I am done

Nope, he'd still be a coward.
20+ years of service. Shed blood. You're full of crap.

how do you know he 'shed blood'?

i wouldn't say he's a coward. i'd just say he's a partisan hack who suffers from ODS given that he didn't say book when the last admin sent 4,000 people to die in a war of choice.

oh... and if you're wondering what i'd have said had he done this (or said he is) when bush was president, i'd have said, you volunteer for service, you volunteer regardless of who the CinC is and you don't get to choose.
As an all voluntary military, yes he DOES get to choose at this point.
How is it a stretch to think the imposter-in-chief might someday force American military personnel to go after Americans when his number one pal, Bill Ayers, is a certified terrorist? The military people hate the Obamas of the world because a lot of them will end up being police officers and such after they leave the service. They'll have to dodge more bombs made by anarchists like little Billy Ayers.
It bothers liberals that the military hates them, but they don't understand that the military hates them only because the military understands them. The military are experts at detecting threats of all kinds, that's what they do. I think most of them envision Obama wearing a turban.
How is it a stretch to think the imposter-in-chief might someday force American military personnel to go after Americans when his number one pal, Bill Ayers, is a certified terrorist? The military people hate the Obamas of the world because a lot of them will end up being police officers and such after they leave the service. They'll have to dodge more bombs made by anarchists like little Billy Ayers.
It bothers liberals that the military hates them, but they don't understand that the military hates them only because the military understands them. The military are experts at detecting threats of all kinds, that's what they do. I think most of them envision Obama wearing a turban.
Negged for lying.

And for talking trash about the military.
How is it a stretch to think the imposter-in-chief might someday force American military personnel to go after Americans when his number one pal, Bill Ayers, is a certified terrorist? The military people hate the Obamas of the world because a lot of them will end up being police officers and such after they leave the service. They'll have to dodge more bombs made by anarchists like little Billy Ayers.
It bothers liberals that the military hates them, but they don't understand that the military hates them only because the military understands them. The military are experts at detecting threats of all kinds, that's what they do. I think most of them envision Obama wearing a turban.
Negged for lying.

And for talking trash about the military.

How am I guilty of lying? As far as "talking trash" about the military, I merely pointed out that most of them despise Obama, that's a credit to the military not a dig.
By the way, if somebody could let me know how to neg somebody I'd be grateful. That way, I can return the favor, you poor demented fool.

as maineman goes, so goes the nation
:cuckoo: He's talking about you...not Americans in general. Tissue?
You stupid, stupid woman.

"I think that anyone who is vehemently against a president who choses to take American fighting men and women OUT OF harm's way... against a president who wishes to place American soldiers in a position where they are NOT taking the fight to the enemy.. I think that such a person is a domestic enemy of the constitution."​
That is a general statement. Good Gaea...can't you be honest for two seconds in a row?
btw, thanks for showing dcon as the moron he is. :clap2:
Ummm...actually, I showed he was right. It's just gravy that you exposed your own retardery once again.
How is it a stretch to think the imposter-in-chief might someday force American military personnel to go after Americans when his number one pal, Bill Ayers, is a certified terrorist? The military people hate the Obamas of the world because a lot of them will end up being police officers and such after they leave the service. They'll have to dodge more bombs made by anarchists like little Billy Ayers.
It bothers liberals that the military hates them, but they don't understand that the military hates them only because the military understands them. The military are experts at detecting threats of all kinds, that's what they do. I think most of them envision Obama wearing a turban.

I think every administration during the past 20 years or so have endured rumors of deploying US military personnel on US soil. I remember conspiracy theorists claiming that Clinton was going to declare martial law in 2000 in order to hold on to power. Same thing was said about Bush in 2008.

Fact of the matter is that since OPLAN GARDEN PLOT was established as a military response to civil unrest in 1968, only two US presidents have directed the deployment of US troops on US soil with full authorization to use deadly force: George H. W. Bush in 1992 and George W. Bush in 2001.

In 1992, President Bush legally deployed US active duty troops and activated National Guard troops into Los Angeles to restore order in the wake of the Rodney King riots. Ground commanders had full authority to establish order. Even so, commanders erred on the side of caution by using local civilian law enforcement authorities whenever possible even though this was NOT a condition for operations. Let me spell that out for the reading-impaired: US military commanders ignored their authority to directly impose order and instead used civilian law enforcement whenever possible. When it came to self-defense, troops exercised extraordinary discipline by taking fire from gang members. Of all the violent incidents directed against US military personnel, there were only two that resulted in US troops shooting American civilians. In one, the civilian was a driver attempting to run over troops at a checkpoint. They fired warning shots, then fired shots at the wheels, and finally shot into the car, killing the driver. In the only other incident, a gang member ran over a police officer, failed to heed the warnings of the US troops at the checkpoint, and was wounded when they fired at him. He stopped the car and surrendered without further incident. Point here is that it will take a helluva lot more than some Presidential order before US troops turn on American citizens. And the LA riots demonstrate that troops, who had fully legal authority to use deadly force, exercised great restraint and only did so when there was no other choice.

In 2001, President Bush deployed National Guardsmen under Operation Noble Eagle to help with security at airports, military installations and other potential targets. This was really nothing more than a show-of-force, although there were rules of engagement for the use of deadly force. I don't know if there were any incidents; however, I firmly believe that they were handled by airport and/or city law enforcement authorities rather than by the military.

Point here is that, unlike the movies, US troops are not blindly obedient to the point that they will shoot at their fellow Americans even if ordered by the President.
I can no longer be part of a military that answers to this disaster. I am putting my retirement papers in tomorrow. Sad decision after 21 years but I just can't even think about fighting for this socialist jerkoff we have serving in the White House now.

CornHole in the Military ? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

What a load of BS that is. You disgrace those of us who have really served.
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