is a difficult thing though. It does close the mind and makes it impossible to see many possibilities outside the narrow concepts dictated by the prejudice and bigotry.

I haven't really been following the "OP". I have just been discussing a matter that I am passionate about: keeping ID out of science. If you don't think it belongs in science either, then I am probably not directing my comments in the right direction.

There are many posters who do think it belongs in science, so I'll continue to make my points.

As I said, I have no problem with ID/Creationism as a personal belief. I have a problem with sticking them in the scientific method.

You've been making an argument without knowing what the OP was? How scientific is that????? :) :) :)

There are a gazillion threads out there bashing God and Creationists and the efforts of a tiny few to include Creationism in science class or take evolution out of science class. Those get most of the attention and frankly the food fights that invariably result are quite boring to me.

The entire opening post was this:

I have a question for those who hate creationism

How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

I have been doing my damndest to focus on that OP.

Most of the anti-religionists seem to have been doing their damndest to make this thead into just another food fight bashing God and Creationism.
And you seem to be incapable of the concepts that the thread author and I seem to be able to understand easily. Or you inadvertently continue to miss the point I am making or you are intentionally blowing off the principles I see in this discussion.

Creationism IS a form of I.D. for instance. But all IDers are not Creationists. An open mind would acknowledge that this is an important part of and important to arguments being made.

Neither the thread author nor I have once suggested that God be introduced into scientific theories. Each of us have clearly stated that Creationism/ID is not science and should not be taught as science. It would be nice if the open minded here would acknowledge that instead of continuing to insinuate something different.

Prejudice and bigotry is a difficult thing though. It does close the mind and makes it impossible to see many possibilities outside the narrow concepts dictated by the prejudice and bigotry.

I haven't really been following the "OP". I have just been discussing a matter that I am passionate about: keeping ID out of science. If you don't think it belongs in science either, then I am probably not directing my comments in the right direction.

There are many posters who do think it belongs in science, so I'll continue to make my points.

As I said, I have no problem with ID/Creationism as a personal belief. I have a problem with sticking them in the scientific method.

You've been making an argument without knowing what the OP was? How scientific is that????? :) :) :)

There are a gazillion threads out there bashing God and Creationists and the efforts of a tiny few to include Creationism in science class or take evolution out of science class. Those get most of the attention and frankly the food fights that invariably result are quite boring to me.

The entire opening post was this:

I have a question for those who hate creationism

How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

I have been doing my damndest to focus on that OP.

Most of the anti-religionists seem to have been doing their damndest to make this thead into just another food fight bashing God and Creationism.

Where? The thread turned to the subject of creationism and the classroom. All that we have been saying is that it does not belong there. I have not seen anyone minus the same boneheads bashing religious tenants. The ones that have like truth always do so and are no longer responding here.
I haven't really been following the "OP". I have just been discussing a matter that I am passionate about: keeping ID out of science. If you don't think it belongs in science either, then I am probably not directing my comments in the right direction.

There are many posters who do think it belongs in science, so I'll continue to make my points.

As I said, I have no problem with ID/Creationism as a personal belief. I have a problem with sticking them in the scientific method.

You've been making an argument without knowing what the OP was? How scientific is that????? :) :) :)

There are a gazillion threads out there bashing God and Creationists and the efforts of a tiny few to include Creationism in science class or take evolution out of science class. Those get most of the attention and frankly the food fights that invariably result are quite boring to me.

The entire opening post was this:

I have a question for those who hate creationism

How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

I have been doing my damndest to focus on that OP.

Most of the anti-religionists seem to have been doing their damndest to make this thead into just another food fight bashing God and Creationism.

Where? The thread turned to the subject of creationism and the classroom. All that we have been saying is that it does not belong there. I have not seen anyone minus the same boneheads bashing religious tenants. The ones that have like truth always do so and are no longer responding here.

Perhaps 'bashing' is a bit strong for many or even most, but the topic is not creationism and the classroom. I really wanted to discuss the OP because I think it is a great question for all who still have an open mind. There are many threads to discuss whether creationism belongs in the classroom, science or otherwise. I didn't want this thread to focus on that. And it was not the creationists and/or IDers who kept putting it there.
So there was a big bang? How did that happen?

God created the big bang.

I think it's the other way around - The big bang created God. Go ahead, prove me wrong!:lol:

i think both those options would be fun to explore!

what created the big bang? god. what created god?

What created god? the big bang. what created the big bang?

What created the big bang? Not god. Ok it wasn't god so what created the big bang, what is its origin?

ZOMG im a blathering religious idiot for asking questions :rofl:
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You've been making an argument without knowing what the OP was? How scientific is that????? :) :) :)

There are a gazillion threads out there bashing God and Creationists and the efforts of a tiny few to include Creationism in science class or take evolution out of science class. Those get most of the attention and frankly the food fights that invariably result are quite boring to me.

The entire opening post was this:

I have been doing my damndest to focus on that OP.

Most of the anti-religionists seem to have been doing their damndest to make this thead into just another food fight bashing God and Creationism.

Where? The thread turned to the subject of creationism and the classroom. All that we have been saying is that it does not belong there. I have not seen anyone minus the same boneheads bashing religious tenants. The ones that have like truth always do so and are no longer responding here.

Perhaps 'bashing' is a bit strong for many or even most, but the topic is not creationism and the classroom. I really wanted to discuss the OP because I think it is a great question for all who still have an open mind. There are many threads to discuss whether creationism belongs in the classroom, science or otherwise. I didn't want this thread to focus on that. And it was not the creationists and/or IDers who kept putting it there.

this thread is a discussion on the apparant close mindedness of many who aren't even willing to consider that maybe god is real and really made everything. Or that maybe there is an intelligent lifeform, more intelligent than us, elsewhere in the universe that designed us.

It is an attempt to get those, who are heavily dependant/rooted in science, to try and open their minds back up like scientists are supposed to do.

And to have some fun related discussions along the way.

See my response prior to this one, all the questions without bashing either side? ;)
Where? The thread turned to the subject of creationism and the classroom. All that we have been saying is that it does not belong there. I have not seen anyone minus the same boneheads bashing religious tenants. The ones that have like truth always do so and are no longer responding here.

Perhaps 'bashing' is a bit strong for many or even most, but the topic is not creationism and the classroom. I really wanted to discuss the OP because I think it is a great question for all who still have an open mind. There are many threads to discuss whether creationism belongs in the classroom, science or otherwise. I didn't want this thread to focus on that. And it was not the creationists and/or IDers who kept putting it there.

this thread is a discussion on the apparant close mindedness of many who aren't even willing to consider that maybe god is real and really made everything. Or that maybe there is an intelligent lifeform, more intelligent than us, elsewhere in the universe that designed us.

It is an attempt to get those, who are heavily dependant/rooted in science, to try and open their minds back up like scientists are supposed to do.

And to have some fun related discussions along the way.

See my response prior to this one, all the questions without bashing either side? ;)
That life form would not be a God! God by definition is a spirit with no form, a non-thing.
God created the big bang.

I think it's the other way around - The big bang created God. Go ahead, prove me wrong!:lol:

i think both those options would be fun to explore!

what created the big bang? god. what created god?

What created god? the big bang. what created the big bang?

What created the big bang? Not god. Ok it wasn't god so what created the big bang, what is its origin?

ZOMG im a blathering religious idiot for asking questions :rofl:
Many would argue, Gravity!
Gravity, like Energy, is something that can be measured so we know it is real, even if we can't as yet define it.
There is going to be an interesting program tomorrow night on the science channel about time and space.
It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Science is starting to look into more theories about time and space.
I think that the big bang theory seems the best of them.
But it is also intriguing about different dimensions. That there are more than 3,I find that very intriguing too.
Perhaps this one would explain Heaven and Hell. Or perhaps ghosts and wandering spirits in a fourth dimension?
God could have started from any of these and brought creation through any of them.
Perhaps 'bashing' is a bit strong for many or even most, but the topic is not creationism and the classroom. I really wanted to discuss the OP because I think it is a great question for all who still have an open mind. There are many threads to discuss whether creationism belongs in the classroom, science or otherwise. I didn't want this thread to focus on that. And it was not the creationists and/or IDers who kept putting it there.

this thread is a discussion on the apparant close mindedness of many who aren't even willing to consider that maybe god is real and really made everything. Or that maybe there is an intelligent lifeform, more intelligent than us, elsewhere in the universe that designed us.

It is an attempt to get those, who are heavily dependant/rooted in science, to try and open their minds back up like scientists are supposed to do.

And to have some fun related discussions along the way.

See my response prior to this one, all the questions without bashing either side? ;)
That life form would not be a God! God by definition is a spirit with no form, a non-thing.

So who decides what the definition of GOD is? Websters, Edthecynic, plymco_pilgrim, Obama, priests......who decides that?

See by closing your mind off you couldn't even think up those questions before posting ;).
There is going to be an interesting program tomorrow night on the science channel about time and space.
It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Science is starting to look into more theories about time and space.
I think that the big bang theory seems the best of them.
But it is also intriguing about different dimensions. That there are more than 3,I find that very intriguing too.
Perhaps this one would explain Heaven and Hell. Or perhaps ghosts and wandering spirits in a fourth dimension?
God could have started from any of these and brought creation through any of them.
There are 3 spacial dimensions, length, width, and depth, and the Fourth dimension is time!
You are thinking of the Fifth Dimension, and not the rock group. :lol:
In String Theory there are 11 dimensions, 5 pairs of spacial dimensions and one of time.
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I think it's the other way around - The big bang created God. Go ahead, prove me wrong!:lol:

i think both those options would be fun to explore!

what created the big bang? god. what created god?

What created god? the big bang. what created the big bang?

What created the big bang? Not god. Ok it wasn't god so what created the big bang, what is its origin?

ZOMG im a blathering religious idiot for asking questions :rofl:
Many would argue, Gravity!
Gravity, like Energy, is something that can be measured so we know it is real, even if we can't as yet define it.

what creates gravity? Mass...where did the mass originate from? the big bang. where did the big bang originate from?

so many questions for those who are willing to ask ;).
There is going to be an interesting program tomorrow night on the science channel about time and space.
It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Science is starting to look into more theories about time and space.
I think that the big bang theory seems the best of them.
But it is also intriguing about different dimensions. That there are more than 3,I find that very intriguing too.
Perhaps this one would explain Heaven and Hell. Or perhaps ghosts and wandering spirits in a fourth dimension?
God could have started from any of these and brought creation through any of them.

are they re-runs of the other ones he did or new ones? If they are re-runs and you missed them the first time they were pretty good shows.
this thread is a discussion on the apparant close mindedness of many who aren't even willing to consider that maybe god is real and really made everything. Or that maybe there is an intelligent lifeform, more intelligent than us, elsewhere in the universe that designed us.

It is an attempt to get those, who are heavily dependant/rooted in science, to try and open their minds back up like scientists are supposed to do.

And to have some fun related discussions along the way.

See my response prior to this one, all the questions without bashing either side? ;)
That life form would not be a God! God by definition is a spirit with no form, a non-thing.

So who decides what the definition of GOD is? Websters, Edthecynic, plymco_pilgrim, Obama, priests......who decides that?

See by closing your mind off you couldn't even think up those questions before posting ;).
That's how God has always been defined, but since a thing can now be God, then Energy is God.
i think both those options would be fun to explore!

what created the big bang? god. what created god?

What created god? the big bang. what created the big bang?

What created the big bang? Not god. Ok it wasn't god so what created the big bang, what is its origin?

ZOMG im a blathering religious idiot for asking questions :rofl:
Many would argue, Gravity!
Gravity, like Energy, is something that can be measured so we know it is real, even if we can't as yet define it.

what creates gravity? Mass...where did the mass originate from? the big bang. where did the big bang originate from?

so many questions for those who are willing to ask ;).
Mass is Energy, and the FLoT has PROVEN through a repeatable experiment that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
There is going to be an interesting program tomorrow night on the science channel about time and space.
It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Science is starting to look into more theories about time and space.
I think that the big bang theory seems the best of them.
But it is also intriguing about different dimensions. That there are more than 3,I find that very intriguing too.
Perhaps this one would explain Heaven and Hell. Or perhaps ghosts and wandering spirits in a fourth dimension?
God could have started from any of these and brought creation through any of them.

are they re-runs of the other ones he did or new ones? If they are re-runs and you missed them the first time they were pretty good shows.

No. this is a brand new one tomorrow night.
How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

Can I chime in? I'm not looking to educate. I don't "hate" creationism, either. I have a question for you, PLYMCO PILGRIM: Why ask this question? I mean, what possible difference does it make? WE are here NOW, and that is all that matters. If there is a god, I doubt humanity is the main focus of a supreme being (or beings). and I doubt as well that our well being or our extinction matters at all. Religion reflects human egotism, as if we are the center of creation, and I reject that egotism. That is why I reject creationism, and religion of any kind. That is in my humble opinion.
Many would argue, Gravity!
Gravity, like Energy, is something that can be measured so we know it is real, even if we can't as yet define it.

what creates gravity? Mass...where did the mass originate from? the big bang. where did the big bang originate from?

so many questions for those who are willing to ask ;).
Mass is Energy, and the FLoT has PROVEN through a repeatable experiment that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

so how did energy come into existence. What are its origins?
There is going to be an interesting program tomorrow night on the science channel about time and space.
It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. Science is starting to look into more theories about time and space.
I think that the big bang theory seems the best of them.
But it is also intriguing about different dimensions. That there are more than 3,I find that very intriguing too.
Perhaps this one would explain Heaven and Hell. Or perhaps ghosts and wandering spirits in a fourth dimension?
God could have started from any of these and brought creation through any of them.

are they re-runs of the other ones he did or new ones? If they are re-runs and you missed them the first time they were pretty good shows.

No. this is a brand new one tomorrow night.

gotta love tivo
How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

Can I chime in? I'm not looking to educate. I don't "hate" creationism, either. I have a question for you, PLYMCO PILGRIM: Why ask this question? I mean, what possible difference does it make? WE are here NOW, and that is all that matters. If there is a god, I doubt humanity is the main focus of a supreme being (or beings). and I doubt as well that our well being or our extinction matters at all. Religion reflects human egotism, as if we are the center of creation, and I reject that egotism. That is why I reject creationism, and religion of any kind. That is in my humble opinion.

Sure you can chime in.
I asked the question to provoke a discussion and try and grab the attention of those who have closed minds about this topic.
It doesn't make any difference its just something to discuss.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. :D

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