I am Charlie - Cartoons for Islam

In the recent Islamic terrorist attack against a Magazine editor and his workers in France, the motive was obvious. The Islamists wanted to intimidate France into silence. And the journalists / cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo? They were sending a message to Islamists in France - we will not be silenced. We will continue to exercise our freedom of speech as journalists. From the outcry in France the evidence of solidarity as a people determined to keep their freedom of speech - is obvious. Throughout the streets of France and beyond they cry out - I am Charlie!

I believe in freedom of speech but with such a huge reading audience I believe it is a golden opportunity to put up the right cartoons for Islam. Cartoons with the Gospel message - that teach the truth about Islam and set men, women and children free by the millions. So this thread will provide the use of such cartoons to address the subject of Islam and how Jesus died on the cross for Muslims too!

But first a message from the author of Jack Chick Tracts - Jack Chick!

I agree on the theme of free speech.

Personally i think that Muslims are slightly higher on the food chain than atheists. They believe in God as Creator , judge , Almighty Sovereign afterall. Also they have more respect for Jesus than many atheists. These guys who were fanatics from a false religion killed mockers of no religion. In the grand scheme of things this is nothing to do with true religion at all it is just Satan cleaning house.

I disagree. Muslims and atheists are no lower on the food chain than we are. They are no different in God's eyes because God created them in His image. He created us all in his image. I do not see things the way that you see them. Sorry. We're definitely not in agreement here.

Yes all human beings are equal in dignity by virtue of being made in Gods image , having the same opportunity for redemption and a future with God.

No that different world views are of equal worth. Islam being God centred is superior to any atheist world view because it starts with reference to ultimate reality rather than in denial of it. Sometimes mockery is blasphemy , in the same way sometimes execution is murder. There are 3-4 commandments about honouring God and only one about murder.
Shocked by the slaughter, we of the West have been reasserting our belief in freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

“Je Suis Charlie!” read the signs at the Paris demonstration for Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday night — “I am Charlie.”

One sees no such banners in the Islamic world. Regimes there may deplore terrorism in Paris, but no one weeps for Charlie Hebdo.

For across that region, Islamism is rising, churches are being burned, and the remaining Christians are fleeing into exile. In Afghanistan, at the peak of the U.S. presence, a Muslim convert to Christianity was threatened with death and had to leave his own country in fear of his life.

The Paralysis of Europe
In the recent Islamic terrorist attack against a Magazine editor and his workers in France, the motive was obvious. The Islamists wanted to intimidate France into silence. And the journalists / cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo? They were sending a message to Islamists in France - we will not be silenced. We will continue to exercise our freedom of speech as journalists. From the outcry in France the evidence of solidarity as a people determined to keep their freedom of speech - is obvious. Throughout the streets of France and beyond they cry out - I am Charlie!

I believe in freedom of speech but with such a huge reading audience I believe it is a golden opportunity to put up the right cartoons for Islam. Cartoons with the Gospel message - that teach the truth about Islam and set men, women and children free by the millions. So this thread will provide the use of such cartoons to address the subject of Islam and how Jesus died on the cross for Muslims too!

But first a message from the author of Jack Chick Tracts - Jack Chick!

I like his cartoons for christianists

Excellent thread Jere. E-mail me. I lost your e address and I want to show you something funny.
Sure. Jack Chick tracts are very wonderful cartoons because they teach the truth. I'm not big on cartoons - I've never read the Charlie Hebdo newspapers but they are in French anyhow - but one can see clearly from the mass murder of those cartoonists that Islam is not of God. The bible clearly states - thou shalt not kill - yet they kill over cartoons. They do not serve God - they serve Satan - without receiving Jesus Christ and repenting of their sins they will perish in hell. Mohammad is in hell and that is the future of all who follow his teachings.

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