I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden

The theft charge for the diary was bullshit. The only reason they charged them was so the FBI could take possession of it.

And Hunter's laptop was no longer his "personal information." I've already told you that the computer shop's policy was that if you didn't come back to pick it up by a certain date, they owned it. Every computer shop you'll ever see has the same policy.

Why U tryin' so hard to defend a drug addict who committed a felony gun crime, bro? I'm worried about U.
What about the fact that they are supposed to apply to the authorities to be able to actually take possession, brainwashed functional moron? What the hell does this have to do with politics anyway. You ought to take a look at the scumbag GOP the middle class while running a 40 year giveaway to the rich and big oil etc.....idiot. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot politically of course....
no, stupid, that's where he probably got the brain cancer from the burning pits. Why don't you try a news station instead of garbage hate propaganda, super dupe.....

1. “They talk about inflation … inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing … excuse me, the war in Ukraine,” the president said. “I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.”

2. “Just imagine — I mean it sincerely, I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and lost his life in Iraq — Imagine the courage, the daring, and the genuine sacrifice, genuine sacrifice they all made,” the president said.

3. “My son was a major in the US Army. We lost him in Iraq,” said Mr Biden during an informal visit with troops at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni last Thursday in a video obtained by The New York Post.

You can't admit to these lies because you're in a cult.
What about the fact that they are supposed to apply to the authorities to be able to actually take possession, brainwashed functional moron? What the hell does this have to do with politics anyway. You ought to take a look at the scumbag GOP the middle class while running a 40 year giveaway to the rich and big oil etc.....idiot. Oops, brainwashed functional idiot politically of course....

I couldn't make heads or tails out that mumbo-jumbo.

Have you been hanging out with Hunter and smoking crack, or something?

Watch out he doesn't accidentally shoot yer dick off with that illegal gun he has.
The theft charge for the diary was bullshit. The only reason they charged them was so the FBI could take possession of it.

And Hunter's laptop was no longer his "personal information." I've already told you that the computer shop's policy was that if you didn't come back to pick it up by a certain date, they owned it. Every computer shop you'll ever see has the same policy.

Why U tryin' so hard to defend a drug addict who committed a felony gun crime, bro? I'm worried about U.
Yep. His dead brother's wife said he was going to kill himself with the gun, and that is why she took it from him, and then threw it in a dumpster.

This was during his two most drug abuse years, and also the same two year period Hunter did not file his taxes.
The theft charge for the diary was bullshit.
Says who? The person who took it had no right to claim ownership of it. The thief was given a chance to stay at the house temporarily and decided to take her diary.
And Hunter's laptop was no longer his "personal information." I've already told you that the computer shop's policy was that if you didn't come back to pick it up by a certain date, they owned it. Every computer shop you'll ever see has the same policy.
It is and always will be personal information by definition.

Computer shop owners aren’t interested in reading your text messages. They would just wipe the computer and sell it. The only reason for invasion of privacy is to damage Joe Biden.
The President's own son was charged with a felony firearm offense. And the DOJ chose not to prosecute him.

Thats poor muzzle AND finger control! On top of the guilty please for several charges, I am convinced that I will not be voting for Hunter Biden.
I expected you Liberal, Progressive Democratic Socialist’s to defend Hunter Biden but not to the extent that he lost a loved one which made him use drugs, and turn around to have an SEXUAL affair with his own Sister in law, and deny support to his own Child after it was proven she was his, not have anything to do with her life or have her Grandfather even acknowledge her.
Children don’t magically “get over” trauma shuch as this. Trauma, Toxic Stress, and adverse childhood experiences can, and usually permanently change children’s childhood, which can have serious, lifelong consequences. Didn’t that Weird bunch of Biden’s ever think of that!
Who gives a fuckin' shit! This has nothing to do with national security! Goddammit, stop wasting government resources on such nonsense!

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