I am anti-statism, anti-socialism NOT anti-black


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA

Walter E. Williams

I rely for many of my posts on the writings of free market economist Walter E Williams, an afro-American. So the fact that President Obama is an Afro-American has NO bearing on the fact that I have concluded that his policies are unconstitutional and dangerous.:eek:

Vote Obama!

The Robert W. Whitaker Effect

Ladies and gentlemen, the unthinkable is happening in the United States, and I would like to thank everyone who voted for Barack Obama and his Leftist congressional colleagues in the 2008 election cycle. The popular outrage against Bill Clinton in 1994 paled in comparison to the round of spirited debate that has been generated by the "progressive" proposals currently circulating in Washington D.C. From cap-and-trade, to "stimulus" packages, to healthcare "reform," the Left has tipped its hand, believing it has a mandate from the American people to quickly ram the last vestiges of socialism down its throat. Obama may have been disingenuous on the campaign trail – with the exception of a few "gaffs" such as the Joe the Plumber remark – but he has exposed himself since taking office, and we owe it all to John McCain and Sarah Palin.

I rely for many of my posts on the writings of free market economist Walter E Williams, an afro-American. So the fact that President Obama is an Afro-American has NO bearing on the fact that I have concluded that his policies are unconstitutional and dangerous.:eek:

yeah, you love posting his opinions so you can say you rely on a black guy...bummer you refuse to post actual evidence of the assertions underlying his opinions.

yay rah!
Walter E. Williams

I rely for many of my posts on the writings of free market economist Walter E Williams, an afro-American. So the fact that President Obama is an Afro-American has NO bearing on the fact that I have concluded that his policies are unconstitutional and dangerous.:eek:.

CON$ are the most cowardly of all the racists,
always hiding behind their tokens.
Walter E. Williams

I rely for many of my posts on the writings of free market economist Walter E Williams, an afro-American. So the fact that President Obama is an Afro-American has NO bearing on the fact that I have concluded that his policies are unconstitutional and dangerous.:eek:.

CON$ are the most cowardly of all the racists,
always hiding behind their tokens.

Using the word 'token' is racist.
Walter E. Williams

I rely for many of my posts on the writings of free market economist Walter E Williams, an afro-American. So the fact that President Obama is an Afro-American has NO bearing on the fact that I have concluded that his policies are unconstitutional and dangerous.:eek:.

CON$ are the most cowardly of all the racists,
always hiding behind their tokens.

Using the word 'token' is racist.

Not even remotely!

Urban Dictionary: token

1. token
black guy put in a movie in order to please the black community and give off the impression of racial acceptance
CON$ are the most cowardly of all the racists,
always hiding behind their tokens.


But of course, openly pro-white ex-conservatives who don't hide behind anything probably wouldn't be acceptable to you, either, so you see why the cowardice is so widespread.

The truth is that a white socialist country would be a nicer place to live than a black free-market country.
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