

liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I find the outrage over Wikileaks hypocritical. It is curious how we so easily defend truth and then when it is uncomfortable run and hide. What happened to all this horsepucky about freedom of the press. Where is that 'liberal' media we hear about so often? What about the Pentagon papers or Deep Throat, were they not helpful in presenting just a bit of the backroom shenanigans? Or are the insiders the only ones allowed to spread information even when it is total BS.

A single day of Fox talking heads is so full of distortion, lies, and omissions that a person's head should spin. The nuns warned us that omission is sin too! Remember Colin Powell's pack of BS to the UN? Is that OK but truth not? Consider the distortions in the New York Times, as well as most MSM, leading up to Iraq, was that OK. Thousands died over that bit of baloney. Can Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, and other right wing talking heads say any idiocy so long as it is untrue or exaggerated? Consider the WMDs that Cheney found daily and are still found by some, to this day, on a weekly basis? Is that OK? Corporate MSM media had a real scare and wants freedom only in slogan.

"Jack Goldsmith has seven thoughts on Wikileaks, and they may surprise you: “I find myself agreeing with those who think Assange is being unduly vilified. …” “I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so little at the New York Times. …” The War Against Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the First Amendment | The Moderate Voice

"Julian Assange, founder of the notorious website WikiLeaks, should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

"Ultimately, of the 251,287 leaked dispatches dating back to 1966, none were labeled “top secret” and only 15,652, or 6 percent, were labeled “secret.” The rest carried the lower security classifications of “confidential” or “classified.”" THOMAS LUCENTE: Give WikiLeaks founder a medal, not jail time | wikileaks, assange, medal - Opinion - Northwest Florida Daily News

US air force blocks staff from websites carrying WikiLeaks cables | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks embassy cables: the key points at a glance | World news | guardian.co.uk

"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," the chief prosecutor said, but declined to go into any more details." Sweden drops Assange rape charge - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Wikileaks: Julian Assange's 2 one-night stands spark a worldwide hunt | Mail Online
Assange committed espionage against the United States. He and his treasonous little sidekick deserve to go to prison... for decades. We got one of 'em. I sincerely hope we get the other.
I find the outrage over Wikileaks hypocritical. It is curious how we so easily defend truth and then when it is uncomfortable run and hide. What happened to all this horsepucky about freedom of the press. Where is that 'liberal' media we hear about so often? What about the Pentagon papers or Deep Throat, were they not helpful in presenting just a bit of the backroom shenanigans? Or are the insiders the only ones allowed to spread information even when it is total BS.

A single day of Fox talking heads is so full of distortion, lies, and omissions that a person's head should spin. The nuns warned us that omission is sin too! Remember Colin Powell's pack of BS to the UN? Is that OK but truth not? Consider the distortions in the New York Times, as well as most MSM, leading up to Iraq, was that OK. Thousands died over that bit of baloney. Can Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, and other right wing talking heads say any idiocy so long as it is untrue or exaggerated? Consider the WMDs that Cheney found daily and are still found by some, to this day, on a weekly basis? Is that OK? Corporate MSM media had a real scare and wants freedom only in slogan.

"Jack Goldsmith has seven thoughts on Wikileaks, and they may surprise you: “I find myself agreeing with those who think Assange is being unduly vilified. …” “I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so little at the New York Times. …” The War Against Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the First Amendment | The Moderate Voice

"Julian Assange, founder of the notorious website WikiLeaks, should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

"Ultimately, of the 251,287 leaked dispatches dating back to 1966, none were labeled “top secret” and only 15,652, or 6 percent, were labeled “secret.” The rest carried the lower security classifications of “confidential” or “classified.”" THOMAS LUCENTE: Give WikiLeaks founder a medal, not jail time | wikileaks, assange, medal - Opinion - Northwest Florida Daily News

US air force blocks staff from websites carrying WikiLeaks cables | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks embassy cables: the key points at a glance | World news | guardian.co.uk

"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," the chief prosecutor said, but declined to go into any more details." Sweden drops Assange rape charge - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Wikileaks: Julian Assange's 2 one-night stands spark a worldwide hunt | Mail Online
As for Iraq, the whole reasons for war were invented during the Clinton years, the US military claimed for years ever since that Iraq had WMD and back then they probably did, and Saddam may have had some around to deal with the Kurds but as for a legitimate threat there was none. Bush would have had more support for invading Iraq if he said it was to remove Saddam Hussein to stop him terrorizing and committing genocide towards the people of Iraq, and to establish a democracy rather than the WMD argument. But what is done is done. :eusa_eh:

You are talking about the most cowardly publication in existence (the New York times), they would never tell the truth unless they were bribed to do so, and even then only if they didn't get punished for it.

But Assange is pretty much stuffed, he upset the wrong people at the wrong time, and he will likely go to jail for it for several years, if people want to punish someone they should really be punishing those who leaked the info in the first place, rather than Assange himself.
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Manning will never see freedom again, and his days of breathing are numbered.

Assange will eventually suffer a similar fate, or more likely, just disappear one day, never to be seen or heard again.

But Bradley Manning is going to be sent to meet his maker, bank it.
Manning I can see going to prison, and others of his chain of command should have gone with him. As for the wikkileaks guy, not a citizen of the US and it would create a horrible precedent. Lets say China has decided that the CEO of Google violated their national espionage laws and wanted him extridited to China. Do we give him up? and is that not we are asking of other nations? We should really think about what we are asking other to do.
Assange committed espionage against the United States. He and his treasonous little sidekick deserve to go to prison... for decades. We got one of 'em. I sincerely hope we get the other.

This is why you will never get it. Your first sentence is one massive assumption. The issue is complicated, and America is still the land of law and freedom.

Legal As She Is Spoke » Blog Archive » Wikileaks Has Committed No Crime

So he goes to trial.
And when he's found guilty he goes to prison where he belongs.
[So he goes to trial.
And when he's found guilty he goes to prison where he belongs.

Who died and made us ruler of the world?

No one. There is international law against espionage, under the Geneva Conventions. So, the United States has every right, and duty, to take action against Assange for publishing and distributing state secrets.

The damage done to our security services, and security services around the world, is simply immense. Your problem is you think that if it's not being reported in the news, it isn't happening. You rely on quotes and opinions from others instead of applying critical thought to a vast array of material and forming your own opinions. I have no respect for your so called 'opinions'.
[So he goes to trial.
And when he's found guilty he goes to prison where he belongs.

Who died and made us ruler of the world?

No one. There is international law against espionage, under the Geneva Conventions. So, the United States has every right, and duty, to take action against Assange for publishing and distributing state secrets.

The damage done to our security services, and security services around the world, is simply immense. Your problem is you think that if it's not being reported in the news, it isn't happening. You rely on quotes and opinions from others instead of applying critical thought to a vast array of material and forming your own opinions. I have no respect for your so called 'opinions'.

Just so I get this right, Assange must be prosecuted, but everyone involved with outing CIA operatives overseas gets off scott free, i.e. Valerie Plume? is that what you are saying?
Follow up of above.

'Manning: Before Wikileaks, Leaked Docs Offered to NYT, WaPo'

'Whistleblower reads prepared statement: Wanted documents to reveal "true costs of war"'

"I felt we were risking so much for people who seemed to be unwilling to cooperate with us leading to frustration and hostility on both sides. I began to get depressed about he situation we were mired in year after year.

"We were obsessed with capturing and killing human targets on lists and ignoring goals and missions. I believed if the public, particularly the American public, could see this it could spark a debate on the military and our foreign policy in general as it applied to Iraq and Afghanistan. It might cause society to reconsider the need to engage in counter terrorism while ignoring the human situation of the people we engaged with every day."

Manning: Before Wikileaks, Leaked Docs Offered to NYT, WaPo | Common Dreams
I find the outrage over Wikileaks hypocritical. It is curious how we so easily defend truth and then when it is uncomfortable run and hide. What happened to all this horsepucky about freedom of the press. Where is that 'liberal' media we hear about so often? What about the Pentagon papers or Deep Throat, were they not helpful in presenting just a bit of the backroom shenanigans? Or are the insiders the only ones allowed to spread information even when it is total BS.

A single day of Fox talking heads is so full of distortion, lies, and omissions that a person's head should spin. The nuns warned us that omission is sin too! Remember Colin Powell's pack of BS to the UN? Is that OK but truth not? Consider the distortions in the New York Times, as well as most MSM, leading up to Iraq, was that OK. Thousands died over that bit of baloney. Can Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, and other right wing talking heads say any idiocy so long as it is untrue or exaggerated? Consider the WMDs that Cheney found daily and are still found by some, to this day, on a weekly basis? Is that OK? Corporate MSM media had a real scare and wants freedom only in slogan.

"Jack Goldsmith has seven thoughts on Wikileaks, and they may surprise you: “I find myself agreeing with those who think Assange is being unduly vilified. …” “I do not understand why so much ire is directed at Assange and so little at the New York Times. …” The War Against Wikileaks, Julian Assange, and the First Amendment | The Moderate Voice

"Julian Assange, founder of the notorious website WikiLeaks, should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

"Ultimately, of the 251,287 leaked dispatches dating back to 1966, none were labeled “top secret” and only 15,652, or 6 percent, were labeled “secret.” The rest carried the lower security classifications of “confidential” or “classified.”" THOMAS LUCENTE: Give WikiLeaks founder a medal, not jail time | wikileaks, assange, medal - Opinion - Northwest Florida Daily News

US air force blocks staff from websites carrying WikiLeaks cables | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks embassy cables: the key points at a glance | World news | guardian.co.uk

"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," the chief prosecutor said, but declined to go into any more details." Sweden drops Assange rape charge - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Wikileaks: Julian Assange's 2 one-night stands spark a worldwide hunt | Mail Online

It's your guy in the WH. You can't blame this one on Bush. What happened to "freedom of the press"? What happened to the "most open administration in history"? Hussein won't even talk to the press. It ain't hypocrisy when the freaking traitor pleaded guilty. My guess is that Manning thought he would be a left wing hero as it seems he is to the radicals but it didn't work out that way.
What have we learned?

"The debate in the media, and in political, circles over Edward Snowden--Right or Wrong--often doubles back on references to Pfc. Manning, who was sentenced to 35 years in prison this morning. Too often (that is, most of the time), the value and import of the Manning/WikiLeaks disclosures are ignored or dismissed, just as Snowden's NSA scoops often derided as "nothing new."

So for those who either suffer from memory loss or ignorance on this particular score, here is a partial accounting of some of the important revelations in the Manning leak, drawn from my book--with Kevin Gosztola--on the Manning case, Truth and Consequences (now, thanks to the miracle of modern publishing, updated to include the verdict and sentencing and reactions)."

Pressing Issues: What Manning Revealed

'What Has WIkiLeaks Taught Us?' What Has WIkiLeaks Taught Us? | EurasiaNet.org

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