I do not understand.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
My Shack
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.
(The competition for those two here were Andrew Johnson and the likes of Rutherford B Hays.)

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.
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I admire Israel for all they've accomplished since 1948.

That being said, I can't understand why they picked the absolute worst place in the entire world the set up a Jewish homeland.

They had to know what they'd be up against going in.
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.
Checkpoint Washington - Netanyahu: 'America is a thing you can move very easily'

I know what America is," Netanyahu told a group of terror victims, apparently not knowing his words were being recorded. "America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in their way."

Netanyahu also bragged how he undercut the peace process when he was prime minister during the Clinton administration. "They asked me before the election if I'd honor [the Oslo accords]," he said. "I said I would, but ... I'm going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the '67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I'm concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue."
Netanyahu might decide to run for political office here in the US with these new developments.

Essentially everyone in his own country hates him, he's a lame duck. He doesn't speak for even a large minority of Israelis, so I don't know why everyone is blindly assuming he's speaking for all of them.
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

I don't understand a President who kowtows to our enemies and treats our allies like shit.

Ahh you mean freedom fries and such while forming the alliance of the willing? Cutting off aid and such for those who would not go along?

See the whole picture keep partisan blinders out of reality.
I admire Israel for all they've accomplished since 1948.

That being said, I can't understand why they picked the absolute worst place in the entire world the set up a Jewish homeland.

They had to know what they'd be up against going in.

I admire nothing they do.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6C-cAc240]YouTube - ‪Caterpillar Bulldozer - Israel/Palestine‬‏[/ame]
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

I don't understand a President who kowtows to our enemies and treats our allies like shit.

Ahh you mean freedom fries and such while forming the alliance of the willing? Cutting off aid and such for those who would not go along?

See the whole picture keep partisan blinders out of reality.

No, that's not what I meant.

Here's some of what I meant:

President Obama
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.
But they are supposed to kiss the ass of the boy king?
We all support the ideals of those that most closely represent ours. obama seems to be throwing our only ally in the middle east under the bus.
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.

They illegally gave away the power to coin money to a corrupt private institution known as the federal reserve for a bunch of foreign internationalists. What did you expect from them?
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.
But they are supposed to kiss the ass of the boy king?
We all support the ideals of those that most closely represent ours. obama seems to be throwing our only ally in the middle east under the bus.

If by "ally" you meant "handler"...
We're talking Israel, right?
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.
But they are supposed to kiss the ass of the boy king?
We all support the ideals of those that most closely represent ours. obama seems to be throwing our only ally in the middle east under the bus.

Obama will pass just as have many other sucky presidents. But encouraging and endorsing foreign influence in our govt can end our country.
Fear driven partisanship is very destructive to America.
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Care to be a tad more specific?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of non-entangling alliances. But somewhere along the line we picked sides.

WW1 and WW2 sealed the deal and lead to the Cold War.
this guy was caught on tape admitting to lying to our President about the peace process and you guys praise him and Insult the president?

Wow , some real loyal Americans here
99% of the time there is no way this could happen.

But once in a while there is a Churchill, or a Bismark or something similar. I was only able to come up with two names.

Netanayahu is pretty special as a politician. And right now the quality of Leadership in Washington is conspicuous by its absence.

Sometimes the leadership in several different countries is of high quality. Reagan and Thatcher were running around at the same time.

And sometimes leadership is appalling. During the 20's England had Chamberlain and the US had Coolidge.

Yep our leadership is lacking, esp in congress.

they are supposed to lead not kiss a foreign leaders ass.
But they are supposed to kiss the ass of the boy king?
We all support the ideals of those that most closely represent ours. obama seems to be throwing our only ally in the middle east under the bus.

I wouldn't worry so much about picking apart rhetoric from a president with a history of empty rhetoric.

As long as Obama keeps signing legislation that gives Israel billions of US taxpayer dollars every year, you've got nothing to worry about.
I do not understand all of the pride in a foreign leaders influence in our US government by those who claim to be the most patriotic in America....

Anyone care to enlighten me on how this makes any sense?

Care to be a tad more specific?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of non-entangling alliances. But somewhere along the line we picked sides.

WW1 and WW2 sealed the deal and lead to the Cold War.

Umm Reagan ended the cold war. We must adjust and move on.
My point is "patriots" celebrating undue influence in OUR government by foreign countrys.
I admire Israel for all they've accomplished since 1948.

That being said, I can't understand why they picked the absolute worst place in the entire world the set up a Jewish homeland.

They had to know what they'd be up against going in.

I admire nothing they do.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6C-cAc240]YouTube - ‪Caterpillar Bulldozer - Israel/Palestine‬‏[/ame]

In other words, the fact that Jews now control Israel is a red herring. If Israel disappeared tomorrow, radical Muslims would start a frantic search for a new devil to blame for their dysfunctional lives. Nothing will change for the so-called Palestinians until they start acting like responsible adults and hold themselves accountable for their own failures.

They need to understand that when you continue to do the same thing over and over again, you are going to get the same result. Muslims worldwide need to start getting up every morning and focusing on constructive pursuits rather than spending all their time plotting new ways to kill Jews. To use a well-worn cliché, they need to get a life.

The Truth About The Israeli ‘Occupiers’ | Personal Liberty Digest

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