I am Charlie - Cartoons for Islam

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In the recent Islamic terrorist attack against a Magazine editor and his workers in France, the motive was obvious. The Islamists wanted to intimidate France into silence. And the journalists / cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo? They were sending a message to Islamists in France - we will not be silenced. We will continue to exercise our freedom of speech as journalists. From the outcry in France the evidence of solidarity as a people determined to keep their freedom of speech - is obvious. Throughout the streets of France and beyond they cry out - I am Charlie!

I believe in freedom of speech but with such a huge reading audience I believe it is a golden opportunity to put up the right cartoons for Islam. Cartoons with the Gospel message - that teach the truth about Islam and set men, women and children free by the millions. So this thread will provide the use of such cartoons to address the subject of Islam and how Jesus died on the cross for Muslims too!

But first a message from the author of Jack Chick Tracts - Jack Chick!
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In the recent Islamic terrorist attack against a Magazine editor and his workers in France, the motive was obvious. They were sending a message to Islamists in France - we will not be silenced. We will continue to exercise our freedom of speech as journalists. From the outcry in France the evidence of solidarity as a people determined to keep their freedom of speech - is obvious. Throughout the streets of France and beyond they cry out - I am Charlie!

I believe in freedom of speech but with such a huge reading audience I believe it is a golden opportunity to put up the right cartoons for Islam. Cartoons with the Gospel message - that teach the truth about Islam and set men, women and children free by the millions. So this thread will provide the use of such cartoons to address the subject of Islam and how Jesus died on the cross for Muslims too!

It was a terrible incidence of 3 radical Frenchmen who happened to be Muslim and got sick of the trash , he said he'd die for freedom of speech and he did, too bad others had to die with him, including a Muslim cop.
Our first story begins with here: Men of Peace




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In the recent Islamic terrorist attack against a Magazine editor and his workers in France, the motive was obvious. They were sending a message to Islamists in France - we will not be silenced. We will continue to exercise our freedom of speech as journalists. From the outcry in France the evidence of solidarity as a people determined to keep their freedom of speech - is obvious. Throughout the streets of France and beyond they cry out - I am Charlie!

I believe in freedom of speech but with such a huge reading audience I believe it is a golden opportunity to put up the right cartoons for Islam. Cartoons with the Gospel message - that teach the truth about Islam and set men, women and children free by the millions. So this thread will provide the use of such cartoons to address the subject of Islam and how Jesus died on the cross for Muslims too!

It was a terrible incidence of 3 radical Frenchmen who happened to be Muslim and got sick of the trash , he said he'd die for freedom of speech and he did, too bad others had to die with him, including a Muslim cop.

A terrible incident? It was an Islamic Terrorist Attack against 12 people working at a Magazine that exercised their freedom of speech in France, Penelope. Your comment - got sick of the trash? What trash? Freedom of Speech? You consider Freedom of Speech to be trash? Then you'd be more comfortable in an Islamic nation where there is no freedom of speech, Penelope. If these Muslim terrorists hated freedom of speech they shouldn't have been living in a nation that believes in it.

In all honesty, you would not be more comfortable in an Islamic nation, Penelope. Because you are a woman and you would have no freedom. Freedom is not trash. The Trouble is some people do not realize what is important until its gone, Penelope.
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

I believe the liberal left, homosexuals, lesbians - make excuses for Islam because they are intimidated and afraid - they believe they can somehow make a truce with Islam and if they assist them - they won't be killed later on by them. Same reason many people join the Communists. They don't understand they are the first to go once the takeover - "normalization" - takes place. History repeatedly shows it to be true but somehow they believe they will be the exception.

The worst execution I saw of a group of homosexual men being executed by Islamists - was one in which they videotaped casting them into a dug out grave that looked to be about 6 foot deep. They were all thrown into it - doused with gasoline and set on fire - the saddest part of the video - was when some gay rights people viewed the video - they refused to comment, they chose to remain silent on the matter. Even when I directly asked them point blank about the video and their feelings. It spoke volumes to me. Those who are perishing are full of fear. The evidence of salvation is that there is no fear. Fearlessness is a sign of salvation whereas fearfulness is a sign the person is perishing. They have no future (hell is not a future) and so they cling to this life as if it were all they had.
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How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

I believe the liberal left, homosexuals, lesbians - make excuses for Islam because they are intimidated and afraid - they believe they can somehow make a truce with Islam and if they assist them - they won't be killed later on by them. Same reason many people join the Communists. They don't understand they are the first to go once the takeover - "normalization" - takes place. History repeatedly shows it to be true but somehow they believe they will be the exception.

And there you have it... the truth... thank you.
How do muslims feel about homos? Maybe a better question is, why does the left so vehemently coddle and make excuses for a cult that so blatantly is against their pet homosexuals? Where's the logic in that?

Why do you lie and say the Left "coddles and makes excuses" for a religion that is just as stupid as fundamentalist christianity....or any fundamentalism? All fundamentalist religions are FAR RIGHT CONSERVATIVE. The antithesis of the Left. People like you and Jeremiah have more in common with the Radical Moooslims than we ever will.

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