I dont want to see Christy as a vp pick

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

He proposed a tax cut.

What type of deficit?

Am I less likely to cheat when....

Taxes are high or low?
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

I agree. Also, I don't want to see him as a pick, because of his increasing weight and potential health complications, due to it.
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He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

He proposed a tax cut.

What type of deficit?

Am I less likely to cheat when....

Taxes are high or low?

That's not my point. I can't put my finger on it exactly but he just doesn't strike me as the conservative he portrays himself as. Granted I'm in middle America so I only hear dribs and drabs of what he's doing. I want to see some results.
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He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

I agree. Also, I don't want to see him as a pick, because of his increasing weight and potential health complications, due to it.

I hate to harp about someone's appearance but you're right. On meet the press this morning they showed a clip of him on Opras network. He looked so big in the chair you couldn't distinguish where one body part ended and the other began. He looks like a walking heart attack.
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

I do.

Newt and Chrispie. Reinforced stage.

They would eat Obama alive.

Thank Gawd for widescreen.
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

He proposed a tax cut.

What type of deficit?

Am I less likely to cheat when....

Taxes are high or low?

That's not my point. I can't put my finger on it exactly but he just doesn't strike me as the conservative he portrays himself as. Granted I'm in middle America so I only hear dribs and drabs of what he's doing. I want to see some results.

Understandable. My vote hinges on actions not words. With the normal disclaimer the left just may piss me off enough to hold my nose.
Hasn't he already confirmed that he is not prepared to leave his current office?

Prior to MTP this morning yes. But today he seemed to all but ask Romney to consider him. I think he wants to be considered based on todays interview.

Haven't seen that. So you could be right. If so, I tend to agree. However, I'd rather see a Romney/Christie ticket than Gingrich/Palin. :lol:

I ain't voting for Gingrich. That's one compromise too far for me.

Chrispie and Newt. That's Chrispie on the left.
Hasn't he already confirmed that he is not prepared to leave his current office?

Prior to MTP this morning yes. But today he seemed to all but ask Romney to consider him. I think he wants to be considered based on todays interview.

Haven't seen that. So you could be right. If so, I tend to agree. However, I'd rather see a Romney/Christie ticket than Gingrich/Palin. :lol:

I ain't voting for Gingrich. That's one compromise too far for me.

LOL...Windsock Romney...one compromise too far...sorry, CG, but that is hilarious.
Prior to MTP this morning yes. But today he seemed to all but ask Romney to consider him. I think he wants to be considered based on todays interview.

Haven't seen that. So you could be right. If so, I tend to agree. However, I'd rather see a Romney/Christie ticket than Gingrich/Palin. :lol:

I ain't voting for Gingrich. That's one compromise too far for me.

LOL...Windsock Romney...one compromise too far...sorry, CG, but that is hilarious.

I've pretty clearly stated why Romney is not a compromise too far. You may not get it but it's based on his experience. Gringrich is, in my opinion, unfit for the Office of President. He is a serial liar, DC insider, convicted of ethics violations, and generally a morally bankrupt self serving, corrupt asshole. I have always maintained that I will not vote for those people. And I stand by that.

And.... I'm quietly confident that I'm not the only independent who views it that way. Hence, Romney shows much stronger than any other candidate on the right with Independents. Independents are independent for a reason.... mainly because of a general distrust and dislike of either sides assholes.
Haven't seen that. So you could be right. If so, I tend to agree. However, I'd rather see a Romney/Christie ticket than Gingrich/Palin. :lol:

I ain't voting for Gingrich. That's one compromise too far for me.

LOL...Windsock Romney...one compromise too far...sorry, CG, but that is hilarious.

I've pretty clearly stated why Romney is not a compromise too far. You may not get it but it's based on his experience. Gringrich is, in my opinion, unfit for the Office of President. He is a serial liar, DC insider, convicted of ethics violations, and generally a morally bankrupt self serving, corrupt asshole. I have always maintained that I will not vote for those people. And I stand by that.

And.... I'm quietly confident that I'm not the only independent who views it that way. Hence, Romney shows much stronger than any other candidate on the right with Independents. Independents are independent for a reason.... mainly because of a general distrust and dislike of either sides assholes.

Romney fits that description nicely as well.

He was for abortion, gun control, cap/trade and universal healthcare...but now he is pro-life, a member of the NRA, opposed to cap/trade and opposes to universal healthcare.

Was he lying then, or is he lying now?

Romney is the Republican establishment candidate! How much more "insider" can you get?

All the Republican candidates are flawed.

If Romney gets the nomination, I'll support him.

If Gingrich gets the nomination, I'll support him.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

But when push comes to shove...I believe Gingrich will do what he says he will do.

I cannot say the same about Romney.

In the primary...that tilts the scale to Gingrich...warts and all.
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.
....Until he comes-up-against......

LOL...Windsock Romney...one compromise too far...sorry, CG, but that is hilarious.

I've pretty clearly stated why Romney is not a compromise too far. You may not get it but it's based on his experience. Gringrich is, in my opinion, unfit for the Office of President. He is a serial liar, DC insider, convicted of ethics violations, and generally a morally bankrupt self serving, corrupt asshole. I have always maintained that I will not vote for those people. And I stand by that.

And.... I'm quietly confident that I'm not the only independent who views it that way. Hence, Romney shows much stronger than any other candidate on the right with Independents. Independents are independent for a reason.... mainly because of a general distrust and dislike of either sides assholes.

Romney fits that description nicely as well.

He was for abortion, gun control, cap/trade and universal healthcare...but now he is pro-life, a member of the NRA, opposed to cap/trade and opposes to universal healthcare.

Was he lying then, or is he lying now?

Romney is the Republican establishment candidate! How much more "insider" can you get?

All the Republican candidates are flawed.

If Romney gets the nomination, I'll support him.

If Gingrich gets the nomination, I'll support him.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

But when push comes to shove...I believe Gingrich will do what he says he will do.

I cannot say the same about Romney.

In the primary...that tilts the scale to Gingrich...warts and all.

You seem to think that I'm a huge fan of Romney. I'm not. But the more I see of him, the more comfortable I am with him. Frankly, I'm not overly worried about shifting position on social issues. I don't care what his stance is on abortion. I'm pro-life... but I accept that I don't have the right to inflict my view on others. That ain't flip flopping... it's called a commitment to liberty.... even when it is personally difficult.

Romney's biggest asset is his real work, honest to God, experience in business. He understands business, and economics.... and, right now, we need that more than we need anything else. So, I'll support that.

Gingrich is a DC butt boy. He's a serial cheater (not that I would not vote for him because of it but it speaks of his - lack of - character), he's a serial liar (I never vote for someone who habitually lies), he's morally bankrupt, holds ethics in contempt, he's a self serving, corrupt, SOB. I won't vote for him.... and more than that... I don't think independents will vote for him. And that means the GOP loses. They cannot win without the independents.
He is a new governor. Kind of an unknown. Heavy on rhetoric but a noob on results.

He just passed a tax cut of ten percent in his state despite their deficit, whereas the left deems it foolish. I want to see his plan work. Then he could translate that message nationally. If he is successful as a governor he would make a great candidate in the future.

I agree. Also, I don't want to see him as a pick, because of his increasing weight and potential health complications, due to it.
.....And, Air Romney hardly needs that kind o' baggage!!!


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