I am predicting the next POTUS will be a democrat


Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward
We needed this. The status quo is killing the country and the American people are becoming more and more subservient to the government. That cycle has to be broken and Trump is the only one being candid and telling the truth. Like him or not, we should be listening to him.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.

Awww, what you mean to say he isn't politically correct. There is too much of that garbage, it's destroying this nation
Why is it that every time Trump RESPONDS to someone after being insulted, HE ends up being the bad guy? Is he not allowed to defend himself? My feeling is if they can't handle being insulted, maybe they shouldn't be so disrespectful themselves. McCain deserved it and so did Megyn Kelly. We all claim we don't like PC but when somebody shows some independence and speaks their mind we have a hissy fit.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.

Awww, what you mean to say he isn't politically correct. There is too much of that garbage, it's destroying this nation

Really? Have you ever read any of my posts in the Flame Zone? Do you think I give a shit about political correctness. He's a jackass plain and simple. I get away with saying terrible shit because I'm not running for public office. This tard's only class is what his daddy bought him.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.

Awww, what you mean to say he isn't politically correct. There is too much of that garbage, it's destroying this nation

Really? Have you ever read any of my posts in the Flame Zone? Do you think I give a shit about political correctness. He's a jackass plain and simple. I get away with saying terrible shit because I'm not running for public office. This tard's only class is what his daddy bought him.

You're entitled to your opinion, personally I like how he's stirring the shit up. About time someone said it. He'll flame out and the left will have a new boogeyman soon enough
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

Hey, I'll be the first to admit it, he's an abrasive piece of shit, no doubt about it.

But do you SERIOUSLY think that is more important than the message he was trying to get across?

Let's face it, this Megyn Kelly woman is an agent of Fox Corp. As such, she is in with the CFR controlled paradigm of journalists. She knew damn well it was her job to DESTROY Trump's image. As such, everything she got, she asked for.

Why should he not take the gloves off? She is essentially working for dictatorial, serpentine, freedom destroying fascists. Seriously. She is a shill and a whore to corrupt devils.
Elites Push Government-funded Public Media

Why should I give a fuck what anyone says about such a bitch. She will lie and spin the truth to brain washed morons that can't discern what truth is and think for themselves. SHE IS FUCKING EVIL. Do you know what a succubus is? Yeah, well, you would do well to look up the definition, b/c that is the template on which they hired this woman.

Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.

Awww, what you mean to say he isn't politically correct. There is too much of that garbage, it's destroying this nation

Really? Have you ever read any of my posts in the Flame Zone? Do you think I give a shit about political correctness. He's a jackass plain and simple. I get away with saying terrible shit because I'm not running for public office. This tard's only class is what his daddy bought him.
Only when it's somebody else.
He may have already done irreversible damage to the Republican's chances of winning in 2016. We know establishment Republicans will never let him win the nomination, and he has caused a large divide in the party already. If you would have told me Thursday morning that come Thursday night many Republicans on USMB would be bashing Fox News and Megyn Kelly I would have called you a jackass.

T-Rump didn't cause the divide, it was already there.

He just tore the scab off the divide and rubbed salt into the wound and opened it even wider.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.

T-Rump will run 3rd party if he believes that he has been dissed by the GOP.

And right now he is probably very close to believing that already.
Donald Trump is the biggest God damn monkey wrench ever thrown into a machine.

Yes he speaks a lot of truth BUT

He is a top notch ass. His negatives are so high, and will only continue to rise cause he doesn't know how to communicate like an adult when confronted.

Win or lose the primary, it won't make a difference unless he doesn't run 3rd party.

If he stays in till the end I give my prediction an 80% chance of being right.
I do not think trump will run third party - he has zero chance of winning.
I don't think he'll do it to win. He is the kind of man that has to have the last laugh no matter the cost.

Agreed, he will do it out of spite because they didn't give him the nomination.
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.
there's a difference between being truthful and being a complete asshole that lacks the basics manners to be allowed in public.

The shit he said about M Kelly would have caused any father/brother/husband to grad that fop by the throat.

but he's got security, so he can say whatever he likes and get away with it.

he's a coward

He has broken societal rules you teach a 5 year old. He's a spoiled jackass, and has no room in the White House.

Awww, what you mean to say he isn't politically correct. There is too much of that garbage, it's destroying this nation

Really? Have you ever read any of my posts in the Flame Zone? Do you think I give a shit about political correctness. He's a jackass plain and simple. I get away with saying terrible shit because I'm not running for public office. This tard's only class is what his daddy bought him.
Only when it's somebody else.

I'm known in the FZ for using self deprecating humor more often than not. Maybe you shouldn't talk out of you ass before spewing bullshit, you silly faggot.
Trump is a bored billionaire playing a political game to entertain himself.

Billionaire, yes, political game, yes... bored? I don't think so. He looks to me, like he's having a blast.

That said, I likely would still vote for Trump over Hilliary.... without even thinking about trump really. Trump has some negative marks, and all things being equal, I'd prefer someone else. But if Hillary is nominated.... The woman is pure evil.... scum sucking trash. I'd take 50 Trumps over Hillary.
Why is it that every time Trump RESPONDS to someone after being insulted, HE ends up being the bad guy?

T-Rump wasn't insulted.

He was asked about his own insulting words. The fact that he launched an attack and is still attacking says volumes.
Why is it that every time Trump RESPONDS to someone after being insulted, HE ends up being the bad guy?

T-Rump wasn't insulted.

He was asked about his own insulting words. The fact that he launched an attack and is still attacking says volumes.

When other people attack you...What else are you suppose to do?
Anyone that hates him for speaking the truth is living in cognitive dissonance.

That's kind of been my whole take for years now. People claim they want good quality politicians.... but in reality, they want to be lied to. Obama made up a bunch of stuff, and no one gave it a second thought. Remember the promise to close Gitmo? He sure paid a deep price for that lie, and it was a lie. Everyone with half a brain, knew there was no way Gitmo was going to be closed. I knew he was lying about that, the moment, the instant he said it.

But.... we want liars. We vote for liars. We praise liars. And we HATE the truth. We hate people who speak honestly. Trump is following in the foots steps of McCain. Remember McCain, Ethanol is not a solution..... whoops... there went the farmers votes. These jobs are not coming back to Detroit. Ooops there went the Union vote.

McCain spoke honestly, and people HATED him for it. Trump is doing the same thing, and people are hating him for saying it.

The problem in American politics isn't the politicians, it's the American public. They want lies. Just like Greece wanted lies. They wanted that idiot to tell them he could get money from the EU, and he could spend like it was 2004 all over again. Then after that all failed, which everyone that had a clue said it would, suddenly the Greek public is saying "our government lied to us!".... no you were an idiot. You elected people based on lies. That's your fault.

And that's why the US will end up like Greece, I'm convinced.
Why is it that every time Trump RESPONDS to someone after being insulted, HE ends up being the bad guy?

T-Rump wasn't insulted.

He was asked about his own insulting words. The fact that he launched an attack and is still attacking says volumes.
The fact that the debate was a setup to begin with was an insult. I don't blame him one bit.
Why is it that every time Trump RESPONDS to someone after being insulted, HE ends up being the bad guy?

T-Rump wasn't insulted.

He was asked about his own insulting words. The fact that he launched an attack and is still attacking says volumes.

When other people attack you...What else are you suppose to do?

T-Rump attacks because he can't handle the legitimate criticism and that is a serious weakness in someone running for office.

And in this instance Kelly did not attack him, she asked him a legitimate question about a serious weakness that will harm his chances of becoming potus. From a primary voter perspective that is something that needs to be discussed and she gave him ample opportunity to defend himself.

But since he doesn't understand that what he is doing is harming his chances he just doubled down and made the entire problem into a major problem for himself winning the nomination.

If he was politically smart he would have acknowledged that he needed to curb his language and be more circumspect in the future.

T-Rump is a political neophyte who is less qualified to be potus than everyone else on that stage.

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