I do not understand.

Other than the fact that Obama HAS chosen to defy the 'War Powers Act' with a flimsy excuse that our role is "Limited"...but WE are in it none the less, are we not? We are still expending money for our role. He's trying to redefine terms as he does everything else.

$4 million dollars cost a day. that's kind of limited right? :eusa_whistle:
Indeed. National treasure (in which the cupboard is BARE)...is being expended. I wonder if the Chinese like the fact they are financing our WAR efforts against other despots like them?:eusa_whistle:

It keeps the oil flowing to them and they get interest on the money. they win on both counts.
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Who claims to be "the most patriotic"? Is it a contest? FDR used to call Stalin "uncle joe" when Russia was our ally during WW2. Hillary Clinton was photographed smooching with Yassir Arafat more times than than with her husband. The former community activist turned president spent his first year in office bowing to every despot in the world. What foreign leaders are you refering to?
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Who claims to be "the most patriotic"? Is it a contest? FDR used to call Stalin "uncle joe" when Russia was our ally during WW2. Hillary Clinton was photographed smooching with Yassir Arafat more times than than with her husband. The former community activist turned president spent his first year in office bowing to every despot in the world. What foreign leaders are you refering to?

i think he means the rebels who overthrew a legitimate government in Libya who will now have an office in washington
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Who claims to be "the most patriotic"? Is it a contest? FDR used to call Stalin "uncle joe" when Russia was our ally during WW2. Hillary Clinton was photographed smooching with Yassir Arafat more times than than with her husband. The former community activist turned president spent his first year in office bowing to every despot in the world. What foreign leaders are you refering to?

i think he means the rebels who overthrew a legitimate government in Libya who will now have an office in washington

And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Care to be a tad more specific?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of non-entangling alliances. But somewhere along the line we picked sides.

WW1 and WW2 sealed the deal and lead to the Cold War.
.....A period, during which we managed to royally-fuck the Vietnamese.....​

"Ho Chi Minh asked the Americans to honor their commitment to independence, citing the Atlantic Charter and the U.N. Charter on self-determination. However, by the end of the war, the U.S. government had begun to redirect its foreign policy from the wartime goal of the liberation of all occupied countries and colonies to the postwar anti-communist crusade, which became the Cold War."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT90Qu55O4U]YouTube - ‪Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 2‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erf52WGnM4g]YouTube - ‪Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 3‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdMhaypD5wU]YouTube - ‪Viet Nam A Television History 1, The Roots of War 4‬‏[/ame]​
Who claims to be "the most patriotic"? Is it a contest? FDR used to call Stalin "uncle joe" when Russia was our ally during WW2. Hillary Clinton was photographed smooching with Yassir Arafat more times than than with her husband. The former community activist turned president spent his first year in office bowing to every despot in the world. What foreign leaders are you refering to?

i think he means the rebels who overthrew a legitimate government in Libya who will now have an office in washington

And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...

rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support
i think he means the rebels who overthrew a legitimate government in Libya who will now have an office in washington

And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...

rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support

They are the ones that Mo-Mo has stepped uppon in his quest to STEP ON Islam...and MO has fractured many Islam tenants...

In Fact? al-Queida would LOVE to see him GO...OFF Him so-to-Speak...THUS the unrest we saw...as proclaimed as a 'Democracy' Movement by Obama...:lol:

(If I can find this crap, why can't Obama)?

ARTICLE<Weekly Standard
i think he means the rebels who overthrew a legitimate government in Libya who will now have an office in washington

And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...

rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support
Like right wingers willing to ally with foreign leaders as long as it makes our leader look bad?
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Care to be a tad more specific?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of non-entangling alliances. But somewhere along the line we picked sides.

WW1 and WW2 sealed the deal and lead to the Cold War.

Umm Reagan ended the cold war. We must adjust and move on.
My point is "patriots" celebrating undue influence in OUR government by foreign countrys.
And you're celebrating Obama's "undue" influence of a foreign country's government?

Look, Netanyahu schooled Obama.....Obama deserved it.......Get over it. It's not the first time he's stepped on his dick, and it certainly will not be the last......It's a pattern with the inept clown.
And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...

rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support

They are the ones that Mo-Mo has stepped uppon in his quest to STEP ON Islam...and MO has fractured many Islam tenants...

In Fact? al-Queida would LOVE to see him GO...OFF Him so-to-Speak...THUS the unrest we saw...as proclaimed as a 'Democracy' Movement by Obama...:lol:

(If I can find this crap, why can't Obama)?

ARTICLE<Weekly Standard
yep, the one relatively stable nation in the area and he's opened the door to unrest and instability. and why, espeially righ now when we have so many other irons in the fire? for a man who campaigned against the wars he sure has jumped right in the mud himself.
And whom ARE those 'Rebels'? Word has it they're Muslim Brotherhood, al-Queida types...fighting for 'Freedom' just like EGYPT...

rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support
Like right wingers willing to ally with foreign leaders as long as it makes our leader look bad?

Obama makes himself look bad on his own. We just want to do what's right. And supporting Israel against the genocide they are threatened with is what is right.

I see nothing wrong with supportng good foreign leaders. I'd completely support Mahatma Gandhi if he were alive and speaking in the US.

This isn't about politics. This is about good vs evil.
Care to be a tad more specific?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of non-entangling alliances. But somewhere along the line we picked sides.

WW1 and WW2 sealed the deal and lead to the Cold War.

Umm Reagan ended the cold war. We must adjust and move on.
My point is "patriots" celebrating undue influence in OUR government by foreign countrys.
And you're celebrating Obama's "undue" influence of a foreign country's government?

Look, Netanyahu schooled Obama.....Obama deserved it.......Get over it. It's not the first time he's stepped on his dick, and it certainly will not be the last......It's a pattern with the inept clown.

I am celebrating Obama's undue influence of a foreign country's government?

Where on earth did you come up with this misconception?
rebels that are willing to partner with al qaida for support
Like right wingers willing to ally with foreign leaders as long as it makes our leader look bad?

Obama makes himself look bad on his own. We just want to do what's right. And supporting Israel against the genocide they are threatened with is what is right.

I see nothing wrong with supportng good foreign leaders. I'd completely support Mahatma Gandhi if he were alive and speaking in the US.

This isn't about politics. This is about good vs evil.

Ahh yes good vs evil as viewed from a political perspective ;)
Actually I was looking for a reason why some support a foreign leader and celebrate his influence in our own government. Ironically by those claiming to be the most patriotic.

Guess I am looking in the wrong place.

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