"I Had an Abortion"

Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Party of individual liberty huh? Like the liberty to buy your own health insurance for example?

How does a party that advocates abortion end abortion?
Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Party of individual liberty huh? Like the liberty to buy your own health insurance for example?

How does a party that advocates abortion end abortion?

We fight for free contraception and education on the use thereof.
Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Party of individual liberty huh? Like the liberty to buy your own health insurance for example?

How does a party that advocates abortion end abortion?

Same way every other civilized country has.

reducing economic inequality, family and medical leave, universal health care, thorough sex eduction.

It's why France has only about a quarter the number of abortions we have per capita.

The idiocy is telling a woman she has to have a baby because your magic sky man said so.
Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Oh bullshit!

They are opportunists just like their major opponents. They use this issue to win votes and if next year they believed that by outlawing ALL abortions, they would win more votes and more elections, they would change their platform in a heartbeat. They deserve no more respect over this issue than Republicans do.

Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy? What the hell have you been smoking?

Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Party of individual liberty huh? Like the liberty to buy your own health insurance for example?

How does a party that advocates abortion end abortion?

And yet more ignorance from the right.

The ACA isn’t an ‘individual liberty’ issue, it has nothing to do with substantive due process, as is the case with privacy rights. The IM is Constitutional as part of Congress’ taxing authority – and no one is ‘forced’ to buy insurance. If you believe otherwise, feel free to cite the criminal penalty provision of the Act.

Otherwise, it’s incumbent upon you and others on the right to propose actual solutions to abortion that comport with the Constitution and its case law.
Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

Oh bullshit!

They are opportunists just like their major opponents. They use this issue to win votes and if next year they believed that by outlawing ALL abortions, they would win more votes and more elections, they would change their platform in a heartbeat. They deserve no more respect over this issue than Republicans do.

Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy? What the hell have you been smoking?



Since before Roe democrats have been advocates of privacy rights, and have consistently defended that right over the decades, just as they have consistently supported voting rights, immigrants’ rights, the rights of homosexuals, same-sex couples, and transgender persons currently.

To deny these facts is ignorant partisan idiocy on your part.
I had a classmate in college that was pro choice. She would become hyper emotional anytime the issue of abortion came up. She spoke once about an anti abortion display that a religious group put up. A little cross on the ground was used to represent each million lives lost to abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision. She said that she went over an stomped down the crosses. I have to wonder if my classmate was so emotional because she had previously had an abortion. I dared not ask her such a personal question at the time because I did not want my head bitten off.
I had a classmate in college that was pro choice. She would become hyper emotional anytime the issue of abortion came up. She spoke once about an anti abortion display that a religious group put up. A little cross on the ground was used to represent each million lives lost to abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision. She said that she went over an stomped down the crosses. I have to wonder if my classmate was so emotional because she had previously had an abortion. I dared not ask her such a personal question at the time because I did not want my head bitten off.

And it was none of your business, anyway.

But, yeah, I would imagine that most women who have had to make a tough decision about the rest of their lives don't need some bible-thumping asshole talking smack to them.
I had a classmate in college that was pro choice. She would become hyper emotional anytime the issue of abortion came up. She spoke once about an anti abortion display that a religious group put up. A little cross on the ground was used to represent each million lives lost to abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision. She said that she went over an stomped down the crosses. I have to wonder if my classmate was so emotional because she had previously had an abortion. I dared not ask her such a personal question at the time because I did not want my head bitten off.

And it was none of your business, anyway.

But, yeah, I would imagine that most women who have had to make a tough decision about the rest of their lives don't need some bible-thumping asshole talking smack to them.

Do you find anything morally questionable about killing your own child as a form of birth control?
I had a classmate in college that was pro choice. She would become hyper emotional anytime the issue of abortion came up. She spoke once about an anti abortion display that a religious group put up. A little cross on the ground was used to represent each million lives lost to abortion since the Roe vs. Wade decision. She said that she went over an stomped down the crosses. I have to wonder if my classmate was so emotional because she had previously had an abortion. I dared not ask her such a personal question at the time because I did not want my head bitten off.

And it was none of your business, anyway.

But, yeah, I would imagine that most women who have had to make a tough decision about the rest of their lives don't need some bible-thumping asshole talking smack to them.

Do you find anything morally questionable about killing your own child as a form of birth control?

Since a fetus isn't a "child"... no, I don't.
Democrats are the party of death

Actually they’re the Party of individual liberty and prohibiting government from violating the right to privacy.

And they are the Party of life by advocating for real solutions to end abortion, not ‘banning’ abortion which will do nothing to end the practice.

I was correct in my post.... You dont care about privacy just killing babies because if you did care about privacy then Obamacare wouldn't have gotten a single vote.
Life began 4 billion years ago.

And is an ongoing process.

Still doesn't make zygotes into people.

Which is why we don't have funerals over tampons.

human life begins when zygote starts dividing. Period. It is a medical fact. deal with it.

But it’s not a legal fact.

Constitutional jurisprudence does not recognize a zygote/embryo/fetus as a ‘person’ in the context of Constitutional rights, as such rights manifest only postnatally.

But more than half the states have either legislation or court rulings saying that where an assault on a pregnant woman results in the death of the fetus, the fetus can be considered a person for the purpose of bringing homicide charges.

Some of those laws specifically provide that the fetus must be viable before it can be given the legal status of personhood. Generally, the threshold of viability is about 26 weeks, or six months of pregnancy.

When the Death of a Fetus Is Murder - NYTimes.com
And it was none of your business, anyway.

But, yeah, I would imagine that most women who have had to make a tough decision about the rest of their lives don't need some bible-thumping asshole talking smack to them.

Do you find anything morally questionable about killing your own child as a form of birth control?

Since a fetus isn't a "child"... no, I don't.

And this is how they lie to themselves to try and lessen the guilt of infanticide.
Since a fetus isn't a "child"... no, I don't.

And this is how they lie to themselves to try and lessen the guilt of infanticide.

No, a fetus isn't an infant.

An infant can survive outside the uterus.

A fetus, usually less than an inch long when most abortions are performed, cannot.

Aww look at the pro baby killer..... Tell me how long can a baby survive out of the womb without a parent or ANYONE feeding it or clothing it?
And it was none of your business, anyway.

But, yeah, I would imagine that most women who have had to make a tough decision about the rest of their lives don't need some bible-thumping asshole talking smack to them.

Do you find anything morally questionable about killing your own child as a form of birth control?

Since a fetus isn't a "child"... no, I don't.

Is a bean sprout not a bean plant?
And this is how they lie to themselves to try and lessen the guilt of infanticide.

No, a fetus isn't an infant.

An infant can survive outside the uterus.

A fetus, usually less than an inch long when most abortions are performed, cannot.

Aww look at the pro baby killer..... Tell me how long can a baby survive out of the womb without a parent or ANYONE feeding it or clothing it?

The point there is ANYONE could feed it or clothe it.

But the Kidney=bean sized fetus ONLY survives if the woman it is in decides it does.

Unless you are willing to put all pregnant women under house arrest.

Heck, why stop there? We need to totally regulate their diets and activities, because that kidney-bean sized fetus deserves the very best, right?

Where does it stop?
No, a fetus isn't an infant.

An infant can survive outside the uterus.

A fetus, usually less than an inch long when most abortions are performed, cannot.

Aww look at the pro baby killer..... Tell me how long can a baby survive out of the womb without a parent or ANYONE feeding it or clothing it?

The point there is ANYONE could feed it or clothe it.

But the Kidney=bean sized fetus ONLY survives if the woman it is in decides it does.

Unless you are willing to put all pregnant women under house arrest.

Heck, why stop there? We need to totally regulate their diets and activities, because that kidney-bean sized fetus deserves the very best, right?

Where does it stop?

Now hyperbole to try and distract from your fail of a argument. You support killing human defenceless babies and all the excuses you try and make doesn't cover up this fact

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