I don't believe this new poll (Pennsylvania, Biden +13)

A large percentage of Pennsylvanians have simply tuned out for the past nine months, and are paying no attention to the political noise.

When it becomes well-known that Biden wants to outlaw fracking and shut down the coal industry (no exaggeration), his lead will go up in smoke. Biden's stances on immigration will just be icing on the cake.
Actually, a lot of the citizens of Pennsylvania are tuned into getting rid of The Tyrant, Tom Wolfe.

Between Wolf, the First Pot Head Lieutenant Governor, and the 1st She Male the D's have a lot of bad representation here.
With other people seeing what supporters of their hate Nazi president says like this guy , many will move away from the pile of shit because most people puke when they read most hate party comments like this one.
The only hate being put out in the public arena is from the left. The left have been divisive since Nov. 2016. In all honesty, they were divisive before that, but it became a medical problem with them after 2016.
So far, RCP has been on the money with the compilation of their polling system. They have it as Biden +7.8.
yeah, but
Trust no poll. They are marketing tools only.

I agree. After all, all the polls told us Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.

Anyone who takes polls seriously is dumber than a box of rocks.
Polls are useful to show trends from one day to another. And Hillary was falling even before Comey pulled the rug out from under her. (-:

To the extent Real Clear Politics shows enough data, it seems that Trump's been losing ground in Pa, Fl, and Mich since early March (when he called for a two week shut down and the Dow cratered temporarily). But polls are useless in predicting what will happen tomorrow to influence opinons.
Bidens own internal polls show he is losing in every swing state so either his polling is off or the fake news media pollsters are....
FOX business channel last night....can't remember the guys name...he was being interviewed...but I'm not moved if you libs don't believe...you didn't in 2016 either...I had the last laugh back then and I will laugh last in November....
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:
In 2016 we had not seen how big of a failure trump would be.
Great point! You can't compare today's polls to 2016 since now, after three plus years, people have seen what an incompetent, aggressively unqualified mental pygmy occupies the white house.
So far, RCP has been on the money with the compilation of their polling system. They have it as Biden +7.8.
yeah, but
Trust no poll. They are marketing tools only.

I agree. After all, all the polls told us Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.

Anyone who takes polls seriously is dumber than a box of rocks.
Polls are useful to show trends from one day to another. And Hillary was falling even before Comey pulled the rug out from under her.

Network coverage all had running gauges at their websites on Election Night uniformly indicating a 92% chance of Hillary taking the presidency.

They started to drop about 10PM. They were fun to watch.
So far, RCP has been on the money with the compilation of their polling system. They have it as Biden +7.8.
yeah, but
Trust no poll. They are marketing tools only.

I agree. After all, all the polls told us Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.

Anyone who takes polls seriously is dumber than a box of rocks.
Polls are useful to show trends from one day to another. And Hillary was falling even before Comey pulled the rug out from under her.

Network coverage all had running gauges at their websites on Election Night uniformly indicating a 92% chance of Hillary taking the presidency.

They started to drop about 10PM. They were fun to watch.

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:

Pennsylvania is very diverse state, a lot of this is a matter of turnout here.

Democrat leader James Carville described the Commonwealth as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by civilization.

If the civilized parts of the state come out, Trump will not have a problem.
Really? The way I heard it is that on the southwest side of the state you have Pittsburgh, on the southeast side you have Philadelphia, and everything else in between is Alabama (gullible, uneducated, rural bootlickers).
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:

Pennsylvania is very diverse state, a lot of this is a matter of turnout here.

Democrat leader James Carville described the Commonwealth as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by civilization.

If the civilized parts of the state come out, Trump will not have a problem.
Really? The way I heard it is that on the southwest side of the state you have Pittsburgh, on the southeast side you have Philadelphia, and everything else in between is Alabama (gullible, uneducated, rural bootlickers).
Wow, look at you go! A hate-fill, bigoted reply from a leftist. How unremarkable.
Even in landslide Republican wins, like 1980 & 1984, you never see the Republican up by 15 points ahead of an election. Reagan won 49 states and couldn't match the margins Clinton was enjoying in 2016 or Biden today. In fact, some had Reagan losing.

We have seen this movie before. Dukasis +17. Clinton +14. Biden+ 13. Gillum +9. Coakley +14 over Scott Brown with a week to go. As the election gets closer, the polls will "magically" tighten up to preserve credibility. For example, the pollsters will claim they were accurate at the end on the 2016 race ignoring Clinton +14 and Clinton +20 in Michigan just weeks before.

I wonder why they feel the need to make the polls so lopsided? Fund raising?
Pennsylvania was very tight in 2016 therefore I believe this new poll from Monmouth is off:

Pennsylvania is very diverse state, a lot of this is a matter of turnout here.

Democrat leader James Carville described the Commonwealth as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by civilization.

If the civilized parts of the state come out, Trump will not have a problem.
I live in Pittsburgh. Philadelphia is second only to Chicago in terms of ballot stuffing. It will be difficult to control the fraud Philly has in store considering how close Trump won this state. The union vote will be important electricians, carpenters, plumbers ect. Have thrived because of Trumps policies. They may tell their union hall and a phone pollster they're voting for Biden but paychecks talk and many will vote Trump.

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